Let’s be clear. Twice impeached, twice indicted, at least at this moment, civilly liable sexual abuser Donald John Trump is in deep sh*t. But don’t look for Traitor Tot to change his public persona any time soon. Here’s why.

 I wrote earlier tonight that as serious as the charges against Trump are, he is torpedoing his own attorneys attempts to try to present any kind of a linear defense that deviates from Trump’s personal defense that he was totally entitled by the Presidential records Act to hold those documents. He did nothing wrong. 

The entire premise of Trump’s defense is ridiculous and nonsensical to anybody who is actually tuned in to Earth One. But that’s OK, because the rest of us simpletons are completely missing the point that His Lowness doesn’t care what we think.

I have often said that Trump is an obsessive narcissist, and a clinical sociopath. But what Trump also is is self delusional, and most importantly, he is immediate goal oriented. And that is going to play a critical part in what follows over the coming months.

Because. Trump. Doesn’t Care. Trump, the ultimate Political imbecile, has a totally political agenda in mind.. More. Time.  And why wouldn’t he? After all, Trump has spent 45 years avoiding any actual personal legal liability for his actions. And since the federal, as well as most state judicial systems move with the speed of a glacier, no matter how serious his legal predicament seems, he has an out.

All he needs is a little. More. Time. Because right now El Pendejo Presidente is the breakout favorite to become the GOP’s 2024 nominee for President. And so, if he can stall, and he can win in November, then all of his problems go away. He’ll take the Oath of Office in January, and his first chore will be to pardon himself. Why worry? He’ll make sure a compliant Supreme Court clears it legally. And good luck to Manhattan and Georgia trying to jail him on state convictions with the Secret Service around. Endgame.

Trump can’t deal with his current legal problems, simply because all of them end up with Trump in an orange jumpsuit. Besides, Trump doesn’t really understand legal sh*t at all, that’s what he has lawyers for. What Trump understands these days is politics, and getting another shot at the White House is his way of making sure that all of this legal sh*t goes away. And so, his loyal 30-35% base are the only ones he’s going to be speaking to, and promoting his innocence to his base, and counting on McCarthy and McDaniel to get the rest of the parry in line. It’s his only lifeline.

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  1. He simply doesn’t care. He’s that convinced that he had absolute authority to do whatever he wanted that this is all a sideshow to stop him being President.

    He firmly believes that he will be re-elected and, worst case scenario, he simply won’t accept anything any court may say or do (and/or he will pardon himself and set aside any conviction).

    • Deep down he cares greatly. He doesn’t truly believe what he’s portraying to be true. But just like most psychopaths, he’s too afraid to admit, even to himself, what he knows to be true – that everything he says is a lie and he’s one of the biggest fakes in the history of mankind. Some of this is lack of impulse control with his Id battling with and subjugating his ego. Some of this is behavior learned from his upbringing from father Fred Trump, Jr., including from growing up being surrounded by criminals of all kinds including the Russian & Italian mafia in Brooklyn and Queens. A lot of it comes from his fear of Putin & Putin’s FSB agents. He knows as soon as he doesn’t tow the line and as soon as he no longer becomes a useful pawn to them; and as soon as he is no longer able to pay Putin’s Kremlin oligarchs back for failed Trump Tower Moscow along with unpaid billions in loans through Deutsche Bank, he gets whacked.

  2. Your “Trump is an obsessive narcissist, and a clinical sociopath … is self delusional, and most importantly, he is immediate goal oriented.” Thus why he operates with evident disregard for norms and rules. He revels in a pathological attention to power; he doesn’t really care about the quality and substance of the words he uses; he uses people as props; he deliberately gins up his adorers and enablers through the fuels of lies, fear mongering and division; he doesn’t know his boundaries or limits; he thinks the only answer is himself. Like you allude to “He doesn’t care” because ultimately its about him and his destructive, insatiable ego.

  3. Murf … so clearly stated. Diapers 45 is a hot hot mess. A dumpster fire of vile vices. So when do dems start pounding the GQP, the Republikkkan party, the freedom (from democracy and decent things) caucus, the billionaires fan club (okay being redundant), and the reactionary “we love dictators and don’t regulate us silly mortals” billionaires.??? The m$m will not… they seem to side with them… hmmm. && makes one wonder what kind of fine folk support a total waste of “presidential…” (okay that was, is and always be hogwash; he never wanted nor cared to learn🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️). The answer is obvious: easy and gullible marks; reactionaries; conservative radicals; nihilists (need a better simpler word); rascists; and other fringe libertarian aholes. PS. Rejoined the job market. Part time. So part time… we’ll just 5 hours per week after inventory. Oh well. Keeping busy. But have temp jobs lined up. PS2. It seems the USA wants to work and is working… that is the message biden and dems must hammer!!! No thanks to the Republican numbnuts!

