Biden Posts Trump’s Nuttiest Sundowning Moment To Date


Say what what you will about Donald Trump, besides the fact that he is consistent and past is prologue, he has one other characteristic; nobody can produce more damning testimony about himself than he can. And we mean no body. The issue then becomes, how does he get away with things that would have killed the careers of multiple politicians? You well remember Mitt Romney self immolating over his 47% crack — yet Trump gets by with grab ’em by the pussy and worse?

What you’re about to see here is a classic. I personally don’t remember this clip but then when you watch as many hundreds of hours of Trump footage as I have, it’s a miracle that I am not a complete vegetable. Here, competing for the Rutabaga Award, however, is the former leader of the free world.

Is is a bit like Robby the Robot, except Robby was a moral being. He had it programmed into his circuits that he could not harm a human being. That is beyond Trump, utterly. His basic hardwiring is: Shall I fuck it, sell it, eat it, or kill it? Or some combination? That’s his entire responsive repertoire, right there.

As to sundowning, let us explore what that is. Mary Trump spoke to the issue of her uncle’s cognitive decline. Sundowning is a state of confusion which happens in the mid to late stages of dementia and if that clip you just saw wasn’t it, then it will certainly do until the real thing comes along.

And this is nothing new. Past is prologue with Trump. Read excerpts from this opinion piece written in the Washington Post shortly after the 2018 midterms. It will bring it all back to you and it will also remind you that this madman who can’t handle disappointment doesn’t belong anywhere near the White House let alone the nuclear codes.

New reporting paints a picture of the administration descending into a thunderdome of backstabbing and resentment as staffers jockey for position or wonder whether they should get the heck out, all presided over by an erratic, unhappy president. This might sound like a familiar story, but if it isn’t already worse than it has been before, it soon will be, especially now that the midterm elections have cast a cloud over the remaining two years of President Trump’s term.

Let’s run down a few of the highlights:

  • Trump’s trip to France to mark the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I was a disaster, marked by a brooding and petulant president mocked and condemned wherever he went. Angry about his party’s midterm losses, Trump has spent his time in the past week insulting reporters in terms that are unusually personal even for him, spinning out desperate conspiracy theories about stolen elections on Twitter and lashing out at Theresa May and Emmanuel Macron.

  • After deciding not to attend a ceremony honoring those killed in the war because rain apparently made it inconvenient to get there, Trump grew enraged at his staff “for not counseling him that skipping the cemetery visit would be a public-relations nightmare.” Somehow he was not able to figure out for himself that doing so might not go over well.

  • Trump “told advisers over the weekend that he had decided to remove Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and that he also was seriously considering replacing White House chief of staff John F. Kelly.”

  • While Trump is considering replacing Kelly with Nick Ayers, Vice President Pence’s chief of staff, “aides told Trump that appointing Ayers would lower staff morale and perhaps trigger an exodus.”

  • First lady Melania Trump’s staff issued an extraordinary statement saying a top national security aide, Mira R. Ricardel, “no longer deserves the honor of serving in this White House,” making public a bureaucratic feud that stretches between the White House and the Pentagon.

  • According to the Los Angeles Times, “With the certainty that the incoming Democratic House majority will go after his tax returns and investigate his actions, and the likelihood of additional indictments by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, Trump has retreated into a cocoon of bitterness and resentment.”

  • Trump’s firing of Jeff Sessions and appointment of Matthew Whitaker as acting attorney general, a move meant to protect him from the Mueller investigation, is turning out to be a mini-scandal in its own right, to the point where the president vacillates between singing Whitaker’s praises and claiming he doesn’t know him.

The root of all this is the midterm elections, and it’s hard to overstate what an impact they’ll have on the administration. Nobody likes losing, of course, but nobody hates it more than Trump, particularly after he worked so hard in the weeks leading up to the election, telling his supporters that “I’m not on the ticket, but I am on the ticket, because this is also a referendum about me.” It was indeed, and he was pretty emphatically rejected.

And the same thing happened in 2020 and 2022. And he didn’t like it then, either. A few things are certain at this point: If Trump would somehow get back in power, revenge would be his first, last and only order of business. If Trump loses — again — then it’s going to be the same old stollen stolen election conspiracy theory drivel, on steroids. Ergo, there is no “happy ending” to this. At least not until the GOP can finally see its way clear to put him in the rear view mirror and move on to a post-Trump world for itself and nobody seems to have a vision for that.

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  1. Until the entire Republican Party is eradicated and xtian nationalist racist are neutered this decline into fascism will not stop. The elimination of Trump is only the first step, yet perhaps the most important step.

  2. “Is is a bit like Robby the Robot, except Robby was a moral being. He had it programmed into his circuits that he could not harm a human being.”

    Um, that “programmed” bit proves Robby was NOT a “moral being.” Morality is not something inherent in human beings (or any type of animal, for that matter) and, in a sense, the programming was *immoral* on the part of Robby’s creator (it was pure selfishness, done out of desire that his creation not rebel against him, much less kill him). And, of course, morality is a very fluid situation.

    I get your basic point here. But “morality” is something that has to be learned. No one is “born” as a “moral” being. Morality is developed from experiences as well as society’s expectations. Why did Martin Luther King, Jr, spend his life fighting to ensure all Americans, regardless of skin color or history, enjoyed the same rights while the likes of Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson spent their lives trying to enrich themselves and make the lives of non-Christians so horrible? The three men (presumably) read the same Bible but they (obviously) learned different lessons from the stories they read but they would all see themselves as “moral” beings.

  3. Confusion is baby huey’s best defense. Clarity exposes this soulless monster for the moronic fascist he truly is. Cult members love word salad. They think it’s a divine message.

  4. The WP article must be faulted for saying “HE WORKED SO HARD IN THE WEEKS LEADING UP TO THE [2018] ELECTION.” The man has never worked hard in his life.

  5. HERE from MD… is how I posted link to this and reasons…
    POLITIZOOM. goes on to describe changes noted since 2018
    and by Mary Trump and by staffers etc. BUT all you need to know is that it is real, it is an inheritable disease ..that is progressive and fatal.

    No, Samantha that is STILL… MD HERE…. TRUMP is suffering from his fathers PICKS Disease (although Fred was misdiagnosed with ALZHEIMERS) PICKS is directly inheritable ..and affects different portion of the BRAIN.. It is now called Behavioral Variant FTD (FrontoTemporal eg. speech and movement centers) Dementia.
    GET Salon piece by psychiatrists …
    it is definitive and absolutely spot on direct. It even contains a list of the symptoms he displayed when they wrote it. Many are much worse now.
    You can post list on your REFRIG and run a scorecard…
    I keep recommending that all US LAWYERS be aware… he is nearly incompetent now ! and that should throw some of his LEGAL CASES in the bin. …. but of course his CAMPAIGN too.


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Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead