“The Big Lie” Has Finally Come Back To Bite Trump In The *ss!


In my previous article, I promised my faithful readers another article, in which I would describe why my money is on Mitch McConnell in his open civil war with Trump and his Senate Trombies. And here it is.

There are actually a couple of reasons for it. First, never forget, at his core, Trump is a political moron. He has no aptitude for politics whatsoever. After all, who in the hell gets millions of more votes in his reelection bid, and yet still loses by double what he lost the first election by in the popular vote. Apparently, Trump isn’t as beloved as he thinks he is.

Second, McConnell is a pure political animal. He has spent more than half of his entire life suckling happily at the public teat, and if there’s a trick he doesn’t know, that’s because it hasn’t been invented yet. If McConnell is willing to go toe-to-toe with Trump, he must know something. Something nobody else is seeing.

I think I know what it is. When Trump got trounced by Biden, one of the reasons he was expected to maintain such a stranglehold over the post Trump GOP was his incredible media influence. He could control GOP decisions with two stubby thumbs, and scare incumbents shitless with a 5 minute phone call to FUX News.

And then he lost his social media privileges’, and everybody said it didn’t really matter. Hell, he’d be welcomed home as a prodigal son at FUX, and Newsmax, One America Network, the The Patriot Network would fight over whatever time was left over. Shit, the guy could spend more time on the air now than he did when he was President.

But it hasn’t worked out that way. Trump has been gone from the Oval Office for a solid month now, and how many on air media interviews have you even heard of him giving? And no, I don’t now many snippets of his interviews have you heard on the networks, how many have you even heard of him giving?

Almost none. A couple of days ago, he had a short, pissy phone in interview on FUX, followed by another couple to far right outlets. But that’s it. So where is Trump’s overpowering media dominance in far right media, the key to his survival? It’s gone. Boom! Toodles. And here’s why.

The Big Lie. In the days following Trump’s loss, all of the far-right media outlets followed Trump down the same rabbit hole he had been parroting for months, that the election was rigged and stolen. And they named names. And what did it get them? Two of them are under multi-billion dollar lawsuits filed by a voting machine maker and a voting software manufacturer, and the other two are walking around on egg shells, waiting for the hammer to drop on their own fat heads.

Trump will never give up The Big Lie, and as long as he doesn’t, then he’s totally toxic to the far right media. Just look how much trouble Newsmax had in shutting up The My Pillow Moron after they were slapped with the suit, and Lindell is a babe in the woods when compared to Trump. The Newsmax anchor had to read a disclaimer over the top of Lindell before storming off of the set, and so did another outlet interviewing The Ghoul Man, royally pissing him off. In fact, during his brief FUX interview, Trump once again spouted off The Big Lie, which must have given the producer a heart spasm.

There you have it. Trump is finally caught up in the sticky web of his own bullshit. Trump will never stop spouting The Big Lie as an excuse for losing the election, and as long as he does, the far-right media can’t put him on the air, because they never know when he’ll provide another exhibit for their trial. And Trump can’t start his own media outlet, because if he goes berserk and starts making the same false claims, those companies will simply sue his stupid ass too.

I think that this is what Mitch McConnell figured out when he decided to go to battle. Trump requires an overpowering media presence in order to stir up his base, threaten his opponents, and reward his lackeys. If he doesn’t have social media, and he can’t even get serious air time on far right networks and outlets, how does he communicate? Never underestimate Mitch McConnell.

Follow me on Twitter at @RealMurfster35


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  1. The other thing is, the crowds are getting tired of the same stuff every time – even his rallies weren’t the draw last fall that they had been before. He’s a one-trick pony.

  2. HE who spins on lies.
    HE who spins on truth.
    Spins under sun, spins under moon.

    The talking heads, a fox with tales.
    Owns orange face with words on sale.

    They praise our god to hide the lies.
    Tout black book words.
    Blow salt in eyes.

    Polish gold on the T.
    Bring a fabric to its knees.

    Kill the nation’s, wave of hand.
    Turn the seas to waste on land.

    Spin the truth, trump with lies.
    Hide the rot from land to skies.

    Take the mike and call it hoax.
    All the chaos is to coax.
    Fool the few to haste the talk.
    Spin the truth to hide the rot.
    But spin the dead as you may.
    Stench of rot will smell some day.

