In plenty of places, the story coming from the CNN debate was the Left versus Center debate within the Democratic Party. If you’re cool around here, you lament that this does nothing but lead to the inevitable “Dems in...
America is at a crossroads. We are more divided right now than we have been at any time since the Civil War. Since the election of Donald Trump, the level of dissent and division in this nation has reached...
Q: How many licks does it take to get to the middle of a Tootsie-Pop? No, not that question, I was just jerkin’ your chain. But there is a very serious question in politics, one that has been brewing, in fact becoming more prevalent as...
GOP strategist Rick Wilson named his new book "Everything Trump touches, dies." I've been calling Trump the "Anti-Midas" for quite a while now, everything he touches turns to shit. Just look at Ronny Jackson. "The Candyman" was as happy...
A few days ago, coming off of being down and out for a bit, I wrote an article taking John Kasich behind the woodshed. In the article, I referred to him as a condescending little prick, for his cavalier...
Lllllllet's get reeeeeeady to RRRRRRRRUMBLEEEEE!!!   Michael Buffer Everybody off of the phone from their final calls to their caterer for their debate watch party buffets? Ya know, maybe it's just my "old codger" showing through, but I don't remember the...
Shit just got real Indeed it did. The absurdity of watching 19 Democratic candidate all descend at once on Iowa like a bunch of ancient high priests around a fatted calf shows that the primaries are now here in earnest....
This truly is worth the listen. It's satirical and it's dead on. The message of women rising up and going out and voting the bums out is simply great. This tweet is generating a lot of blow back on Twitter....
Remember the old song with the lyric, “I’m a cowboy who never saw a cow, never roped a steer cause I don’t know how?” Well, that’s self-proclaimed “rancher” and GOP Senate nominee Matt Rosendale’s story. Up until a few...
The battle lines are being drawn, and not a moment too soon. Donald Trump and his idiot spawn, Donald Jr., have been braying about illegal votes and voter fraud on Twitter without a shred of evidence. Senators Bill Nelson...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead