And now, the end is near, and so I face the final curtain   Frank Sinatra   My Way

You know, it’s most fitting. As a lifelong New Yorker who never managed to garner the respect and adulation he so desperately craved, what better way to end the tragic farce of his life than for Traitor Tot to go to bed every night, and wake up every morning to the signature tune from the most famous and respected New Yorker of all, Frank Sinatra  The Chairman

For Donald John Trump, despite all of the bravado, all of the bluff, all of the bullsh*t, all of the stalls and self deception, a few hours ago it just got as real as a heart attack. Trump. Is. Going. To. Trial. As. A. Criminal. Defendant.

No more fun-and-games. And even the SCOTUS can’t save him unless they actually rule that he does have his whimsical absolute immunity. Even if the Supreme Court puts a stay on Judge Chutkan’s trial to debate the issue, that has no practical effect on the New York case, they are neither a plaintiff nor defendant in the suit. The Manhattan district court is on the launch pad for trial.

Things will pick up quickly from here in Manhattan. The date of March 25th will be the first day of voir dire, more commonly known as jury selection. But the judge doesn’t want to waste 2-3 weeks just picking a jury. So look for a mass mailing of jury questionnaires to go out to several hundred potential jurors. I’m betting that the questionnaires will be required to be returned at least two weeks before trial. That will give the prosecution, defense, and judge at least two weeks to familiarize themselves with the data.

And you can bet your ass that there will be probing psychological cross questions in there meant to ferret out MAGAt’s desperately trying to get on the jury to hang it. And when it comes to the actual jury selection, Trump’s legal beagles are going to be hamstrung. Since Trump is a single defendant, it doesn’t matter how many lawyers he has, he only gets five peremptory challenges, allowing him to excuse potential jurors with no valid reason. And I don’t see this judge being particularly amenable to Trump’s bullsh*t.

It doesn’t take Murfster The Magnificent, The Oracle Of Doofi to see where this is going. We are 39 days from the start of jury selection. Watch for the Tiny Thumbs Diktator to be burning a black hole size crater in his Bullsh*t Social account. And from where I’m sitting, watch for him to greatly pick up the pace of his rally appearances over the next 30 days.

Because El Pendejo Presidente is scared sh*tless. A personal aside here. About 12 years ago, after a misspent youth of hockey excesses, I had my left knee replaced. Pretty much now as then, I stand at 6’4″ and tip the Toledo’s at about 345. On my surgeon’s advice I delayed the surgery by 90 days to take one last cortisone injection to allow me to try to shed a few pounds to make my post surgery rehab easier. I swear to God my friends, as I recall it I got the injection, went home, ate dinner, went to bed, and the next morning we were going to the hospital for the surgery. Don’t take my word, look at your own experience. When you have a deadline to something you really don’t want to do, the pages of the calendar fly off like in one of those old black-and-white movie.

And just think, I had 90 days! Trump is looking at less than half of that, 39 days. And since we all know that Trump is the most transactional man alive, you can bet your ass that he’s going to spend every one of these 39 days ranting and slobbering against the injustice of it all, because March 25th is now the only transaction on his mind. This is going to be like a popcorn hull between his tooth and gum.

He’s already started. Following the hearing today, Traitor Tot paused on the street to address the media and his scattering of sh*tgibbons ooh-ooh-oohing on the sidewalk. He screamed that it was ridiculous that he now had to spend months in a courtroom defending himself when he should be campaigning for President. More bullsh*t. Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg is predicting a 6 week trial. Former US Attorney Barbara McQuade said that by what she’s seen, the trial will last more like 4-5 weeks.

Take my word for it. Traitor Tot is going to be like the classic Looney Tunes character The Tasmanian Devil. He is going to be pinwheeling all over the place, spinning like a top, trying to cause as much destruction as possible. Except the damage he’s trying to create is to suck the most campaign cash as he can into his desperate vortex. I will close with this. Traitor Tot has spent the last three years desperately trying to run out the clock. And guess what? It finally starts to look like the clock is running out on him. Don’t touch that dial.

I thank you for the privilege of your time.

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  1. Don Don’s clock watching behaviour simply reminds him there’s no spring recharge mechanism to manipulate for delay tactic advantage. The reality is, for all to see, is that the clocks spring is fast reaching its last tick to tock. Is safe to assume that in response to this terminal winding down, enter Don Don’s desperate gasps; histrionics; delusions; damaged goods reptilian animations; un-hinged logic; irrational circular counter arguments. Tick. Tick. Tick. Thud.

    • Murf, I appreciate you changing the title on this page. I would’ve liked if you’d noted the change in the page title since the URL still reflects your original DEFCON rating (but most people won’t pay attention to that aspect so they’ll read my above comment and think I can’t read or something).

  2. Every thing that doesn’t go his way triggers yet another rage-fest. Eventually he ought to die from this. Right? He looks worse every time he is photographed/videoed. How much longer do we have to deal with this criminal?

  3. Well written article. As with most logical Americans, we are aghast at what has happened in this country with a toddler named trump. Why this guy has any control over normal people is a mystery to me. I guess they aren’t sane or normal. Hopefully trump will get what he deserves, hopefully! Thank God for the State of New York. And I honestly, never say that.

  4. He can’t claim ‘absolute immunity’ in this case as it happened PRIOR to his becoming President! He can’t pardon himself. He can’t appeal until AFTER sentencing. Listening to his stupid lawyers whining & crying….’he ‘s campaigning’. A. From judge:No one has EVER had their trial delayed until their boss gave them time off work or until after the seasonal crunch time. The ‘I have to work on other cases.’ – A from judge:Trump constantly brags about how wealthy he is. Have him hire more attorneys to help you. ‘We have other cases that might start.’ A from Judge: Yeah, and they might not. The judge in any of the other cases can wait until this one ends and then THAT trial can start. Hire more attorneys-stop whining about how much work you have. ‘It’s election interference.’ Answer from judge: No it’s not. Trump wasn’t forced to commit these crimes. He chose to do them. It’s his own fault. ‘Gag orders violate my free speech’. A from judge: No they don’t. There’s nothing in the gag orders preventing you from talking about the trial or Joe Biden.

    I don’t know how ANY Republican can listen to this nonstop whining. MAGAs also employ nonstop whining in their lives too. It’s never their fault. Someone is always being mean. And their belief Trump won in 2020 b/c of the attendance at his rallies is the stupidest shit I’ve heard in a while. Does 100.000 people watching nascar mean MOST of America LOVES nascar? It’s really specious at best.

  5. I lived in Brooklyn from 1979to 1984. New Yorkers hate Trump. Sure the 1% might have bought into his scamming company, but the donor class won’t touch him so he has to bulk his ignorant uneducated cultists.
    Jury selection fascinating. The top 5%who live in Manhattan will be excused because of their jobs. It will be low level.execs and working class and middle class that will.make up the jury, and they know him for exactly what he is: a scammer and a douchenozzle who screwed over construction companies and workers, employed illegal.immigrants to build his second rate towers, and sexually harassed women. They loathe the evil basturd for a reason.


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