  4. He doesn’t care because he doesn’t need to care. Look, the ‘pube base, the magats, will support this fool until his death and probably even after that (hell, they have deified him f.f.s.). He figures if he has them he has a lock on the w.h. He is not good at math: had he even been the least bit competent with numbers he would not have tanked so many of his businesses. Because of his inability to compare numbers he does not see the magats do not make up the majority of voters.

    I don’t worry about former guy winning because he has so much support-he doesn’t. I worry about the dumb a$$es f**king up the democratic primaries. This is one time when we need to stand behind the incumbent regardless of our feelings for him. Too much is at stake to pull out the “f**k around and find out” card. A ‘pube in the w.h. will destroy our nation and we will be no better than some banana republic.

    • He isn’t all that bright. Fred could afford to send himto.A military school.after his private ach hook was going to expel him. At the military school they encouraged bullying Part of my student teaching was,at an expensive Catholic military school;the D.I. was an asshole and the smart kids hated him.

  5. The shocking reality, if true, is that more than 50% of R’s say he’s worthy of being in the WH again. This is a testimonial to the degradation of education, as well as the degradation of ethics, decency and honesty in this country. It’s heartbreaking.

  6. Agree 100% that Trumplethinskin will never change. For him, it’s about the same chance as expecting renowned sadists Adolph Hitler and Charles Manson to admit guilt or apologize: ZERO % chance. Sadists derive great pleasure on causing chaos, suffering & death while at the same time gaining personal $$$ benefit. TraitorTrump is no different. And this explains why the saying: ETTD (Everything Trump Touches Dies) became a thing that follows the Orange Turd around like stink on SH*T.

    However, Murph, gotta disagree on your 1 statement: “After all, Trump has spent 45 years avoiding any actual personal legal liability for his actions.” Trump has been involved in over 4,000 lawsuits since the 1960s with over 1,000 naming him personally. There are perhaps around 20 examples through the years. Many of them have involved him settling privately out of court and paying significant 5 and 6 figures in cash without anyone knowing about it publicly, in exchange for dropping the lawsuits. Some were settled through Consent Judgments filed in court with the agreement that the penalty amounts paid would remain sealed to the public. One example is the 125 Million $ lawsuit filed by Jill Harth Houraney for sexual assaults between 1992 and 1997 by TFG. The detailed allegations of Trumpelthinskin’s sexual assault behavior in the Complaint filed are very similar to those detailed in E. J. Carroll’s sexual assault Complaint. This matter was settled privately out of court in 1997 at the same time as Jill Harth Houraney’s husband’s breach of contact lawsuit was settled – also for an undisclosed amount.

  7. There is stupid. There is stubborn. There is stupidly stubborn. And then there is a Trump level.of stupidly stubborn: stupidly stubborn x 10.

  8. This is exactly my reading of his current behavior. He doesn’t care that his arguments about Clinton’s socks drawer won’t stand up in court. He’s going for a presidential get out of jail free card, and at this point, that’s all he’s going for. So he thinks all he has to do is convince Maga nation he’s innocent. Unfortunately Maga nation is shrinking by the hour or at least scuttling back underneath their rocks. Another great article, Murph!

  9. The Trump so-called presidency is a disaster of epic proportions. He did absolutely nothing for the American people, He was president in name only & gave his revolving staff members the go-ahead on anything they wanted to do. Trump didn’t read any important information the generals or his staff gave him, got angry at anyone who pushed for his input. They said he only wanted to talk about his power, badmouth Democrats & often made incestuously sexual comments about his daughter Ivanka, making everyone uncomfortable & they thought his talk was reprehensible. The author said Trump’s COS John Kelly said “Trump is an evil man”. (From a book by Miles Taylor, coming out July 18 called “Blowback” A warning to save democracy from the next Trump”, a story recently published by PEOPLE magazine.
    The so-called “Trump Era” has all but ruined the state of our government. He gave critical gov’t jobs to the most right-wing, militant & with no moral compass so long as they pledged loyalty to him. Volumes could be written about the total waste of time & space & the taxpayers’ money while he was president. It’s a sad time in our history, especially when you consider what a capable, competent, intelligent, educated, and experienced Hillary Clinton was/is The Trump “presidency is a travesty against our government, our people & our Constitution.


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