The anti-LGBT hysteria has never made any sense to me. Or, hysteria over people exercising free will in a lot of “forbidden” activities and substances, period. For instance, I remember many years ago attending a gay wedding, before it was legal. It was a gesture that the couple wanted to make, since they couldn’t legally wed.

At the reception, we also smoked pot — not legal either. So technically, if you look at it, we were a crowd of lawbreakers. We were openly breaking the law. We were in the woods, but we were breaking the law. Yet when I tell this story to young people, they howl with laughter because they see how silly it is. Gay marriage and the legalization of marijuana are ideas whose day as come.

But not for everybody. Vicky Hartzler, the congresswoman who broke down and wept in the House yesterday, when she begged her colleagues to not vote for the Marriage Equality bill, is one of the people who is rabidly anti-gay. That’s made more tragic by the fact that her nephew is gay.

This is Andrew Hartzler and Raw Story reports that he’s had quite the time of it being gay and from the kind of family he was born into.

Andrew Hartzler, who’s a plaintiff in a class-action lawsuit seeking to end those exemptions, graduated in 2021 from the deeply conservative Oral Roberts University, where he was nearly expelled for being gay as a junior and said he attempted suicide his sophomore year.

Hartzler graduated a year ago from Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He says it was the only college his father would pay for him to attend. In that bastion of evangelical Christianity, being gay was a violation of the school’s honor code and could get a student expelled. Hartzler attempted suicide during winter break of his sophomore year and barely escaped expulsion his junior year.

I admire this young man’s bravery. This is not an easy row he’s hoeing.

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  1. I really don’t get why this is such a big deal for some people. Why do they care who another person marries? It’s really none of their business.

    • If you accept gay marriage, you are going against God. It’s that simple. They think they’ll have to answer for it when they die. I AM NOT KIDDING. Intense christian friends do NOT talk to their daughter, who goes to an Ashram in India once a year, meditates daily, married (and divorced) a woman. The mother told her that she must take a stand against her daughter to be right with God. The father asked her if she could say Jehovah….thinking she was possessed because she was marrying a woman. She did but not good enough. We get holiday cards (we are now returning to sender) and she is not mentioned, as if she doesn’t exist. This is how funny mentals believe. I was in a christian cult – I get it. I don’t like it, agree with it – but I get it.

        • well, men who lie with men are sentenced to death in Leviticus. no mention at all of women who lie with women. adultery, also death penalty (Jesus disagreed). Transitioning was not physically possible but priests were really hot against wearing the clothes of the opposite sex. so yes, there’s a lot in the Bible that’s pretty hateful against LGBTQ.

    • One word: religion.
      Despite the fact that their Jesus never said a,word about homosexuality (or abortion, because Jewish law says life begins,at first breath, bot conception), they condemn it. They use one mention of Leviticus which many scholars,think is actor about sex with pagan priests. That passage is condemned because it violates the first commandment:”I am the Lord your God. You will not have strange gods before Me.”
      But they don’t allow a little thing like facts,interfere with their hateful teachings. Religion as toxic grift.

    • Because they are hypocrites.
      They pick and choose their Bible passages, and select the ones that they can make money off. They don’t follow YHWH. Their god is Mammon.

    • The irony is that most of the women who are “afraid a gay will make a move on their spouse” should really check their spouses’ browser histories. They’d be surprised how many of these supposedly heterosexual, devout family men are looking for some gays to do what their loving spouses won’t do bedroom-wise. (The rest are looking for younger women who’ll do what the spouses won’t do bedroom-wise.)

      • True – the more extreme their protests, the moe I suspect they are fearful themselves of something – why else are you so hysterical about this subject. The best example is the ME where they have always had a sideways culture of using little boys, yet they are some of the most hysterical on this subject !

  2. The whole damn thing is a sham and a monument to religious hypocrisy. Guess she doesn’t get the irony of ‘being silenced’ as she spouts her narrow minded shit ON THE FLOOR OF CONGRESS FOR ALL THE WORLD TO SEE AND HEAR! Sorry about the caps but I was inspired by orangebob shitpants’ 4hour rant. Fuck em. Not literally of course.

  3. So the only college this doofus could attend on his father’s dime was Oral? Guessing he hasn’t heard of Pell Grants, student loans, ummmmm, working his way through college. WTF? And the thing is, he did not get anything approaching a college education from that P.O.S. “college”. It is and always has been a second-rate institution unless you’re teaching the next generation to be intolerant assholes: that is where it excels.

  4. I’ve always figured that evangelical Christians jump on gay sex as being a big, unforgivable sin because it doesn’t happen to be something they do. It is so much easier to condemn someone else than to focus on themselves.


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