This is one of many post mortems of the Kyle Rittenhouse homocide trial. Right now the lines are drawn pretty much at will future protestors be fair game for police and vigilantes, thereby chilling freedom of assembly, or was this trial a one-off and progress is being made against the societal forces that formed this situation in Kenosha to begin with? Right now there’s less support for the latter theory.

The bottom tweeter’s reaction is all too common right now.

And here is another common reaction: Rittenhouse should get rich suing the media.

And here was the reaction outside the courthouse, straight out of MAGA Central Casting.

Let’s see where it goes from here, but I don’t see any civil litigation at first blush. Rittenhouse isn’t a deep enough pocket for the families of the deceased to sue him civilly, as was the case with O.J. Simpson — although maybe he will be worth a lot of money in a few years. He might be on his way to Washington, D.C. right now to work for either Matt Gaetz or Madison Cawthorn. Maybe he’ll pen a best seller.

And for his part, I don’t see Rittenhouse prevailing in any defamation suits against the media.

But again, who knows? There is only one thing to be sure of in today’s culture war and that is that there’s nothing to be sure of.


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  1. Wasn’t there a federal case some years ago where someone who had been acquited in a state court was charged afterwards for ‘violating the civil rights’ of the victims?

    Over here in rainy Norn Iron, there is the ability for the prosecution to appeal a ruling (where the defendant walks and there are grounds for belief that the veridict was faulty. I think it’s time the US looked at implementing that in light of the blatant corruption of justice that occured.

  2. There is some talk on Twitter about federal charges. It’s Twitter, I can’t say if it’s reliable. Have to hope there might be SOME consequences for murdering two people and disabling a third. I don’t care if the jury didn’t say murder; those people are dead. They were murdered.

    We are so broken.

  3. Murder boy had better always keep one eye looking over his shoulder: he will have a target on his back until it is no longer needed. After all, it’s open season now and if these RWNJ’s think they are the only firearm owners they are as sadly deluded.


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