Joe Biden did exactly what he needed to do last night in terms of addressing both the successes of his Presidency up to this point and showing he is more than ready to vigorously take on the challenges of the upcoming campaign. Though never mentioning Trump by name he nevertheless assailed his “predecessor” for his assaults on democracy, and with wit, compassion and good humor showed the American people a leader they could like and support.

Almost 65% of viewers polled approved of his speech and, even among those predisposed to dislike what they were waiting to hear, he picked up significant support for the direction in which he wanted take America.

But perhaps his crowning moment came after the speech, confronting Marjorie Taylor Green in all her MAGA related finery with bemusement and feigned surprise:

The Big Lead

“President Joe Biden gave the State of the Union address on Thursday night. It was a rowdy affair as an amped-up Biden contended with a crowd full of Republican hecklers, most notably Georgia’s Marjorie Taylor Greene, who repeatedly ignored Speaker Mike Johnson’s request to show decorum during the speech.

In addition to being vocal throughout the evening, Greene also wore a MAGA hat and matching bright red blazer. So not only did Greene wear a hat to the State of the Union, but it was merch.

Autographed merch.

It was a look that elicited quite a reaction from Biden as he entered the chamber and walked to the floor.

It’s a mix of horror and amusement. The kind of face one might make when a toddler jumps out from behind a curtain and shouts “boo!” You know how you act surprised because they’re trying to get a reaction out of you, but you could see the curtain moving and their feet were visible the moment you walked into the room? Sometimes you just have to play along and simply pretend to be shocked is enough to make them feel like they’ve accomplished something.”


B.W. Carlin gauged Twitter’s reaction:

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No comment.


And, after speaking to her, Biden even left Marge chuckling.

Master performance last night in every way.

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  1. Marjie Kooky Pants in her clown costume-it’s nice to see some things never change. 🙄

    President Biden, as usual, handles her silliness with his usual aplomb, dignity, sense of humor…could you imagine if it’d been former guy looking at a dem rep with a blue hat/blazer having a pro-dem message on it? Well, thank goodness we only have to imagine it rather than see it. Let’s keep it that way.

  2. HEE HAW! HEE HAW! HEE HAW!! Someone please let the horse’sass out!!! That’s no horse…that’s a jackass!


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