Last night, Robert Mueller's senior deputy, Andrew Weissmann, filed a motion to revoke Paul Manafort's bail. Weissmann premised his motion upon an affidavit filed by an FBI agent that testified to the fact that Manafort contacted at least one...
Personally, there's nothing in the world I'd like to see more than Paul Manafort getting perp-walked out of court next Friday. Good riddance to bad garbage. But my question is, did Paul Manafort, in attempting to witness tamper while...
After due deliberation, I have come to the conclusion that Robert Mueller ain't going nowhere. Who'd a thunk it? Blarah Flackabee Slanders actually capable of telling the truth for once when she says "The President has no intention of...
Yesterday was not just any other day in America - as I detailed in an angry essay, decrying the fact that Trump just pronounced that he is above the law. Thus, it is unsurprising that yesterday's White House Daily...
Newt Gingrich, Mr. Impeachment Himself, told CBS News: "If a president was dumb enough to pardon himself, that would be such an arrogant statement of power that the House would probably impeach him in a week and the Senate...
Sometimes it feels like we cover the same stories, days in a row - all deserving coverage, but very little new stuff arises. Not today. Get familiar with the name "Wikistrat," if for no other reason than the fact that...
The Mueller team is taking a stand. They have had enough of the lawless, reckless, self-serving, actions of the Trump administration. Paul Manafort is likely going to jail, today, tomorrow, whenever the judge can be available soonest. But the...
Breaking news this evening seen on the Rachel Maddow show, the Special Counsel's office has filed a motion today in the Paul Manafort case to revoke his bail and place Manafort in jail while he awaits trial due to...
It has already been a devastating day. I apologize ahead of time. I am in a stupor. It appears to me that some people - like the readers typically here - do recognize the utter devastation unleashed upon our...
I will be analyzing the reverberations of this all day. But for now, I need to just get this out there. We live in a country now presided over by a man who believes he is above the law. He...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead