Team Trump is asking Joe Biden for four debates as opposed to the traditional three. This is a move usually reserved by the underdog challenger in a campaign, done for the purpose of having the extra time to talk policy but most of all for increased opportunity to land that whammo, knock out punch, on the incumbent. That the incumbent is the party asking for the extra debate time is yet another first in a never ending whirl of Trump firsts. And then there’s this.

I wouldn’t even believe that Parscale would be crazy enough to suggest this, but his tweet does have the blue check mark, so I guess it’s just another post-parody day in Trump world. We’ll see where this one goes. And I have little doubt that Joe Biden would happily accommodate Trump for a fourth, or even a fifth or sixth debate. If Trump had any sense, he’d be begging for only one debate or better yet, none, because Biden is going to slaughter him. The facts are all on Biden’s side and Trump has nothing to say. By all means, let the extra debate(s) take place. Trump’s the TV president, let him bury himself on TV. Live.

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  1. This is what happens when you treat politics like it’s pro wrestling…or so in the doghouse with your senile, racist boss that you’re trying to avoid a pink slip before November.

  2. I can already see the dark side’s trio throwing out “chicken” statements and memes at our side. So I think our side should issue a condition for acceptance: Every time one of the conservative assholes starts spouting bullshit the front of their podium would light up with the words “Proven Lie” and the same graphic should be displayed on a banner on the TV screen.

  3. I don’t think the 3 of them could take on Rachel. But it won’t happen. The thing that Rachel has over all of them is class. She wins without even showing up.

  4. Won’t happen but what a way to stir the shit up. Do ya think we’ll really see any debates? Joe could eat 45 alive with all the knowledge and experience he has. 45 would only spout his usual propaganda.

  5. Parscale’s actually suggesting that Hannity engage in a debate? The same man who chickened out of a chance to “prove” that waterboarding isn’t all that bad? It’s been 11 YEARS (and counting) and Hannity still hasn’t taken the challenge (even worse, he’s gone so far as to claim he never promised to do it).

    And, I can’t believe that Ingraham, Hannity or Carlson would ever agree to participate in a debate. That requires a skill set that none of the three of them possesses–not to mention, they can’t cut the other person’s mike (or order it to be cut) when the other person starts scoring points.

  6. Desperate people do desperate things. Like propose debates when tater tot’s own team shut down the briefings cuz arrogance & ignorance was an ugly scene. I’m sure sober minds will panic & the debates won’t happen in a real time format. And we already know the answers to written questions…the greatest mind couldn’t remember a damn thing.

  7. Book smart might or might not beat street smart, but book smart has absolutely zero chance to beat absolute looney tunes.

    As C. S. Lewis pointed out, you can’t argue logically with a person who says, “There is an invisible cat in that chair.” It’s tempting to respond that you see no cat, but that plays right into the insanity.

    The only liberals I can think of who might have a snowflake’s chance in hell against that lot are Beau of the Fifth Column and Trae Crowder, the Liberal Redneck. One or the other of them might know a third, but I surely don’t. (And I don’t mean to imply that those two are not very smart and learned indeed. But both are good at speaking to people where they are, not where you think they ought to be.)

  8. Years ago I saw Al Franken “debate” Ann Coulter live on stage. Franken was prepared, skilled, intelligent on every single issue. Coulter was pathetic, unable to put together any sort of rebuttal. Rather than the anticipated clash of ideas, it was a real dud as Coulter couldn’t rise to the occasion. I suspect this lineup would produce a similar result.

  9. ‘ just another post-parody day in Trump world.’

    Great quote, I’m going to use that.

    But on what day did we swing to ‘post-parody’?

    Election day?

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