An Idea To Get Conservatives To Mask Up (Could It Be This Simple?)


As the title image shows, even at times some of the craziest of the cray conservatives have worn a mask.   Of course, they’ve spent a lot more time denouncing them, and devoting far more time and effort trying to make policies and laws outlawing mandating their use (even by private business owners) and general dickishness to people who wear masks.   Not wearing one is a visible statement from MAGAts.   Without wearing a vaccination card on one’s sleeve no one can tell where a person stands (willful dumbass or sane, cares about themselves and others normal person) but refusing to wear a mask in hot spots, and/or areas where one is asked to wear one is an proclamation of a person’s Trump worshiping bona fides.

Recent anecdotal reports suggest an uptick in vaccinations but it’s not anywhere near enough.   Even before Covid we had a significant anti-vax movement.   So, given the still huge resistance out there I’m not going to hope for a rush to get vaccinated like we saw this spring and early summer.   However, the next best thing for preventing the spread of Covid is wearing a mask.   Even people who have been vaccinated can still get the disease (albeit almost always milder cases that don’t require hospitalization, much less intensive care) and spread it and even those not infected can spread it.

Just as masks helped (at least in places where they were widely used) before there were vaccines they can help now.   Alas, the whole point of this piece is that the goobers out there that won’t get vaccinated don’t want to wear masks either.   However, there is plenty of evidence they are open to some pretty out there suggestions.   Rational thought said bye-bye to the lion’s share of these folks a long time ago.

They might (hell, they ARE) gullible enough to have been duped into believing Covid isn’t real.   “I ain’t afraid of no Covid” is a core part of their belief system.   But you know what they DO fear?  Liberal influence of any kind.   They are convinced that liberals possess unearthly abilities to send out invisible liberal vibes, or “rays” or particles.   That will “infect” them!   OMFG! they think to themselves!

They might not say so to others, but to themselves their inner child SCREAMS at them that liberal “Cooties” are out there trying to enter and “infect” them!

Having said all that here’s my idea.   Start a messaging campaign on right wing sites and in right wing news that the best way to keep from being infected by liberal COOTIES is to wear a mask!    I know it sounds crazy, but consider the target audience and the cray shit they so easily were duped into believing.   And let’s face it, they already believe to some degree that liberals somehow are able to send out “something” that will infect them.   It goes beyond say stuff like gays will not only tell kids sinful stuff but send out gay vibes that make straight people turn gay.   You’ve heard and read this kind of nonsense for decades.   Tons of conservatives actually believe that kind of stuff!

So, maybe we should in the face of another major ramping up of the pandemic use this irrational fear in the interest of current public health.  Start a rumor campaign among MAGAts that wearing a mask (and that means their kids too now that school is about to start) will protect them from breathing in liberal particles.   Liberal “cooties.”

Could it be that simple?

(If you’ve read this far yes, the “idea” that prompted me to write this is snark but part of me wonders…)

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    • It is rather difficult when considering the folks in MAGA land (from their Mango Messiah down to the goober in the trailer park) to think of them as products of millions of years of evolution.

      • Well, one thing is for sure, it proves that not all evolutions are created equal, there are a few bloopers in the grand curve of some evolutions, the species as a whole, struggles with the mindless, loud and annoying few that, “think like Hitler”, and do like Goebbels … the old saw, “say it isn’t so”, the Republican party has definitely demonstrated it truly is a danger to our country, our Constitution our way of life and personal health …

  1. I wish this article was a joke. The RWNJ’s have certainly proved stupid enough to think this and act accordingly. I hate to ill-wish anyone but things would be better for society and quite frankly better for them if they did catch the virus and pass away. I cannot believe living a life filled with such ignorance and hatred is a good life to live.

  2. I still think our best chance is spreading the news (true, incidentally) that Covid adversely affects virility/potency, whereas he vaccine does not.

  3. I heard another good idea. Announce that effective October 1, vaccine access for Americans will end and all remaining doses will be exported to countries that request it. Tell them it’s Biden’s idea.
    If they think that the socialists are giving away their vaccine, there’ll be lines around the block.


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