We all know, from his time as the Lump’s personal physician – where he famously proclaimed that his boss had the physique of a Superhero and the body mass index of a fasting Tibetan Monk – that Adm. Ronny Jackson has more screws loose than a Home Depot blown apart by a cat. 5 tornado. But the Congresscritter from Texas Panhandle country really outdid himself this weekend, tweeting (or tweaking, or both) from what looks like a public park, threatening Joe Biden, but perhaps more immediately, his foot…

What an idiot, more likely to take out his Converse’s than a home intruder or stay prairie dog.






Ding, ding, ding, ding…

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  1. Does ronnie realize anyone wanting to take those guns away from him merely has to scope him out with a decent deer rifle (a junior ranger would do fine in fact–my favorite to hunt deer with), then walk over and take them from his either very injured or very dead self? Given all the mistakes being broadcast by him in that asinine video it’s obvious he cannot use them effectively for anything other than injuring himself.

    • It wouldn’t take anything anywhere near that drastic. Hell, just nicking him in the side of a thigh with a .22 would have him hopping around and screaming in pain. In fact, just tossing a canister of tear gas would do it. Or just walking up to him and zapping him suddenly with a Taser. Hell, just sneaking up behind him and shouting BOO! would probably make him both piss his pants and drop his penile enhancement devices that don’t work any more than the sugar pills in internet ads.

  2. Someone really wants to explain to the gun nuts that, when Leonidas said “Come and take them” the Persians did exactly that – and wiped out all the Spartans at the same time

    Be careful what you wish for

  3. Hey ronnie…I hear the best way to clean the barrel is put one in the chamber, safety off, place the barrel in ur mouth & pull the trigger. The world will have less filth immediately. Glad to be of service. Just following my oath to the constitution.

    • Do you know what happens to the back of your head if you do that? Your brains get spattered all over whatever is behind you. The manager of my apartment complex when I lived in California many years ago did exactly that. The guy who did all the maintenance, had to clean it up. He told me that it was really a very nasty mess.

      • Maybe he can practice out in a field. That ‘mess’ will be less than the mess that will be left if these soulless nazi posers take over. Look up old pics of Germany in 1945. Hitler sure did make Germany great again. Too bad the Reich only lasted 12 years instead of a thousand years.


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