Mark this on your calendar. July 15 is six weeks from now. It is the latest deadline for Mike Lindell’s stellar legal maneuver wherein he reveals documentation to the Supreme Court that is so shocking that they immediately declare the 2020 election a wash and then Donald Trump is restored to power, body surfed by his worshippers all the way from the Trump Hotel to the Oval Office. We won’t bore you with the fact that Christopher Krebs, who was the head of cybersecurity at the time of the election, and a Republican, went on record saying that the 2020 election was the “most secure election in history.” What could Krebs possibly know next to a pillow manufacturer from Minnesota, I mean really?

If you think you can stomach another one of these, here it is. It is exactly like the one you heard three months ago and then several months before that — and maybe it’s a preview of what you’ll hear at Christmas, who knows?

And if you can stand more, here’s Lindell telling you how simple it all is, like “blood DNA at a crime scene” and “the color white.” If this is so simple and obvious, why has everything Lindell and his ace physicist, Dr. Frank, been laughed away as hyperbole and tripe, without substance?

Maybe we could send Lindell a nice copy of Boris Karloff reading “The Boy Who Cried Wolf.”

There will be plenty of this in the next week, of that you may be sure. Lindell needs to sell sell sell those MAGA Frank tickets and line line line those pockets.


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  1. Packets are bundles of information that is sent across computer networks. Usually, everything is broken up into packets and reassembled at the other end. From what he is saying, it sounds like he latched onto that word and is throwing it around like it really means something.

    • So do I understand this correctly? He’s saying that the packets contain some kind of an instruction to alter votes? Because all that I get from this video of his is a spreadsheet, but how that spreadsheet comes into being exactly is not clear. This is exactly what he did in his first documentary. He did a spreadsheet, which that professor quoted in the Yahoo News story said was badly done, and we’re just supposed to believe the spreadsheet. So I guess if I make a spreadsheet saying I earned $50 Million last years, the banks are supposed to believe me, right?

  2. The part where you noted we’ve been through this slide through the sewer multiple times before and will do so again gave me a thought. Each go-round we should have a movie ad meme of the film titled “Groundhog’s Asshole Day! (Starring Mike Lindell, and featuring the usual cast of characters)”

  3. Hmm. Lindell’s arguments and evidence (which he would have to provide to the Court BEFORE that date since they don’t rule on cases the same day they hear them) would really have to be pressing since the Court is NOT currently scheduled to be in session on July 15th.

    According to the Court’s calendar for this session, they’ll have their final session on June 28th.

    According to the Court’s own website, explaining the procedures, “The Court recesses at the end of June, but the work of the Justices is unceasing. During the summer they continue to analyze new petitions for review, consider motions and applications, and must make preparations for cases scheduled for fall argument.”

    Also, just to throw some cold water on Lindell’s belief that the Court would “overturn the election,” but I seriously doubt that even the most partisan hacks on the Court (Thomas, Kavanaugh, Alito) would be willing to *discover* a new power for the Court to “overturn” any election (even the infamous 2000 decision was, purportedly, limited to a single state’s method of counting election results, not to overturn the entire results).


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