    20/20 in hindsight.
    Move the left and Schiff the right.
    Right and left without the fights.
    See the truth through all the strife.
    Maybe then we save some lives.

    20/20 is a mark.
    A time to look, to seek, to start.
    Wash the lies with the truth.
    Future days will only prove.
    Adolf Hitler rose through ranks.
    Millions dead, death toll a stank.

    Please now. States of cross.
    Christ ask you see.
    And smell the rot.

    Take the fox from the house.
    Only then will truth rebound.

    Covid 19 is on the land.
    What is done is up to man.
    Use the ears you have are two.
    Use your mouth to speak the truth.
    Train your eyes to catch the lie.
    See the orange man in tie.

    Seeking crown to build a throne.
    Making white house. Rent to own.
    You and l, we need to stand.
    Us and we will beat the man.

    Wash the lies with the truth.
    Calm the mind and pull the root.
    Off the weed that wears the suit.
    Vote him out. Rebuild from ruin.
    Better days. Coming soon.

  3. I agree.I live in Australia and have watched incredulously how Donald Trump has behaved. it was very sad to watch the greatest power in the world being run by social media soundbites by Trump. I believe you have nailed it with your conclusion. Even if suits Mitch McOnnell for Trump to be gone, the world will be a much better and safer place. I hope Trump fades away quickly, then McOnnell soon after. If I can use an analogy: The world needed the despicable Stalin to defeat Hitler, the world needs McDonnell in the fight to get rid of Trump!

  4. Makes sense. Sometimes the simplest explanations are so obvious that people look right past them but I think you’ve nailed the fact that RW media is spooked. Trump might not listen to his lawyers but the owners at those media outlets do. How much does anyone want to bet that in a town like DC someone like McConnell didn’t consult (independently) with some very, very knowledgeable, skilled and connected lawyers who all told him those civil cases have real teeth? That would be plenty for McConnell to place his bet on how this will play out over time. I can’t resist a bit of speculation though. One thing that seldom gets talked about anymore is that corrupt, disgraceful deal McConnell cut with Putin best bud Oleg Derapaska (ODP) for that aluminum operation in eastern KY. I can’t help but wonder if, via ODP ole Moscow Mitch learned that Putin decided HE doesn’t have use for Trump anymore and has cut him loose? That prompts questions that get into full-on tinfoil hat CT land but consider the failure of the Jan.6 insurrection and the already significant blowback, with months if not years of investigations to come that will reveal all kinds of stuff. And what if Trump himself has been told basically the same thing, that he’s on his own now? We will never be completely rid of Trump and Trumpism but if we’re lucky it will turn out to be like the old Soviet version of communism – a dangerous but hollowed out shell that will eventually implode. That doesn’t mean it won’t still be something of a concern. Putin’s rise to power and what he’s done with that power, all because he never got past the anger stage of his grief over the collapse of the USSR is proof enough for me. There will be people in Trump’s MAGA land capable of doing what Putin did so we can’t ever let our guard down. For now though, I think the most important thing is that Trump has been defanged and declawed and McConnell recognized it sooner than most Republicans. And us too.

  5. And yet now the two officially declared candidates in the 2022 Ohio Senate race, both Republicans, are vying to see who can out-Trump the other, both asserting they will go to D.C. to be TRUMP’S voice, to fight for TRUMP’S agenda, with the people of Ohio a distant second. If I were the Democratic candidate (and none has formally announced yet), I’d make this my key campaign talking point: Trump is a billionaire (?) living in luxury (by his own standards) in retirement in Florida and we don’t need a senator from Ohio asking him how high to jump; we need a senator who puts the copious needs of Ohioans first.

  6. Denis, as usual, I think Murf and you have nailed it on the head. Murf, I think your opinion is utterly correct. and Denis, your opinion about the parallels between Trump and Putin are spot on. The Big Lie fell apart in the former Soviet Union, and appears to be having problems again? But yeah, to rid ourselves of Trumpism, we have to somehow rid ourselves of The Big Lie. As for all the CT crap that’s been circulated since then, I’m at a loss. It seems as if just when some of the million believers gave up on The Big Lie, a few more idiots popped up (and egads, one of them even got herself elected to Congress and that’s NOT a lie!), and gave them all kinds of new, deranged ideas to embrace and believe with every fiber of their collective being. They even stole one of their most popular examples from the end of the movie “History of the World Part 1”, where at the end, a promised sequel is touted, titled “Jews in Space”. Speaking of movies, “Idiocracy” was hysterical when it first came out. it’s not even slightly funny anymore.

