Trump has spent the past few days obsessing on how great his polls really are, even when his own pollsters have told him the unhappy news, that he’s trailing front running Democrats in several key states. Anybody normal would assess the situation and ask, “what can we do to fix this?” But Donald Trump just fired his pollsters and declared that it was all fake news, anyhow. Even his beloved Fox has been broadcasting fake news about him, can you feature that?

My God, Trump just accused Fox News of fake news? Is this the quintessential example of even the broken clock being right twice a day, or is it more?

GOP strategist Michael Steele was on MSNBC Monday and he spoke about Trump’s “invulnerable reality distortion field,” which sounds like something out of Star Trek.

Spock: “Captain, we cannot beam down to the planet. They have activated the invulnerable reality distortion field. Anybody entering it will be rendered incapable of critical analysis.”

Kirk: “Doesn’t the field also destroy the faculty of common sense as well — in short — rendering one a total dumb a$$?”

Spock: “Yes, Captain. In your early 21st Century, these people were known as Trumpites. They followed their leader, Donald Trump, over a cliff, much as lemmings do.”

You think I’m exaggerating? Listen to the rest of what Steel said: “No facts that are contrary to his chosen narrative are ever perceived by the president and he just — he lives in that alternate universe. You can’t get him out of it.”

So it would appear. Trump biographer Tony Schwartz also appeared on MSNBC and he said that Trump is totally alone and even his own children can’t stand him. RawStory:

“Ivanka despises him,” said Schwartz. “Jared [Kushner] despises him. His other children—”

“You are deducing this from the behavior of the man that you spent time around,” said Hayes.

“When you’re around a person who devalues you, humiliates you, ignores you, shames you, what possible other reaction could you have other than to despise him?” said Schwartz. “And what happens is, there’s a percentage of people who feel that way and don’t care, because he’s serving some other, or they believe he is serving some other agenda they share.”

“It is extraordinary to imagine the level of isolation that he has reached,” continued Schwartz. “He’s now alone in this White House, and I mean alone. Remember when Nixon was walking around talking to the walls? But there was still a few people. There was Haig and there was Diane Sawyer and there were a few people around who he’d still talk to. There’s nobody with Trump who he pays any attention to. Who he’ll give sufficient respect to that there’s an actual dialogue that can take place.”

Nixon wasn’t talking to the walls, actually, he was talking to the portraits of dead presidents past. And yes, Nixon still had Alexander Haig. Trump had his own Alexander Haig, in John Kelly, but you know what happened with that. As to Diane Sawyer…well, I suppose we could make the analogy that Kellyanne Conway is the Diane Sawyer of Trump world, alternative facts and all. Wow. That’s some transition, from Sawyer to Conway. But then Trump makes Nixon look legitimate — in fact, almost quaint.

In Trumpverse, he is leading in 17 swing states. He has always been leading in 17 swing states. Nobody else can find that data, but who knows, maybe the Enterprise went back in time and rigged some polls that only Trump can see, and that’s where he got the information? One thing is for certain: Trump’s just making it all up as he goes along. But he can always comfort himself with this quote: “You know, it doesn’t really matter what [the media] write, as long as you’ve got a young and beautiful piece of ass.” That makes perfect sense to the mind of Donald Trump. Beam me up, Scotty, I need to get the hell out of here.

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    • He made his fantasy world early on. Like a lot of kids. i made up a fantasy world, too. Unfortunately, the rest of us have to earn a living, get along with people, all kinds of accommodations must be made — but not in Trump world. He was living on Daddy’s dime from the beginning, and then he became a grifter. He never had to bother to become socialized or to grow up.

    • Yup. There’s nothing tragic about Trump, no goodness that could have been redeemed but wasn’t — he’s just an antagonist.

  1. Time is NOT Trump’s friend, it allows him the ability to forget those important tidbits he mentions daily, later that same day, here he is again, but saying just the opposite of what he said earlier … a liar’s day can produce tons of lies, and to keep every thing straight at Trump’s level is a herculean task at it’s lowest levels, it explains a lot of things, his blithering idoticy is because well, he’s just dumber than a rock, cannot be out in the rain, because, well, hair problems ….

    The biggest problem for ole’ Don is himself … his flaccid life is the result of big lie burnout, there are no silver linings in those clouds hanging over his head, help us, if he steps any lower into the hell he and Bolton have surely talked about.

    All hail Don the Con, words just cannot top the stupid idea of a Trump blow out for the 4th of July ….

    • Sometimes it only takes him a couple of minutes to do a 180 on whatever he was saying.
      (I have a hard time understanding how people can still believe him, and treat him like some kind of deity.)

      • It’s easy. They are tuned only to Fox News, Drudge, Limbaugh, all of them. They live with Trump in his alternate reality. I had to block a crazy woman on Twitter the other night. She kept telling me that I was the one listening to fake news, I had zero credibility, didn’t know anything, etc. You can’t get through to these people. After three twitter exchanges that only got worse, i said screw it and threw in the towel.

