This is brand new, and based on a statement by the best possible source, Donald J Trump. He just released a long, pissy public statement stating that his Mar-A-Lago residence doors were “hammered on” by a mob of FBI agents, who “tore the place apart.”

Trump went on to complain about their rudeness, as well as the ;lack of necessity for all the drama, but didn’t say anything about what if anything was taken.

This proves that if Trump isn’t already a target, he’s sure as hell a subject. The FBI doesn’t show up without a warrant. This also puts to bed any accusations of Merrick Garland dragging his heels.

I will update this as networks confirm the reporting with any additional details, and modify the title to show updated when I do.


As was posted in a comment, Trump was not in Mar-A-Lago at the time the warrant was served, he was in New York. Which tells me that the raid was well planned out, and perfectly timed.

Here’s why. rather than risk a direct confrontation with Trump himself, and possible conflict and further politization, the DOJ waited until Trump was absent, called the Secret Service, and told them to advise his Mar-A-Lago detail that they were coming, and had a legal search warrant to enter.  Bravo for stealing his oxygen.

Also, Politico reporter Betsy Woodruff is telling MSNBC that one of the items in the search warrant was missing boxes of documents that belong to the National Archives, that possibly included classified material. Months ago the National Archives contacted Trump, negotiated, and sent a truck down to retrieve some of the documents. Trump was supposed to turn over the rest in short order. That was several months ago, and they’re not back, so they went down to get them.

This is a nice cover story, but I find it difficult to believe that the DOJ and FBI mounted this kind of a D-Day operation for nothing more than a bunch of boxes that had been lying around Mar-A-Lago for 18 freakin’ months. It will be interesting to see what else was listed on the search warrant, and we will.

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  1. To quote a John Wick meme I just saw, “It’s going down for real.” Memo to every doomsayer who has wasted my time and tried my patience over the last year and a half: the apology line starts over here.

  2. 45 is in New York. He wasn’t at Mar-a-lago. All his broo ha ha is 2nd hand from whom ever was at Mar-a-lago. They got into his safe and they GOT HIS PHONE! There had to have been a reason/s for the raid because a judge had to approve it. No one knows the office of origin yet. Floriday, New York, DOJ? It’s all a secret right now. FBI did communicate with Secret Service that it was going to happen. Per Frank Figluzzi – it’s not a “raid” but an execution of a search warrant. They had one time to do this – who knows what all they got in the execution of the warrant.

    • Very true. Even if shit for brains doesn’t know what could get his ass in a wringer, I’ll bet others hanging out down in FL do: Jarvanka comes to mind and maybe even those sons of his (doubt that but one never knows). Point is whatever went down there when his ass was booted out of office it might no longer be down there or might even be gone permanently. They say a bunch of docs went to FL with him–maybe but did they stay there and in readable condition?

      Reckon we’ll see when or if he ever goes into a courtroom.

  3. NARA was undoubtedly checking the returned docs against the list of docs that they know he had. The ones that didn’t show up are the ones they’d be after, if the raid was about them. Also, they can’t be a whole lot, given that they had to fit into the safe.
    I have about >< that much sympathy for the former guy in this. You know that warrant was checked, double-checked, run by the higher-ups at DOJ, and very carefully looked at by the federal judge who signed off on it.

  4. I do so hate to be CT but now I’m seriously wondering what’s in Ivanas casket at His private cemetery/golf course? Was that a location she signed up for? I’d also heard she wanted to be cremated,leaves a lot of room…

    • Bodies can be exhumed and are more often than you’d think.

      You know what would help matter tho’? If everyone would stop referring to this as a “raid”. Properly obtained and executed warrants issued by federal courts are not, by definition, “raids”. And while I’d expect the MS media to use terms that would elicit the most viewers/clicks, DK and this site ought to know and do better.

  5. If Trump had more than two.neurons connected by a,spirit here rattling around in that empty head(coveted by the skin of a baby orangatang he would listen to!his lawyers,,sit down, shut up.and not say or post another world because it can used against him.

    He won’t because he believes even bad publicity like this is better than no.publicity (and in my head Inam.hearing Pat Carroll as,Ursula the Sea Witch, incoming “Poor Unfortunate Soul” with a smirk).

    They couldn’t wait any longer because DOJ policy is not to.pull.something like this 90days before,an election.


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