When you watch politics like I do, it doesn’t take long to find that there is almost a Kabuki dance sequence that goes on up on The Hill. And the same thing tends to go for the DOJ as well. You run into “No comments,” “Not damaging an ongoing investigation.” and “The privacy of the grand jury process.” Yada, yada, yada.

I mention this for a specific reason. It was more than a week ago that Liz Cheney, in her closing comments to the hearing, related that there had been multiple attempts from Trump associates, to intimidate of influence upcoming witnesses in their testimony. It included an attempt on a witness later confirmed to be Cassidy Hutchinson by an associate of Mark Meadows. Cheney made it clear that any reports were being forwarded to the DOJ for investigation and possible criminal prosecution.

And then today, again in her closing comments, Cheney comes out and says that, even after her specific warning that the J6 committee is referring all witness claims of intimidation or coercion to the DOJ, Traitor Tot himself tried to contact an as yet unheard of witness prior to her testimony. Stupid is as stupid does.

But here’s the McGuffin. Forget Trump, we’re once again dealing with a linear world and government now. And in a linear world, things tend to follow along a somewhat predictable timeline. And there’s the key.

The J6 committee has had the J6 committee’s official complaint for more than a week now. And you can bet that the committee forwarded the name of the person that contacted Cassidy Hutchinson, since it would make no sense for Meadows to have someone unknown to Hutchinson make the call.

As I wrote earlier today, Witness Intimidation is every prosecutors wet dream case, because the law is so broad. It doesn’t matter what the subject thought he or she said, if the witness felt threatened, intimidated, or coerced, then it’s witness intimidation.

The DOJ has had a name, and the specific information for more than a week now. With a legitimate charge, getting a search warrant for all of the suspect’s phone records will be child’s play. And if you can confirm the link, you can drag the witness in for questioning, or just go ahead and charge.

That’s what I’m going to be watching for. If the DOJ and FBI are serious about investigating witness intimidation, then this case should proceed along a smooth and somewhat predictable track.

Over the next few weeks, just keep one eye out for a DOJ announcement of the indictment of someone you may never have heard of before for Witness Intimidation. That would be Meadows flunky, and if he flips, all hell is going to break loose.

But more importantly, it shows that the DOJ is treating prospective witness tampering seriously. And if that’s the case, then they are likely already getting a search warrant for Traitor Tot’s phone records.

And if they find that definitive link, then we may well all get our fondest wish. Hair Twitler, being perp walked out of Mar-A-Lago, with the eventual bonus of a booking photo on every network, every hour. Don’t touch that dial.


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  1. We have yet to see Garland/DOJ do anything with regard to this criminal cabal of former guy and his associates. I’m not holding my breath waiting for them to get off their a*ses and do their jobs.


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