Cast the clock and your mind back about a year and a half ago, to the last NATO meeting with Traitor Tot still in charge. It was widely reported that German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron were quietly dueling behind the scenes to determine which of them would be the next Leader of the free world. The United States was on the sidelines, and now undependable, especially with Trump basically even-odds to win another term.

So how did that work out for them? Merkel is out of politics, and Macron is learning from a master. And it’s funny. Before Putin started licking his nuts, countries like Hungary and Romania were hesitant to have many if any US troops stationed in their country, so as to not attract Putin’s ire. But Putin starts massing troops on Ukraines border, and suddenly everybody is running hat in-hand to NATO for more troops, especially US troops to get stationed there. And Biden is sending them, reaffirming the US commitment to article 5.

So, what does this have to do with the price of tea in China, or the Democratic or GOP bases? Elementary my dear Watson. When you look at the ethnic breakdown of this country, how many Polish Americans do you think there are out there? How about Germans? Yeah, a shitload of them too. Wisconsin has a large Polish population as well as Ukrainian. So does Ohio, with Germans thrown in, and Pennsylvania has possibly the largest Polish population of the three. Low, let’s throw in scattered Latvians, Hungarians, Lithuanians, Estonians, and it’s a very pleasant, typically American mix.

Notice anything that those three have in common? They’re all critical swing states, And they all have US Senate seats held by Republicans on the ballot this year. If the Democrats are smart, this is a golden opportunity for them to pick up the kinds of voters they’ve spent generations trying to woo back.

Look, there have already been mass protests in the streets of Russian cities for almost a week now to Putin’s folly. I wrote recently how the most recent US, UK, and EU sanctions were different because they started affecting common Russians almost immediately. The Russian stock market lost half of its value in one day, and the ruble is at a historic low. The latest round of western sanctions took place on the weekend, when the markets were closed, and most observers are predicting another cataclysmic day for the Russian financial markets tomorrow. Think that might bring more people out into the streets?

The more that Putin stumbles in Ukraine, and his home situation grows worse, the better that NATO, and especially Biden looks. He is the one who pulled NATO up by the bootstraps and re-established US world leadership. And right now, the Democrats need to start trumpeting that from the mountain like there is no tomorrow.

Because, what is the GOP response? Their two senior outcasts, Traitor Tot and Mike Pimp-eo, along with Putin’s US spokesman, Fucker Carlson are all showering blessings on Putin for his war crimes in progress. Mental midgets like Laborious MTG and Paul Gosar are jumping on the bandwagon.

This situation is ripe for exploitation. Immediately, the Democrats need to get ads up and running in sensitive ethnic areas, comparing Biden’s positive, inclusive remarks about NATO and article 5, and his sending US troops into Russia vulnerable nations, with videos of the remarks of the Unholy Triumvirate. Hell, R/T is using it, why shouldn’t we?

I write a little while ago about how the GOP was screwing itself by trying to legislatively erase the ethnic histories of people they don’t like from history taught in America. People are proud of their ethnic heritage. And right now you have one party and leader who are doing everything in their power to keep those nations safe and free, and another party and leaders who are actively cheering on the asshole who wants to subjugate them. Think that might change a few minds?


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  1. Our candidates and the Party should have already been all over this, blanketing their states or districts with Trump’s and the GOP’s traitorous support of Putin and Russia. We need to park what they’ve been saying DEEP in voter’s minds and every day that goes by where a Democrat doesn’t say something on camera to a news outlet back home or issue a press release, tweets etc. pointing what a Republican back home is saying and has already (now that a handful are starting to walk things back a bit to hedge their bets) is a day lost. We need that and more. Much as I hate that litter on a stick known as billboards they are out there and there’s plenty of space on one to have a picture of a shirtless Putin, one of Trump and one of Zelinky in combat gear up front with his troops. And one of Zelinsky and Biden shaking hands in the Oval Office. Stuff like that and more.

    • You know and I know that they’re already grinding this out as we speak. In this matter, let’s take a cue from Uncle Joe and get it right as opposed to fast. Also, we need to see what the Ukrainian situation is after tomorrow to make sure we get the right message out.

    • Well, it doesn’t matter how many ads get put out if people don’t see them or pay attention to them.
      I’m in Alabama and we have been INUNDATED with GOPers vying to win their primary races. They’ve actually been airing since last October(!) and the freaking primaries don’t even happen until MAY 24. Frankly, I’m fed up with ANY politically-minded ads (I had to go to a website to find out that we’ve actually got some Democrats running for the Governor’s office, state Attorney General and Shelby’s Senate seat–I haven’t heard a peep from any of these candidates).
      It should also be noted that the Party (and “our” candidates) cannot really take out the kind of generic “See how the GOP supports Putin!” ads, at least at this point. It can be used AFTER candidates are decided and then used as “Candidate X was elected by GOPers as supporting Trump and Trump openly supported Putin’s invasion (at which point a clip of Trump’s braying appears). Does Candidate X also believe American interests were served by Putin’s illegal invasion of Ukraine?” But, just for generic anti-GOP ads? That’s best left to interest groups–like “Ukrainian-Americans Against Putin Lovers.”

      • Hey Joseph… instead of worrying about worry about what might happen if he, putin, sends nukes?wake up. This is scariest incarcerated


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