There is a lot of laughter in Florida tonight. At least Rick Wilson is down there and I’m sure he’s laughing. I don’t know where all the rest of the Lincoln Project folks are domiciled. Just a few hours ago, the Lincoln Project released what I called a “psy-ops” piece which we wrote about here. Trump looks like the fool he is in the piece, stumbling and bumbling about. Trump saw the piece and he went off the deep end and pounded out a scathing denunciation of the group with his tiny thumbs, on Truth Social.

This is not the first time Trump has had a visceral reaction to a Lincoln Project piece. In fact, their first one, Mourning In America, caused this exact same kind of an explosion. Trump called them “the Losers Project” and needless to say the views of the piece quintupled within a few hours. I hope it happens for this one as well.

This reminds me of that wonderful line by the poet Robert Burns, “Oh would someone the giftie gie us, to see ourselves as others see us.” The Lincoln Project has shown Trump what the rest of the world sees and it’s making him go batshit. Positively batshit. Here’s the piece if you didn’t read it in the previous article.

Trump would have you know that this is all concocted, friends. Now, we know, because we follow politics, that we’ve seen these clips before. But evidently it’s the compilation of them into one spot that is making Trumpty Dumpty lose his marbles.

Two thoughts leap to mind: 1. Isn’t it interesting that his first thought was, “OMG what if Fox News runs this?” and 2. A serial assaulter and adjudicated rapist calling anybody else a pervert does strike me as comical.

And of course Lincoln Project is now laying it on with a trowel.

Here’s another jewel I hope Trump saw.

And here’s another.

Keep wailing and whining, Donald. All you’re doing is driving the traffic over to Lincoln Project. I’m sure they’re delighted. I know I am.


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  1. Don Don and his screaming into a void shows how he picks at the scabs of his self-inflicted wounds. Quite predictable are his repeated histrionics, possibly as part of his maladaptive behaviours in dealing with the truths he cannot face up to. Anyone spare Don Don a ketchup bottle or two? Another projection brews to be artlessly acted out by this deservedly lampooned and dementing protagonist.

    • Mythbusters made a machine to kick footballs. Sometimes it seems like Trump got one for himself and uses it to kick himself in the balls!

    • Does he not realize we saw most or all of those clips LIVE?! Probably, but he’s thinking he can convince us not in the cult that our eyes aren’t good? Or just convince his cult that their eyes aren’t good? AI?? Right!!! He’s such a loser.

  2. We’re going to find out just how deep the indifference to freedom,(paid for by blood), really goes. If people can’t or won’t GET OFF THEIR COLLECTIVE ASSES, and we allow them to lie, cheat, and steal ANOTHER election, like Nixon did, like Reagan did, like Bush did, and like Trump did…then don’t cry for Argentina…cry over killing YOUR children and their future! This is the end…my only friend, according to Jim Morrison and the Doors. If we can’t muster the will to vote fascism down, I seriously doubt it will be overthrown by a subsequent revolution.

  3. the problem with Trump is his millions of cult followers. The brain dead are truly the zombie apocalypse. If you can’t tell truth from fiction, fact from fancy and lies from honesty…you are a zombie and when Trump betrays his followers like he does almost every day calling evangelicals shit heads etc it only proves the point that most humans are sheep. Manipulatable zombies. That’s the problem because these brain dead fools can one. One should have to take competency tests to vote.

    • The MAGAs are so stupid that even Trump’s minions laugh at them. There were two MAGAs who moved from California to Iowa and Christina Bobb asked them what they thought of Gavin Newsom. They had never heard of the man. Even Bobb started laughing.

  4. I’m really really angry. We are still having to see/hear/discuss 45. So many warned. So many screamed. He came up for impeachment twice and could have been removed twice and this toxicity would be moot. He couldn’t run again. But NOOOOOOOOOO effing repugs didn’t let it happen. Now..cheney/alyssa/others are speaking out more. It won’t make a diddly difference to the brainwashed. Having had him removed for impeachment would have done the trick. Did I say I’m angry?

    • It’s a terrible situation that he wasn’t flat out removed from office. That would have nipped this in the bud. The real problem is not Trump. The real problem is an utterly broken, dysfunctional GOP. If the Republicans weren’t in the shape that they’re in, Trump never would have gotten where he got to. That’s the real tragedy of all this.

      • Defeating trump is a must, but I’m not sure that will be the end of the problem. He is only still in power because the repubs allow it by either helping him keep power or just by keeping silent and letting him keep his power. I think any repub will be just as bad as trump.


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