Something is wrong here. First, Mitch McConnell comes out in an interview and says that the GOP has a better chance of flipping the House than the Senate, and bitches about candidate quality. Then FUX News scumbag Tucker Carlson tells his mob of demented fools that The Democrats have an excellent chance of retaining control of congress in November.

WTF? I can only think of two reasons to say something like that publicly 82 days before the election. First, you’re trying to panic your base into motivation to show up to the polls. But neither McConnell nor Carlson ended their speil with desperate please to the base. Second, you’re trying a reverse mindfuck, conceding the race 82 days out in an attempt to male Democrats complacent enough to stay home in November. Not likely with the prescription drug and abortion issues on the table.

The old saying is that No man can serve 2 masters, and the GOP is the personification of that. They are so beholden to Traitor Tot that they’re letting him basically hand pick the field, and ending up with unelectable November candidates. And they’re so beholden to their rabid base that, rather than tack back to the middle to attract moderate voters, they keep having to veer farther and farther right on already unpopular positions.

In Vegas, we have a gambling name for this, it’s called doubling down. Quick explanation. You put $20 on a blackjack table. You lose. So you put $40 down instead, so you’re even if you win. You lost, you’re $60 down. So you bet $120, and on and on. The object is to keep doubling down so that with 2 consecutive wins, you’ve doubled your money. You let your first win ride on the next deal. If you win, you’ve doubled your money. If you lose, you go home on a Greyhound bus.

Arizona is a textbook case for this. First, thanks to Biden’s close shave in in November, and 2 Democratic Senators, Arizona is generally considered a purple state. The GOP controls the Governor’s mansion, as well as the legislature. But in reality, it’s much shakier for the GOP than they like to let on. I was shocked to learn today that while the GOP controls the legislature, they only control it by one seat in each chamber! If the Democrats can catch even a little wave in November, not only does Kelly keep his seat, and the Democrats get a new Governor, but with a 2 seat flip in each chamber, they’ll control that too!

And the GOP is bending over backwards to help them do it. Thanks to lower tax rates, and lower housing costs, more Californians move to Arizona every year. One can assume some of them are Republicans. But Kari Lake, the Trump troll running for Governor is actually running on an anti California platform. She said on the trail the other day, I’m not going to let California’s trash take over our beautiful state! Add in the standard GOP fare of a total abortion ban with no exceptions, and increasingly virulent anti immigrant rhetoric, and the GOP may have just hit the Trifecta of electoral folly.

Democratic strategist Joel Berentsen said on MSNBC today that while the Democrats being +4 on the generic ballot is nice, because of the disparity of House races, by Labor Day the Democrats really need to be +8 to have a realistic chance of holding the House

I disagree for two reasons. Uno, GOP white suburban soccer moms really hate Trump. And thanks to his meddling in the GOP primaries, they’re going to get Trumplets on their November House race ballots. Dos, abortion rights are going to be a driving issue in November. And as the Kansas primary abortion rights ballot initiative showed, GOP women will happily cross the line to protect their personal autonomy. And for the first time in 25 years, Hispanics now list abortion rights as a top 2 issue going into the booth.

We’re 82 days out. With all of his recent successes, Biden’s popularity figures to go up a bit, making him a more effective campaign tool. And for once, the Democrats, and not the GOP, are getting rave reviews on their messaging. Their messages are clear, concise, issue related, and easy to understand and relate to. And one more thing. The Democrats are massacring the GOP in terms of fundraising. And money buys and amplifies effective messaging. Pedal to the metal, and this time drive through the tape. Don’t touch that dial.


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  1. NOTE: After the WATERGATE public hearings Nixon’s approvals dropped 15 pts and his party lost the midterms.

    I look forward to Season 2 of the J6 hearings!


  2. As Al noted in his comment we will have more J6 Hearings in September. Keep your fingers crossed because if they can pick up where they left off and score even more points it will be just before early voting gets started in some places. The DOJ is out there too. THEY will go silent 60 days out but Trump won’t. And there are plenty of former DOJ types in the talking head brigade on TV who will happily continue offering actual informed takedowns of the bullshit Trump and the GOP slings.

  3. Was it really a good idea to shank the 3rd ranking member of the party, who voted with traitor tot 93% of the time, but has a distaste for fascism? A woman scorned. Hopefully we have a nation of scorned women who don’t want to live in 1972. How ironic & sweet if women took this bloated tick of a party down along with the chief pussy grabber. Now Ms. Morisett, that’s an irony, & one that will have me chuckling to myself for years. I wonder if the pussy grabber feels ms Cheney’s hand tightening around his balls? Watch for flying plates.

    • It’s an Alice in Wonderland off with her head type of thing. Even I feel sorry for Liz… in and alternate universe.
      She will rise from her defeat stronger and smarter, and once the Dumrumps are gone she will be a force to be reckoned with.

      • Yeah. That’s worrisome. She stood with him on 93% of his authoritarian evil. She’s been turned into a hero when it was Nancy Pelosi who appointed her & is the real hero. Oh & she has stood for the right things all along. We won’t even talk about liz’s daddy starting an illegal war, starting a torture program, & getting richer through defense contracts covered in poor enlisted men’s blood. Oops!


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