Donald Trump called Wilbur Ross “a legendary Wall Street genius” when he appointed him Secretary of Commerce, which in Trumpspeak translates as “crooked as hell, just like me and all my cronies.” Ross allegedly stole interests in an equity...
Alex Acosta is not only endorsing federal law enforcement pursuing Jeffrey Epstein for "horrific crimes," he is ignoring his own law-breaking at the time of Epstein's non-prosecution agreement in 2008. Acosta was then a U.S. Attorney in Florida and...
On one of the early afternoon shows yesterday on MSNBC, the host had two lawyers on, discussing the Trump Foundation civil charges. One of them was a long time New York attorney, and in just eight words, he described...
Adam Schiff wrote his strongest demand as select committee on intelligence majority leader, yesterday, in response to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) ODNI's decision to withhold a whistleblower complaint already deemed "credible" and of "urgent...
In a shocking revelation that has received nowhere near enough national attention, Senator Bill Nelson, no wild, off the cuff, newbie, announced to a Tampa paper that the Russians have already penetrated parts of the Florida electoral system, as...
Maybe the ghosts of Mike Pence's ancestors, or somebody's, are getting stirred up in Ireland, because for a simple diplomatic visit, it has turned into a real can of worms. First, Pence got raked over the coals when his...
Nazi sociopaths are made, not born, and Stephen Miller didn’t become one overnight. His third grade teacher attests to the fact that Miller was a loner with the perverse habit of eating glue. Hollywood Reporter: Do you remember that character...
Kim Jung Un has already won. This ruthless two-bit dictator who cannot feed his own people is now the center of the world's attention, and about to meet - not just with the president of the United States - but...
Hiding from Donald Trump is more common than you might think.  6’8” James Comey tried it in Spring of 2017, when he hoped to blend into the curtains in the Blue Room, to avoid an encounter with Trump. Unfortunately,...
Nothing like a little paranoia with your egg nog at end of the year celebrations. Right wing nut job Republican representative from Florida, Matt Gaetz, was on Fox News Monday morning telling host Bill Hemmer that Donald Trump needs...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead