I must say, this is a combination straight out of Hell or the late late horror movies, Trump/Gosar. I mean, that is something you would only see on a magenta static-y screen at 4:00 a.m. after Godzilla Vs. Don Rickles or worse. And Gosar thinks it’s a swell idea.

So of course this is hopping around right-Wingnuttia right now and a lot of them think it’s a grand notion.

It sounds like a great idea in the adamantine echo chamber, that much is certain.

Yes, the diamond heist analogy, you steal diamonds, you give them back. You steal an election, you give it back. Trump’s still singing that tune and bets are being taken on how long that’s going to run. After all, the Arizona audit is pretty much out of gas and you know going in that Mike Lindell’s conference in South Dakota next month is going to be pure conflagration and conspiracy theory.

Great idea to have Gosar as V.P. Then his white supremacist buddies can be appointed to cabinet posts and Sebastian Gorka can formally open up the Ministry of Truth. Swell, simply swell.


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  1. ‘Trump/Gosar would be a solid losing ticket.’

    (Trump/Anyone else at all) would be a solid losing ticket. He’s already lost the popular vote twice. What is wrong with these people, that they keep backing such a loser?

  2. Who the hell is Gosar? I can see his sign and know he’s a hypocrite but other than that I’ve never heard of him and I’ve got a feeling I’m not the only one.


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