Ahh. That Old Fashioned Bunker Mentality.


The Revolutionary Guard has re-formed, and is racing to protect Baghdad from the infidel Americans!   Baghdad Bob

This would be sad if it weren’t so completely pathetic and hilarious. As the southern and western states, who rushed headlong into healthcare perdition with Trump by removing the shackles in the middle of May reap the fruits of their labors with spiking coronavirus infections and hospitalizations, His Lowness is scrambling to find a bullshit out for this end result.

Since El Pendejo Presidente’s last original idea was to stand up when taking a leak when he was, like 4 years, old, Trump is falling back on the old stand-by, and he’s dragging Pencilneck Mike Pence with him. Rather than being disgraced by the pathetic result he engineered, Trump is taking a victory lap by claiming that it is the increase in testing that is leading to the spike in new cases. No shit. His logic? Because we’re testing like hell, we’re seeing all of these positive results. But if we just stopped testing,you’d hardly see any new cases at all. He actually said this shit, right out loud, in the Rose Garden.

The same day, Vice President Preparation H told GOP Governors from the south and west that they should filly embrace the administrations explanation on all of these pesky spikes. They should tell their constituents The higher reported numbers are a result of your taking the bull by the horns and testing like the dickens. If it weren’t for your outstanding leadership, nobody would know about all of these new cases. And yeah, Pence actually said that shit with a straight face too.

The problem with this richly textured and layered bullshit is that the spikes aren’t due to positive advance test results as much as positive results at doctors offices and emergency rooms. This is like an air traffic controller saying, Yeah, I know, like 6 planes crashed in my sector last week. But if I hadn’t been Johnny-on-the-spot and immediately reported them, nobody would ever know that anything had happened. So y’all just better be thankful that I’m a professional!

As insane as it sounds, there’s actually an underlying problem here. And it isn’t for this November. For better or worse, Trump is going to be on the ballot this November, nothing that anybody sharing the ballot can do about it. But this November isn’t likely to be the last election in American history, unless Trumpenstein win and finishes setting up his banana republic.

There will be another election in November of 2022, and it may not be pretty for the GOP. There are incumbent GOP Governors in states where Trump is badly under performing right now, states like Iowa, Arizona, Texas, Georgia, and Florida. All of those Governors are coming under increasing fire and pressure for the lack of spine in dealing with the original coronavirus outbreak, as well as their rushing the reopening when the states weren’t ready, as well as resisting pulling back as the virus surges again.

Here’s the question. Win or lose, Trump is not going to be on the ballot in November of 2022, but they are. If, as expected, there is a second spike this winter and fall, that is going to take them well into the spring of 2021 to try to clean up. Especially if Trump goes down without a trace in November, just how badly do these potentially vulnerable Governors want to go in insulting the intelligence of their constituents? The critical thing that they have to remember is that every single word that they say this fall, is something that can be brought back to and rebroadcast against them in the summer and fall of 2022, after people have had almost two years of coherent thoughts and facts to use to scrape all of the toxic Trump sludge out of their heads. How far do you go to parrot the Trump line without creating a tailor made attack ad for a future opponent

Even under ideal circumstances politics is a tough game. The sand shifts under your feet without notice, and falling behind the curve on a change in public opinion can be deadly. But it only gets harder when your own catcher starts tipping your pitches to the batter and runners. Settle in, this could be fun!

To know the future, look to the past.before the insanity of the 2020 election, relive the insanity of the 2016 GOP primary campaign, and the general election, to see how we got to where we are. Copies of President Evil, and the sequel, President Evil II, A Clodwork Orange are available as e-books on Amazon, at the links above. Catch up before the upcoming release of the third book in the trilogy, President Evil III: All The Presidents Fen

Follow me on Twitter at @RealMurfster35

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    • Bill Palmer’s approach on polls is always the sane one: look at the average rather than individual polls for the truth. That said, you KNOW it’s bad when even your favored pollsters can’t provide you cover fire anymore. Look for the situation to be New York levels of infection in those states by month’s end…and for blame to be thrown heavy at the undeserving.

      • They are already starting to blame the protesters. They claim that the left’s faux anxiety about the virus was belied by their willingness to forego masks and social distancing to cram together on the streets day after day. We already see several misrepresentation in that pretty piece of propaganda, but all the better for spreading it, according to them.

        • Not anymore…Both Trump’s as well as Pence’;s assertions now make it obvious that as far as they’re concerned, it’s Mission fucking Accomplished!!!

      • Yeah, I agree…And when I see any poll with a wildly dispirate outcome, I consider it an outlier until I see a second one that backs it up…Like last weeks CNN poll with Biden up by 14, until FOX came out with a poll a few days later that pretty much mirrored it…

    • After all this time, I’m rather discerning in WHICH polls I watch, and like to go with poll averages when I get a chance, but that being said, there is NO positive news I can find for him anywhere…

  1. The truth has to be pushed against all their propaganda. 45 saying no testing, no rise in#’s shows in ineptness (if not worse.) People are dying. Testing, or not testing, won’t change people dying.

    • Their problem is that His Lowness’ performance has turned away So many critical voting blocds for him, that the bullshit is falling on fewer and fewer ears…

  2. You make a lovely, poignant point here, Monsieur Murphy: most politicians are terrible at looking ahead, which is why they’re lousy planners. They live in the here & now, with themselves aboard the gravy train, happily slurping up money & power as though it will never end. Stupidly, they believe their consituents think the same myopic way. Even more stupidly, they believe their constituents also have short or no memories. Lots of them will be tossed off the gravy train in November & more will follow in 2022, and none of them will see it coming.

    • Thank you…And to your point, that outlook is especially prevelant in the House, where they have to run every two years, with no breathing room…The problem for these Governors is the fact that the pandemic is an oddity, in that it will cross over more than one voting cycle…Standard tactics it to let something burn out as quickly as possible, with time for everybody to forget…That is unlikely to happen here, which makes their statements NOW subject to exploitation later…

  3. My gosh but I hadn’t thought of the governors who could fall due to this pandemic failure of monumental proportions. And wouldn’t that fit the payback is hell trope? Nice one Murf.

    • Ahhhh, Carroll Ann, THIS is why I make the movie star wages!!! lol But that’s really the sirens song of Trump, isn’t it??? Everything is immediate, because he keeps changing it every 5 minutes, but if you step back, there are longer term consequences that can get lost in all of the mayhem…Daz my job…lol


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