We need some hilarity in our morning and lo and behold, it just came along. Is there a group, a sub-set of MAGAs called Has Beens For Trump? Because if there isn’t, then I propose that there should be and Jon Voight can be the poster child. If there’s one thing that is fascinating about the advent of Trump, it’s been to see how splintered this country has become. You have Jon Voight on the one side, deifying the biggest crook to ever work in politics and on the opposite end of the Hollywood spectrum, you have Robert DeNiro calling Trump out for the fraud that he is.

For whatever reason, Voight is on the Mike Lindell end of the delusional belief bell shaped curve. He seems to be a true believer. Not sure I understand why, but that’s the impression Voight gives. But where he gets the religious angle is what I find totally bewildering. Here’s the latest from both Trump and Voight. Hang onto your armchair.

“He will heal our land if we turn to him.”  I wonder if they have flat screen TVs in Hell? I can imagine Satan sitting in his recliner, drinking a beer, and roaring at this one. Yes, you did your work well, Oh Dark One. Look at the morons that are in this world advocating that the biggest crook in politics is on a par with none other than Jesus Christ. That’s a new one.

The pure comedy of this is that there have been some religious types who have run for office, Mitt Romney comes to mind, and nobody had the audacity to compare him to Jesus — but the rapist, adulterer, liar, income tax cheat, accused felon? Oh, yes, he is the Master incarnate, absolutely. Without question.

What does Voight stand to gain from a Trump presidency, anybody know? Ambassador to the Court of St. James, something classy like that? Wait, I got it: a Medal Of Honor. Yes, like Streisand or DeNiro got. That’s what Voight wants. And in a Trump presidency, he could probably get it, too. And Melania will hang it around his neck, like she did with Rush Limbaugh.

And Voight can feign shocked surprise, like Limbaugh did.

And failed it miserably, we might add. But then politics and religion, both, are the last resorts of the scoundrel, we are told.


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  1. Comical that some choose to try to portray the Anti-Christ as some sort of MAGA version of Jesus. More of the Father of Lies’ work no doubt!

  2. dingleberry knows his fan base if he knows nothing else and he is playing to some of the stupidest people on the planet. It is no wonder young people are leaving xtianity in droves-they smell the bullsh*t, and have all their lives, from miles off.

  3. Even before the end of Voight’s little missive my mind started saying WHAT THE F**K on a loop. That sped up, like the old Pong game and got to going so fast if wound up having a crash. Took way too long for me to get to Game Over mode but I’m back. Sort of. Human nature has its good aspects to be sure, but one of the worst is self-delusional reinforcement. Sometimes people can admit to themselves and even others they made a mistake. That they were wrong about something or someone. It’s not an easy thing for most to do. I’ll be the first to admit I’ve found it to be tough. A bitter pill to swallow. So sadly, The worst part is that the bigger the mistake/misjudgement the more people resist admitting it.

    I’m not surprised so many simply not only refuse to accept they were wrong about Trump but work, and work hard to convince not just themselves but others too that Trump is a great person and leader who will make even Jesus seem small in comparison. As I say sometimes, the human race isn’t evolving anywhere quickly enough.


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