Yes, the headline is accurate. Yesterday as part of one of three bills the Senate is working on (to fund the government) an amendment was added. It was a proposal GOP Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana introduced this past...
Lady Karma has a killer sense of humor and she just nailed Tommy Tuberville and the GOP. Here's the coach, who along with his fellow Republicans trash Joe Biden's age all that they can, descending an airplane. He does...
I don't wonder for a moment why MAD Magazine went out of business a few years back. Who needs it when you read headlines like this in normal media outlets? Tommy Tuberville is not one for criticism, evidently. Maybe...
Senator Mark Kelly is an actual veteran. In fact he's a combat veteran having flown 39 missions during Desert Storm. He served our country with distinction, no question about it. He continues to do so as a Senator and...
There have been many many times in the course of writing about Trump world and the GOP in general that I have seriously wondered if I could be hallucinating, or alternatively if the computer is haunted. Josh Hawley running...
The New York Times just broke the story that Dianne Feinstein died Thursday night. Her staff was informed at 9:00 a.m. this morning. Senator Dianne Feinstein, the trailblazing Democratic power broker who served in the Senate for 30 years, died on...
New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Sunday became the first progressive House Democrat to call on Sen. Bob Menendez to resign following the former Senate Foreign Relations Committee chair's indictment last week on federal bribery charges. Menendez (D-N.J.) and his wife, Nadine...
Life is now turning into an episode of the X-Files, thanks to QAnon. They see body doubles everywhere. Now in Joe Biden's case, since he's six feet tall and 178 pounds, you can find a lot of guys who...
Former college football coach (including head coach at multiple schools) Tommy Tuberville knew of plenty of players who got women, sometimes girlfriends and sometimes one-night stands pregnant.  More importantly, when the "coach, can you help me out?" question from...
Jason Johnson is a regular contributor (pundit) I see on MSNBC.  He's been known to say stupid stuff that's gotten him in hot water and even cost him some gigs.  Still, he's knowledgeable, experienced and good at explaining stuff. ...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead