As the events leading up to the Russian invasion of Ukraine have been building, have you ever noticed how united the NATO countries and the US have been, and how they have presented such a unified front after Traitor Tot spent 4 years trying to demolish it? Wonder no more.

In 2021, the G20 held their annual summit in Rome. And Biden created an instant splash by being only the 2nd Catholic US President in history to meet with the Pope. It was made for television magic. But something else happened too.

But Biden did something else too. During the G20 conference, Biden called for a conclave of what is called The Clique, the seven largest and most powerful nations in NATO. And in that conclave, he dropped a bomb.

He told the largest and best prepared members of NATO that the US had intelligence that Putin was making plans to invade the Ukraine. And he backed it up. He showed them intelligence including aerial and satellite surveillance photos that showed Russian troops slowly moving up to jumping off points at the border of Ukraine. And he answered questions.

Over the last few weeks you’ve asked yourself, How the hell is Biden beating Putin to the punch every single time? Simple. Because for almost a year now, Biden has already known what Putin has been planning, and has kept his and has kept his largest, closest NATO allies in the loop. And under curtain of darkness, they have gotten the other NATO members brought up to date as to Putin’s plans.

I don’t even wanna think about who the CIA’s source in the Kremlin is, but he must sharpen Putin’s pencils for him. The media today is amazed at how fast-and-loose Biden has been in declassifying national security secrets to let the world know what Putin is planning. But for almost a year Biden had folden intelligence as to what Putin was planning, and was able to share it with his NATO partners under strictest security.

This is why the NATO response has been so quick and unified against Russia’s aggression. Normally, if Russia started making aggressive gestures against Ukraine, the NATO countries would be bogged down for months arguing what preemptive and post invasion steps to take. But the NATO alliance has had almost a year to iron out the wrinkles and present a unifieds response. Which had to freak Vlad the Imp out.

There are no more mysteries. Biden has outfoxed Putin at every step in this crisis simply because he has known about it from the very start. And he used that knowledge to unite NATO and bring them into line to respond when the time came. Game. Set. Match.


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  1. The source in Putin’s sphere of influence must be a Ukrainian National handled by Ukraine…..if it were an American handled source, the traitorous Mango Moron would have rat finked them out to his little beady-eyed dick weasel pal long ago.

  2. some one on our end freaked out by trump finked out putins end to try to save the planet. putin is pissed his every move is broadcast to Biden. i wonder how much putins ‘invasion’ gets bogged down like trumps because real Russian generals don’t want to invade and attack Ukraine. This is different than Bush Iraq, americans have no idea who saddam or iraq was. they were just no bodies. Russia attacking Ukraine is like Yugoslavia, attacking your neighbor. Someone you know, places you have been on vacation.

  3. All the above, Murf, is why I refuse to panic now that the invasion is on. It will be horrible to watch, bloody for anyone to live through and evil at its core. But the outcome? Never really been in doubt…Putin has just made his own homegown Afghanistan.

    • I too agree it will be incredibly ugly as events unfold. I also think that since Putin surely remembers Afghanistan THAT Russian debacle is something he’ll remember wistfully as in wishing the current war he’s created would “only” be that bad. Here’s why. Unlike Afghanistan he’s invading not just a country where most people hate him AND his country, but are educated and informed and already have some level of organization prepared (amongst the civilian population) to fight back. They also already have weapons and other things including some logistical support (more weapons, supplies and intelligence) already set up. Perhaps most importantly unlike Afghanistan we and our NATO allies don’t have to jump through all the hoops we had to jump through to supply and train the Afghans to fight the Soviets. Too many people keep forgetting (if they ever knew) that we went through a great deal of effort and expense to prevent our assistance from being linked back to us directly. We knew the USSR knew we were supplying the Afghans but despite the extra effort and expense we made sure to only provide them with thing that could conceivably have been found/captured from Russian forces. In this war in Ukraine we and our allies don’t have to waste time and money on such pretense. Better still, because of that Ukraine will (overall) have better/more current weapons that we were able to provide to Afghans.

      If as I believe will be the case there is a serious amount of resistance from civilians in Ukraine it won’t take anywhere near the years it took in Afghanistan for Russia to withdraw in humiliation. Also, if bloodied badly enough and quickly enough those in parts of Ukraine that Russia took over years ago who are loyal Ukrainians might well start making life so miserable for Russian forces and leaders of Russian loyalists that they might decide it’s time to move back to mother Russia. Now THAT could be ugly to a whole new order of magnitude but stick a pin in it. It could be as Joss Ackland’s character says near the end of the remake of Miracle on 34th street that Putin sits in a darkened office lamenting to the operatives he’d sent out to employ his hostile takeover strategy “I lost bigger than I ever thought I’d win.”

      • I think of the Roman commander who took Masada ONLY after the Jewish resistance inside did a mass suicide: “We have conquered a rock.” Putin has forgotten, if he ever knew, that taking territory is less important than holding it. And even he does Stalin-style purges through Ukrainian territory, he’ll no closer to beating them.

      • Yes, but the entire country does not, apparently, hate putin and russia. I expect the separatists are also educated. This is a cluster-fuck.

  4. Had President Biden truly outfoxed putin, we would not be watching the invasion of Ukraine. The U.S. and NATO might be somewhat prepared (i.e. not quite caught on their back foot) but even now we might be hit with cyber attacks. All we can hope for is that if such a thing happens, russia/putin and all the oligarchs get their asses nailed to the wall. A total, worldwide embargo on russia and all who support them needs to go into effect yesterday.

    • What the biggest problem we have now, is how Trump, the has-been, is still out there vocally spewing his stupidity, courtesy of the heathen FOX network … They should be hit with charges as the pickled pimento is spewing traitorous comments, supporting this putrid Putin clown show …

      And, it is damning that the GOP has slipped down the pooper shoot of supporting a relaxed attitude to Putin’s deadly attacks … it boggles the mind that Democracy seems to be the last thing the GOP wants in this country …

    • Explain to me exactly how ANYONE was going to stop Putin from making this move again? The difference between where we are now and what we would have been had Putin got his way is that Vladmir Vladmirovitch has absolutely no cover for his land grab. That’s why the ruble now makes the peso look like a Swiss franc, why a great deal of Russian wealth has ceased to exist (200 billion dollars worth) and why, while the Russians can take Chernobyl(!), they’re having more trouble holding an airport. This was never going to be bloodless nor painless, given Putin’s current state of mind…but the pain is going to be evenly shared.

      • I don’t have more than a basic knowledge of Ukrainian territory but anyone looking at a map should be able to see the proximity of the Chernobyl site (which once had a thriving city) to Kyiv. I’d assume a major road and some good secondary roads run between those two points, and when you consider the border to might-as-well-be-Russian Belarus is just north of Chernobyl it’s the fastest route to get armor and other heavy equipment as well as troops to Kyiv which is well under a hundred miles from a staging area in Belarus. Russia doesn’t want the Chernobyl site itself but as I said it’s convenient. And like them Ukraine and everyone else doesn’t want any fighting in or near the exclusion zone which makes it a nice “buffer” for supply logistics for Russia.


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