Lauren Boebert shooting off her mouth for attention is no more newsworthy than the rising and setting of the sun daily. But this particular wisecrack is worth noting because it indicates the general stupor that the Republican party is in right now.

They have not learned from the past three electoral defeats and appear to thoroughly believe that somehow, the fact that their cult leader is finally getting a long overdue legal comeuppance is their salvation.

CNN published a poll today showing that 60% of the people in the country approved of Donald Trump being indicted. Boebert, speaking from her bubble, says no way.

This reminds me of the red tsunami that was going to manifest in 2022. Yessir, it was going to knock us all dead. The red tsunami was a pink trickle.

Dear Gawd, look at this.

I assume this gentleman has been watching Russian TV?

Interesting to see how quickly the Russians turned on their favorite orange comrade, isn’t it?

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  1. How is anything Bobo the Clown has to say relevant or newsworthy? She has the I.Q. of a poorly educated turnip but Politizoom feels whatever comes out of the ignorant twat’s mouth/fingers should be printed here.

    Newsflash–we know she is dumber than a box of rocks. Time to move on.

  2. Someone should ask Bobblehead if she’s visited Trump IN the White House, and not the replica at Marmalade a Go but the one at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave in DC in the past two years. Oh, ask her on camera, preferably live and with a cell phone streaming it live on social media. She’d stammer and say Trump didn’t want any pictures which invites a follow-up which is: So a guy who craves publicity and takes every opportunity to get his name and face out there refused to take pictures or video of your meeting? Does that mean he was ashamed to be seen with you?

  3. Some folks have zero character and zero self awareness. They evidently believe everything their brain comes up with is the gospel truth. Funny. I rarely see them challenge gravity.


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