I’m now officially on “Resignation Alert” for Alex Acosta. As I type this, Acosta hasn’t even started answering questions about his craven fold-spindle-mutilate on the Jeffrey Acosta case, and I’ve already heard enough. Acosta has to go, and I think it will be sooner rather than later.

Those of you who read me regularly have often seen me use the word blivet as a descriptive phrase, blivet meaning 8 lbs of shit in a 5 lb bag. Well today, Alex Acosta reached the uber blivet category, which I had to create especially for him, 25 lbs of shit in a 3 lb bag.

The real problem for Alex Acosta is that his explanation makes absolutely no fucking sense whatsoever! None. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Acosta, craven coward that he is, immediately attempted to throw the Florida States Attorneys office under the bus, by claiming that the Epstein case started out as a state case, and that the state was willing to let Epstein walk on a single charge that carried no jail time, and no registration as a se offender. That may well be true, but if so, then how is it any skin off of Alex Acosta’s nose? It’s not his case, let the Florida SA take the heat.

That’s where the train leaves the tracks, on the middle of a bridge over the Alps. According to Acosta, it was the Florida US Attorneys office that swept in, like an avenging angel, to lay down the law for Epstein, either plead guilty to a stiffer state charge, one that carried mandatory jail tie and sex offender registration, or prepare for the wrath of God in a federal trial with heavy jail tie. What a mensch this Acosta hardass is, huh?

There are two basic problems with this explosion of pixie dust Acosta is trying to blow up everybody’s ass, both of them obvious to even non legal observers. First, just who the fuck does Alex Acosta think he is, anyway? Since when does a blundering buffoon like Acosta get to dictate the terms of a state originated plea deal? A US Attorney should have absolutely no say or sway in how a local prosecutor manages a state case, that’s kinda where states rights come in, and I can’t imagine a state prosecutor being very happy with Acosta sticking his big, fat, federal nose into their affairs.

The second problem is even worse for Acosta. Since when do federal prosecutors use the threat of a federal prosecution to get a defendant to plead guilty to stiffer state charges? This makes absolutely no sense at all, legal or otherwise. Either you have a case, or you don’t. If you have a case, and Acosta had a 54 page indictment ready to go before the grand jury, and you see a state prosecutor getting ready to cut a candy ass plea deal, you rush the case before the grand jury, get your indictment, and take over with a federal prosecution. What federal prosecutor, with an average or above ego, and an eye to climbing the ladder, wouldn’t prosecute a case that didn’t just put a child sexual predator, but a rich shitpoke child sexual predator behind bars for the rest of his life?!? Those are the kinds of headlines that careers are made of! And if he didn’t have a case, then he’d be taking a helluva risk in using the threat as a cudgel, only to have the defendant’s attorney turn around and call his bluff.

Alex Acosta’s excuse stinks like yesterdays diaper, as Baby Herman is wont to say, and either way it means that he has to go. The feds must have had a case, no sane prosecutor would make a threat like that, and risk losing if the bluff was called and they had to go to trial, that would mean that Epstein would get off scot free, which would mean crucifixion in the media. And if they actually had the case, then it would be inexcusable to not bring it forward, and get this vicious scumbag off of the streets once and for all. Which only begs the question, why didn’t Acosta try the case? That’s the question that Alex Acosta went before the media today to answer, and he failed miserably.

And so, once again I find myself on official Resignation Alert for yet another totally useless cabinet member of a totally useless and corrupt Trump administration. And once again I can only say what I said once before, ADIOS MOTHERFUCKER!

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  1. I might be mistaken but I don’t think FL law covered interstate sex trafficking activities – that’s a federal matter. So, accusing the State of FL with “only” charging Epstein with solicidation of prostitution just doesn’t cut it. That’s likely all their state law would allow them to do, and let’s not forget how rich and connected Epstein was and remained. Some lowly state’s attorney looking across at a legal team with resources his/her office could only dream of would be leery of prosecuting even the most rock solid of cases. That’s where the feds are supposed to come in, both because they have laws to cover sex trafficking and soliciting, transporting & trafficking sex crimes (not just against minors btw) but also the resources of the FBI – and keep in mind that while Epstein’s pals could lie to state investigators with impugnity lying to the FBI is in itself a crime and therefore a lot more evidence can be developed.

    And there’s still the matter of federal law requiring the feds to keep the victims informed. Acosta’s claim that doing so would compromise the case and even saying today that in at least one instance Epstein’s attorney’s had contacted a victim asking if she’d been offered money to be able to press a claim for restitution means they admitted to obstruction of justice! The feds also (like states) have laws against witness intimidation/interference because that’s an element of obstruction.

  2. A bit from the criminally underrated film Dredd comes to mind: “So run, hide…makes no difference. You’re already dead.” Such is the case with Acosta and his current job. The longer he stays, the more headlines will roll in, as per freaking usual with any entity attached to this joke of an admin.

          • Ironically, I think it’s what keeps him employed. How many people can say they’ve been in a big budget fantasy movie (The Two Towers), a Bruce Willis headlined action vehicle (Red, my personal favorite of Urban’s roles), a reboot of a beloved sci-fi franchise (Star Trek) AND an MCU film (Thor Ragnarok)? Guys like that can and do carve out a good living for themselves leading actors often can’t?

          • He’s been a leading actor in at least two TV series (“Almost Human” and “The Boys”). And all three of the rebooted Trek movies (generally referred to as “AOS”: “Alternate Original Series”). There’s a poster with him in all his roles, at least online.

      • I think he’s talking about Judge Derdd with Stallone…That line seems to stick in my mind from that flick…

    • Not only that, but the longer he stays, the more Epstein stink he gets on him, and the longer his post Trump life will be fucked up…Good riddance!!!


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