    • Nah, that movie is still HILARIOUS.
      I need a hit of Mel Brooks right about now.

      But I totally hear you and agree – such strange and getting stranger times we are in and I think the bottle that the genie came out of is broken.

  7. You failed to state that McConnell is done and he didn’t to himself. This is his last term and it is McConnell that has been deranged and declared. Trump is in 1st Act, Stage 2 and he still has 75 million American supporters. Who do you think is in the best position in 2022, 2024? Democrats have sacrifices themselves for power and greed and their leaders are dropping like flies. Obviously there was no one in 20 Democrat candidates that had what it takes to be President so they picked the oldest 47yr. career politician with corruption and little achievement to his record other than titles of Senator and VP. Kamala slithered under door using her minority woman card with a 1 digit percent in the primary. They didn’t have a candidate to beat Trump so they committed massive voter fraud to do it. The Supreme Court is deciding today Feb. 18th. We will see if they have the courage to look at the boat load of evidence of voter fraud in the 2020 election or if they coward to threats, bribes or blackmail. I pray they choose our Constitution and honest unfrauded elections.

      • The only censured are being done by ur snowflake whining beaches from the QOP. Why senator burr got that treatment here in nc. Grow up. Going thru life dumb as a stump is not a good plan. Try reading some real news. Read some real history books. Or just remain a dumbass. No matter. Either way. You LOST.

    • I see u get all ur info from fox & friends. Liars all. 61 court cases, many Trump judges forced his lawyers to admit UNDER OATH they had no evidence. NO EVIDENCE YOU MORON.

  8. You failed to state that McConnell is done and he did it to himself. This is his last term and it is McConnell that has been deranged and declared. Trump is in 1st Act, Stage 2 and he still has 75 million American supporters. Who do you think is in the best position in 2022, 2024? Democrats have sacrifices themselves for power and greed and their leaders are dropping like flies. Obviously there was no one in 20 Democrat candidates that had what it takes to be President so they picked the oldest 47yr. career politician with corruption and little achievement to his record other than titles of Senator and VP. Kamala slithered under door using her minority woman card with a 1 digit percent in the primary. They didn’t have a candidate to beat Trump so they committed massive voter fraud to do it. The Supreme Court is deciding today Feb. 18th. We will see if they have the courage to look at the boat load of evidence of voter fraud in the 2020 election or if they coward to threats, bribes or blackmail. I pray they choose our Constitution and honest unfrauded elections.

    • Y9ou managed to have most of it backwards. In recent polling only 58% of that 75 million said they would vote for him again. He is losing 31 million votes. So there are about 43 million unpatriotic, anti-American voters committed to installing an autocrat. You should be embarrassed to be a supporter of the worst president in history.

    • How did all those Supreme Court rulings go? Let’s see, well over 60 lawsuits submitted. Everyone of them thrown out due to NO evidence to back up their claim of voter fraud. Need I remind you that those in the Supreme Court ARE staunch Republicans.
      As for McConnell, personally I can’t stand the man, but kudos to him for having the courage to call out the lie about fraud.
      What about Trump ignoring all Democratic States needing help during the pandemic. He hemmed and thawed when it came time for the stimulus. Most of which went to help out Big Corporations, NOT the people. He is without a doubt solely responsible for the death of 575,000 + dying. In my book, that is mass murder. In other words, genocide. Which plays right into his admitted idolization of Hitler and his philosophies. Bottom line, he has a major hard on to become DICTATOR. All that finger pointing and accusations of Democrats wanting communism, that is all on YOUR party. If it wasn’t for the hate groups, you know the ones, OAN, KKK, and the others, and the extreme right wing ultra brainwashed conservatives Frmpy wouldn’t have a cult following. Time you put down your cup of kool-aid, wipe that goo off your lips, get up off your knees and come back to reality.

