The State Department must be a helluva place to work. First, you’ve got evangelical wingnut Mike Pompeo running the show. He used to hold Bible studies at the CIA. That was a case of first impression, needless to say. Pompeo also used to drive three hours from Langley, Virginia everyday to babysit Donald Trump and give him his national security briefing — with graphics, bullet points and plenty of pictures — before becoming Secretary of State. Then Fox News blonde and former Fox & Friends anchor, Heather Nauert, left the curvy couch and went to work for the State Department. But she didn’t leave the Fox paycheck, and therein lies a tale. Think Progress:

“She [Nauert[ reported receiving $167,000 from 21st Century Fox, which she characterized as “Salary,” in Part 2 of her termination report. Part 2 covered the period from January 1, 2018, eight months after she entered government, to March 31, 2019, the date she left the State Department,” [ethics watchdog group] CREW reported.

“If Nauert’s termination financial disclosure report is correct, the salary payments are problematic because the White House gave her an ethics waiver that authorized her to meet, interview, and communicate with 21st Century Fox employees,” CREW explained. “The Counsel to the President explained that the basis for the waiver included a finding that she did not have a “continuing relationship with” or “financial interest in” the company.”

“Nauert’s receipt of salary from the media giant would, however, have constituted a continuing financial relationship with and ‘financial interest in’ the company. Her disclosure as it currently reads suggests that she was representing the government in meetings with 21st Century Fox while continuing to receive a salary from the company,” CREW noted.

“It is unclear why 21st Century Fox would have paid Nauert a salary months after she left the network and entered government,” CREW explained. “If 21st Century Fox continued to pay the salary of one of its former employees while they worked in government, it only heightens existing concerns about Fox’s relationship with and influence on the Trump Administration.”

Isn’t that dandy? She was representing the government in meetings with Fox, while on Fox’s payroll. Why, that’s the very foundation for fair and balanced journalism, don’t you think? We knew that Fox News was an employment agency for Trump, but we didn’t know that the people that we naively thought were alums still worked there. Which do you think is the best way to approach this issue going forward? A. Every worker in government gets a job with Fox News, concurrent with their government service, or B. Every Fox News employee gets appointed to a government position? or C. All of the above?

I mean, think of the efficiency level of all this. Bill Shine is already at the White House, and K.T. McFarland used to work at Fox before she went into government work, in addition to Nauert. And Kellyanne and Hucky Boo Boo practically live on the Fox airwaves. If the Fox/government interface is cultivated properly, every government appointee will walk in the door fully trained by Fox and then Fox personnel will be there to supervise them and make sure that Fox ethics and standards are upheld at all times. Ain’t it a grand idea?

What post do we have available for Tucker Carlson? Isn’t Secretary of Defense still open? You laugh? Nauert was on her way to becoming Ambassador to the United Nations before a scandal involving the employment of a nanny without a work permit complicated things. These confirmation hearings always throw a monkey wrench in the works, gee whiz. Vetting ought to be something that happens to animals, leave the Fox News people alone.

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  1. If they are doing this with SO MUCH CASH, (most of a quarter million dollars), for WHAT?, I say the formation of a better state run news agency, with connections that go beyond the norm … “We say all that you need to know about our fabulous leader and all his accomplishments for you, the citizens of our fine country, be thankful DJT is at the helm of Trumplandia, and BTW your monthly dues are going up a little, NOW only $250., please remit to, (Trump Runs Everything, Tank-Broken-Streets, DC …)

    • Isn’t this something? She got a fat six-figure income from Fox while working as a representative of the government, who dealt with Fox in an official capacity. I wonder that she didn’t get whiplash, switching from persona to persona at any given moment. “Now, wait, am I the government person…or…no, this hour I’m the Fox employee…now wait, uh….”

      No wonder Trump likes her so much. Fox is not only an employment agency for him, it’s a finishing school. If you’ve worked there, you’re automatically an acolyte in the Cult of Trump.

    • Two out of three ain’t bad. Sewer Rat Barbie is still on the payroll. I confess, I thought it was amazing when Hucky Boo Boo left. Although it would appear that this Grisham woman is a clone so far. This has been a big news week (even though it’s only Wednesday) and she’s completely mute. I thought she would step forward and explain what happened Tuesday with Mike Pence — crickets. At least Sanders was out there when she first came to work. It took her a while to hide. Grisham has already taken a vow of silence, it would appear — and a vow of invisibility.

  2. I understand Mulvaney is collecting his salary from his officially-confirmed position, not the one he should get as [acting] chief of staff. It’s about 20K more than the CoS job pays.


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