Biden Didn’t Win The Debate, Trump Lost It. Bigly


And I can prove it. You know, with like, numbers and stuff. The poll I’ll be referring to in this article is the NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll. Personally, I love this poll. Both NBC News as well as the WSJ are reputable news media outlets. And the poll itself is beautifully structured. One of the most reputable GOP pollsters joins forces with one of the most reputable Democratic pollsters, and they corroborate on the poll. And it’s been that way for something like 30 years now.

One word of warning. I already had a feeling that correlating the importance of this debate in terms of who won and who lost would be a different kettle of fish, simply because of the mechanics of the race itself. Most presidential debates take place in the arena of a competitive race, usually with the two candidates divided by anywhere from 3-6 points. A post debate swing of 2-3 points either way could reshape the race. But in this race, Biden’s lead, almost since the day he announced has been as steady as the Rock of Gibraltar, anywhere from 7-10 points. Meaning it would take some decisive event to move the needle significantly going into the second debate.

And it happened, but not quite the way in which you might imagine. In the NBC/WSJ poll showed Biden with a comfortable, yet familiar 8 point lead, at 51-43. But in the most recent poll, just released, the effects of Trump’s nuclear meltdown on Tuesday night in front of 70,000,000 Americans showed that Biden had posted a gob smacking advantage of 6 additional points, almost doubling his previous lead of the prior week. The new poll shows the race at 53-39. Biden also crushed Trump in the category of temperament, now more than +20. and Biden’s lead with seniors now has Trump in the dead man walking category.

But here’s why I said what I said in the title. If you look at 51-43 magically becoming 53-38, your first thought is Holy shit! Biden picked up 6 freakin’ points! Except the simple fact of the matter is that he did no such thing. Look at Biden’s numbers only in those two polls. In last week’s poll, Biden had a healthy 51% of the vote. And in this week’s poll, Biden is now riding high at 53%. But math is simple. Biden didn’t gain 6 points in that debate, going from 51 to 53 makes him a net 2 gain.

But now look at Trump’s numbers only for the same treatment. In the week before the debate Trump was at a sub par 43%. But in the just released numbers, Trump dropped all the way to a disastrous 38%, under 40. Once again, simple math shows that while Biden only gained 2 points, Trump’s self inflicted gunshot would cost him a whopping, and critical 4% points! Add the two together, and you get a whopping 6 point jump for Biden from the debate, but Trump actually did more damage to himself than Biden did to him.

Trump came off of the debate stage telling his aides and campaign staff that he nailed it out there. For once I’m forced to agree with Trump. Oh, it was a nail alright, but unfortunately for him, it might turn out to be the final nail in his coffin. If Trump weren’t so narcissistic, he might realize that staying cloistered in Walter Reed until after the next presidential debate might actually help his campaign. Don’t touch that dial.

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  1. Except for the die-hard Trump lovers, outside waving flags and signs, I don’t think anyone was impressed with the drive-by waving stunt. At least not in a good way.

    • Himself was bored in his luxurious suite, and all he could find on TV was talk about him being in the hospital. So he had to go out and show himself to his adoring fans, and risk the people in the SUV with him, plus everyone who was in the corridors and elevators after he walked through.

      • And that’s exactly all it was, purely selfish self indulgence…Which put the licves and safety of numerable people at risk…

    • No, and the fact that the media is referring to it as a “joy ride” is really going to frost his apricots!!! lol

  2. Biden was always the candidate Trump feared running against. Those rare moments when he’d coldly look at facts he knew, even if he would never, ever admit it to anyone else he compare badly to Biden. Every one of his antics over his lifetime and Presidency would be viewed unfavorably by every person NOT already in his base unfavorably when they looked at Biden. So, when Trump’s worst fears came true and Biden jumped to the top of the Democratic pack the race was his (Trump’s) to lose. And lose he has because he’s his own worst enemy. It’s not over yet, and I fear the stunts Trump and Barr will pull at the last minute but right now even Barr has to be more worried about testing positive for Covid than protecting Trump. An already chaotic administration is in hair on fire bat-shit crazy mode now and even some of Barr’s people, with lives and careers ahead of them are studying their options and figuring out ways to hang on to their own law licenses and stay out of jail.

  3. So much winning… oh boy. Yikes. Sorry but allergies really kicking my butt (because all my other hurts… are still there yet don’t feel them. LOL ). Memory is one thing that gets dinged.

    And can’t remember where on Twitter I glanced that some person had brain surgery and given Demasxthone (sic) and that it really messed up their head. Trump … supposedly given that… but we really don’t know..

    Nails. But get some garlic too just in case.

    • If true, then they are evil morons. Remember these are the same folks who buried over 3million documents, & called no witnesses to put an alleged belligerent drunk & serial rapist on the supreme court, discounting Dr.Ford. Then they did the same & let this illegitimate president walk on proven treason, allowing him to destroy the careers of military heroes, who provided evidence. Phuck these morons, & the idiots who are undecided after all this evil & criminality. I need them like a case of hives.

      • Put the morality aside, Scott. As you just pointed out, that has never been a consideration with this bunch. No, what’s eye-opening to them is the lack of discretion and the inability to read a room on Trump’s part. In the face of THAT kind of overwhelming evidence, it’s impossible to lie to yourself about what you are seeing.

        • Nothing is impossible with these zombies. The German people living near the death camps pretended they didn’t know what was going on, even when it ‘snowed’ ashes on them. The allies didn’t buy it. Neither did the commonfolk in countries affected most severely by facism. Germans were persecuted all across Europe after the war. As the Eagles said in a song, “some people never come clean.”

          • I would hope that last few years would retire the notion of “impossible”. HOWEVER, it’s still a different concept than “improbable”. And with this pack of self-serving morons with too much money (NOT, as you mistakenly thought, the slack-jawed yokels who are VERY probably going to be filling up ICUs and caskets in the near future), how improbable is it that they’ll throw him under that bus the second he’s out of office? Infections are for little people and yet Trump exposed them to that through his need to be worshipped. That will not be forgiven.


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