  9. Trump’s problem is that although he has failed at EVERYTHING he has ever attempted, he always had ass-coverage. First daddy, then Jeff Zucker and greedy bankers, and recently the GQP.
    He can’t accept or is too stupid to realize that he is a moron (ignorance is truly bliss), so he has to repeat the big lie. Hopefully, every wing-nut program that puts him on the air gets slapped with a huge lawsuit.
    Then watch them stop taking his calls. I am happy not to have to hear/see him anymore.

    • Noooo Trump achieved more than any President in decades. Lowest unemployment, highest job creation for Blacks and Latinos and highest GPA over 3 that Obama said would never be achieved.How in the world do you ignore and dismiss those facts. Peace tready between Saudi Arabia and Israel. Jerusalem declared capital of Israel…both lst time ever! No wars actually the end of wars. Look at the facts and stop you hate that is blinding you.

  10. I have to say I totally agree with these comments these gentle men have left . we all kno how much of a looser he is an truthfully I’m so over hearing bout Trump an his bullcrap
    It’s bought time people start seeing the real piece of crap he is . I really don’t kno how anybody could vote his ass in to presidentcy when he has never been in any kind of goverment politics nothing .The only reason he had what he had was because it was handed over to him by his father.I don’t even kno how he even got a t.v show the only thing he did was cause a bunch of unnecessary problems especialy the crap at the state capital he was behind all that an he was behind all this covid shit to
    Glad to see him gone finally

    • Oh please you need index cards to keep all those GOP trough Sloppers straight. People like little jimmy Jordan and Teddy Cruz are real prize pigs too among many others

  11. I hate that picture of Trump on that sign. It is mocking the crucifixion I f MY Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

    Shame on whomever did that. I pray you repent.

    Trump is not God.

    • I understand how you feel, but I think the message is that Trump sees himself as a cult leader of near religious proportions. The message is that Trump himself is mocking your Lord and Savior, and so are his evangelical supporters.

  12. I voted for Mr.Biden and not ashamed to say so. My family and friends (Trumpsters) was all up in my face telling me I was crazy to vote for him. Oh well I voted for him anyway. I told my haters to give the man a chance. He can’t screw this country up any worst than Trump.It will take President Biden the four years that he is in office to clean up Trumps four years in office. If president Biden runs again I will be right there at the voting machine and vote for him again. All you Biden haters give the man a chance. That’s all he needs is a chance!! Everyone come together and help make our country as great as it was before Trump and covid 19. God bless each and everyone of us.

    • Tell ur family to check out John 8:42-47 where Jesus describes the Devil as a murderer & the father of all lies. Trump has lied over 30,000 times that can be proven. Jesus called the Jews children of the Devil for following a liar. Ur family is full of it. Sorry for u.

  13. You want the REAL reason Trump suggested in JUNE of 2020, that if he lost it would only be because of cheating and fraud? Ever wondered why he and ALL republicans went so hard at Dominion?

    IT was all a distraction. Look at the house races, explain to me HOW, that the Democrats in races considered “Democrats expected to win narrowly” Republicans won 7 out of the 35 races. YET of the 26 races considered “Republicans expected to win narrowly” Democrats won ZERO….but even MORE STRANGE….how about that the races considered “TOSS UP” 27 races….Dems WON ZERO…now how is that possible when the Democrat Presidential Candidate WON GOING AWAY???

    WELL….lol…lets look at the Kentucky McConnel Race….how is it possible that in 3 counties, Breathitt, Elliott, and Wolfe that have 3404 registered Republicans those same three counties there are 18,311 registered Democrat’s….YET Amy McGrath ended up get only 18% of the TOTAL Registered voters at 3465 votes????? AND Mitch ends up receiving over 225% of registered ending up with 7608 total votes. C’MON ON?!?!?!?

    Then in Susan Collins’ Maine, where she never had a lead in a poll after July 2, YET she won receiving nearly 10% more votes then the Dem????

    Here is what I know about Trump….when he is saying that there is FRAUD….believe him, because there is, HE IS DOING. When Trump says look at Dominion….he is doing that so no one looks at ES&S Ivotronics which are competitors to Dominion and were used in most of the states the Republicans won, including Kentucky and Maine.


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