    • I can’t find confirmation of whether the diapered Trump baby blimp will be flying on July 4. There was talk of it coming over from the UK last week. Wouldn’t that be great, flying above the Lincoln Memorial?

      And you heard his idiotic comment about Lincoln? That he was “treated very badly.” Yeah, I guess getting shot dead at the theater is less than first class treatment, yup, you can say that.

  2. Just as in 1945, the bunker is getting very lonely as the rats abandon ship, and like the Russians, the Democrats are closing in day by day.

    …….and as with then, there are a few minions who will stand by the fuhrer,as he slips steadily into insanity, to the bitter end.

    History does indeed repeat itself.

    • The comparison I think of is Martin Sheen’s character at the end of the movie The Dead Zone – having finally disgraced himself in front of a crowed gathered for one of his speeches grabbing a small child and holding it up to block to bullets from his would-be assassin.

      The characters sits disheveled, all alone in a room surrounded by newspaper with unflattering headlines, realizing that everyone & I mean everyone now realizes he was ALWAYS a piece of shit and that he’s not only not loved and admired but despised, and even those he had counted on during his rise knew he was a piece of shit and only served him because they were using proximity to him for their own ends.

      Of course, the one difference is that Trump would never be holding a pistol in his hand, much less blow his brains out. Guns after all have a bit of oil on them and for him would be “icky” so in Trump’s case he’d just sit there in an ever growing pile of his own shit, soaked in his own urine and not eve have the will anymore to stuff his face with “hamberders” – and just die. But the main point of the image is that he clearly would finally be faced with a reality that he can’t ignore – that the whole damned country had realized just how awful and despicable person he is and that fact was being openly talked about (hell, shouted!) by everyone.

      Maybe Sheen would be willing to re-shoot the scene without the shooting himself in the head part. Instead, he could be done up in orange hued makeup wearing a Trump style wig although it would be all greasy and a mess, showing much of the baldness on Trump’s head. There would be some newspapers with headlines like “Disgraced Trump In HIding” on the floor with fast food wrappers and haft eaten food (some of it showing mold) scattered all over the place, and stains on and around the chair in which he sits. The TV would be off at an angle (these days, a giant screen meaning he could see it) with the news (Fox of course) droning on about the disgraced Trump and the massive outpouring of hatred and disdain among even his base, with images slowly changing on the screen behind the announcer – stuff like famers cutting the words “TRUMP SUCKS!” into different kinds of crops, ripping the letters TRUMP off whatever of his (former) properties still had them, gatherings at former rally sites where his former “base” was chanting anti-Trump slogans and throwing their “MAGA” hats and t-shirts on bonfires and others smashing coffee cups or shooting them up with their guns. Stuff like that. The announcer would talk about the dismantling of the Trump Organization and loss of his signature properties like Trump Tower, Mar A Lago and his golf courses, and speculate he was in hiding at some out of the way property that hadn’t yet been developed (which would turn out to be the case) and we’d see Trump close his eyes and then just slide out of his chair into the nasty mess on the floor in front of it. And die – with his “death rattle” being a giant ripping (and lengthy) wet fart. The camera would pan back out the door to reveal he’d been in a beat up old trailer that had been the construction HQ for a failed development of his (the sign on the chain link gate would have the words “Home of the future Trump designed Golf World” with a big red X spray painted across it and a foreclosure notice. And the camera would raise up into the air as it continued to pan back showing a barren, muddy field surrounding the trailer.

      Ok, so I’d rather see him dying alone in his prison cell in a scratchy orange jumpsuit in real life, but the image I laid out is I think something people would get a kick out of. And since it didn’t include a violent ending perhaps it would go viral on social media – and completely freak Trump out to the point where Pence & the cabinet would invoke the 25th…

    • And, occasionally, history also deletes itself. In this case, it looks as though Mr. Tangerine Man is deleting the Republican party.

  3. He thinks he’s hated and alone now? Mr. Tangerine Man ain’t seen nothing yet. Also, as an owner of the complete set of the original Star Trek series (thanks, Sis!), your Kirk/Spock parody was spot on!

  4. Schwartz appears to be theorizing or projecting. He has no data to offer about the Trump family’s feelings, he didn’t talk to them. Maybe he wants us to feel sorry for Trump.

  5. Alone and hated is just as he should be.

    Btw, would it be possible to give us a break from having to look at his ugly and hated visage? Is it really necessary to shove his picture in our faces every time there’s a post about him? Don’t take it personally, because I ask this on just about every site I go to — I did it many times on DK, to no avail of course, but I still want to register my protest.

    When I see photo after photo of the most hated and hideous (inside and out) man on the planet, I can think of only two thing: a) the authors/editors of the page lack imagination, or b) they somehow think we don’t know what he looks like. Trust me, we do — more than we ever want to.

    PS: Please don’t tell me about the kittens app. Of course posting photos of kittens (or puppies, or salamanders, or deep sea creatures) would be nice change from the orange face, but running the app is not the answer. It doesn’t do what shunning his photo would do, which is eat away at his fragile ego.

    /end rant 😉


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