Wow! Watch Arizona Sec. of State Candidate Adrian Fontes Dismember the Right’s Lies about the Second Amendment


Adrian Fontes is the Democratic Candidate for Arizona Secretary of State in November’s election and he has a big spoonful of truth to shovel into the gaping maws of the NRA, the GOP and gun loving nut-bags everywhere.

Take it away, Adrian:

Sorry, try as I might I could not find a transcript of Adrian’s constitutional lesson any where, but he basically explained to the purveyor’s of lies about the Second Amendment that not only did the Constitution specify that militias should be well regulated, and not a bunch yahoos cosplaying armymen in the woods, but also that said militias should be regulated and armed by Congress, and called into action by the President (that’s the gubnit, bros).

For those who don’t do Twitter here’s a YouTube video:

Adrian will have a big X on his back in November as his last government position was Maricopa County Recorder, and so he tabulated all of those perfectly legal votes for Biden that drumpf and his minions tried to discredit.

If you wish to help him in his quest to make Arizona’s 2024 secure you can sign up for his campaign here.

If you live in Arizona please consider helping him win, we need more officials speaking truth to liars.

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  1. One addition thought which I’m sure he frequently makes when educating people on training and infantry weapons in the actual military – when not in use (as in at the firing range or practicing close order drill for a parade) those guns, be they rifles or pistols are LOCKED UP IN THE FUCKING ARMORY! When done shooting or carrying them in some field exercise they get cleaned and turned in! Oh, and in boot camp when you are drilling with them all the fucking time (so it sometimes seemed!) and checking them in and out of the armory multiple times per day was impractical when not in use they were locked up in heavy duty steel gun racks – each side of the squadbay had a set of racks that could hold six or eight (I don’t remember for sure all these decades later) rifles each. There was a “turnkey private” for each side of the squadbay who would get the keys from the DIs to unlock the racks and then after (while being closely watched) lock the rifles back up hand those keys back. And you can bet your ass a DI would check each and every rack shortly afterwards to make sure all were secure!

    Oh, and during range week (when we actually shot our weapons to qualify) we got patted down when we were done policing (picking up) our brass and woe to the recruit who didn’t hand back (to his shooting coach) the same number of spent brass casings as he’d been issued. Still, somehow sometimes someone would manage to sneak a round or two back to the squadbay. My platoon learned this bitter lesson when (as we learned DIs would do some serious searches of the place when other DIs had us out doing other stuff) a live round was found in our squadbay. Every one of us was carefully searched, and every inch of our footlockers and the items in them was too. Bedding was stripped and shaken out. Mattresses were checked to make sure there were no cuts, especially along seams where they might be hidden. It wasn’t limited to our platoon either – the DIs allowed for the possibility of someone swiping a round and then chickening out and tossing it into an open door or window in one of those “you have exactly ten fucking seconds to get your asses inside and at attention at your bunk/outside in formation!” announcements.

    THAT was halfway through boot camp when we’d had plenty of weapons handling and safety training. THAT’S how tightly controlled our assault rifles were! From what I gather things aren’t any different in the other services. Those weapons are locked the hell up when not in use. Period. Getting caught with a weapon in a place where you aren’t supposed to have one will result in a Courts Martial.

    So FUCK these “I got my KKKon-sta-tu-shun-ul rights” assholes who think anyone should have one of these weapons so they get get their rocks of Cos-Playing Rambo!

  2. One small problem….commas indicate separate thoughts. Therefore, the well-regulated militia and the right of the people to keep and bear arms are two separate things.
    The Bill of Rights is for the people so they can protect themselves from a tyrannic government. The government has its own Militia, which they control; BUT the people are also allowed to have their own Militia to keep the government’s power in-check.
    This dork wants to get his followers excited that “he” can do away with the second amendment! They all will be saddened with the “empty promises” of this moron…….

  3. It’s really too bad that Fontes is a law breaker himself and is part of the plan to attempt to take away our guns. Never going to happen. If he is elected as SoS, which would be horrible for AZ (he may actually be WORSE than Hobbs), our state and in turn our country will be in jeopardy. Ties to satanic drug cartels, election meddling, etc. This man is a puppet CLOWN and must be stopped forever.


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