Art of the Steal: Trump and Cronies are Looting the White House


CNN Chief White House correspondent, Jim Acosta, likened the looting to the scene of an estate sale. One by one, people are removing possessions from the People’s House in what appears to be a mass give-away.

That one gets a pass since no First Family or White House curator is going to want that photograph in the collection. But the bust of a former President is an entirely different matter. It’s an antique and if not part of the official White House collection, it’s on loan from a museum as every administration has the privilege of borrowing museum pieces.

Artist Jane Altshuler explains how she can tell this is looting, not authorised removals.

It isn’t clear whether or not the pictured woman is loading into her vehicle the boxes and packages on the trolley as well or if she’s just taking off with the stuffed pheasant.

Looting the stationery cupboards
Attribution: Khalil Abdallah

It appears that some of what is being taken may be authorized removals but not all, as Jim Acosta tells Brooke Baldwin in a CNN News report.

“People need to know that the items inside the White House are not giveaways, they’re not souvenirs you can take home. This is not an estate sale or Antiques Roadshow, but yet you’re seeing some White House staffers taking mementos with them as they go,” he reported. “And so it is a strange sort of surreal look at the end days of the Trump presidency, but that’s what we’re in the midst of right now.”

I hope someone has called the FBI.

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    • I’m thinking Trump ordered them out of the way. I hope someone is taking notes as to who is taking what and that it’s all on the White House security cameras.

      • i imagine that’s exactly what permanent WH staff have been doing. Making notes of who took what and when. “Important” people don’t notice all those staffers that tend to the building and it’s artifacts but they see just about everything and they know who everyone is. Even if all of a sudden they decide to wear a mask, pretending it’s because of Covid but in reality thinking that anyone seeing them won’t be able to identify them. As for pardons, if they aren’t giving that stuff to Trump or promising to cut him in on any money they make selling it they are kidding themselves if they think they’ll get a pardon. In fact, reports are almost everyone is AVOIDING him, and he’s increasingly furious about it. His vindictiveness knows no bounds so again, pardons are nothing but a pipe dream for these criminals. Given the value of some of those items we are talking felony level theft, and judges in DC likely won’t be inclined to be merciful no matter what sentencing guidelines say regarding first offenders. I think many if not most of these people can expect to do at least some time in not the Trump Hotel but the “iron bar motel.”

          • They are welcome to take the following;

            All the leftover of Goya beans,
            The long red ties and Ivanka made in China purses,
            the “gold” toilet,
            the couch Kellyan used to sit on
            The garish red trees
            Any urinated mattresses
            The tanning spray booth
            Any unused Clorox filled hypodermic needles
            Any flag stained with drool or KFC grease
            Their sense of decency (typo there wasn’t any)

  1. The Trompador will also need to be searched – any artifacts given to him during a visit to another country actually belong to the US and are not ‘personal gifts’ – the medallion and sword from Saudi Arabia are two examples

    • He’s not familiar with the difference between state gifts and personal gifts. He’s a toddler who thinks all the shiny things are his.

  2. The White House has an Art Curator, currently Lydia Tederick (if she wasn’t fired by Trump or his feckless family). The objects in the White House are considered to be museum pieces, some with priceless value. The video record of the looting will be used to charge these thieves with Grand Larceny which carries very serious penalties. The first hope is that the stolen art isn’t damaged, and the second is that these selfish, classless looters are punished to the greatest extent of the law.

    • Absolutely. How clueless are these thieves to not realise these aren’t mementos?!

      Acosta seemed to be saying too that it was Larry Kudlow who was carrying away the bust. I checked photos of Kudlow and it could be him. But I would’ve thought he’d know better.

      • Do you recall about a month ago seeing a moving van in front of the White House? I thought at the time that Melania may have suddenly grown a conscience but it could very well have been an escape for pieces that will soon be discovered “missing.” We also must face the possibility that some pieces may have been on loan from other museums and their employees may be the ones taking them back. One way or the other, we do want explanations.

    • I have to say while watching the insurrection I was praying not only for those who work in the building but for the priceless art everywhere. “It’s my America” rang pretty damn hollow screamed by those destroying it before our eyes.

  3. There IS an INVENTORY, you know. The WH Staff, the real staff not the trumpests, WILL be looking to go after anything stolen! It belongs to the People.

  4. The poor FBI. If they already don’t have enough on their plate with the upcoming inauguration, protecting all 50 state capitals and arresting everyone from January 6. As well as investigating who helped these domestic terrorists on January 5. Now they have to deal with the outgoing kleptomaniacs of the last administration? Hopefully they will be hiring more agents after January 20. Maybe they can give some jobs to recently graduated Art Historians.

    • They will be needing more agents – rehiring those who left because of the Trump administration would be a good start and your hiring suggestion is excellent!

  5. They are welcome to take the following;

    All the leftover of Goya beans,
    The long red ties and Ivanka made in China purses,
    the “gold” toilet,
    the couch Kellyan used to sit on
    The garish red trees
    Any urinated mattresses
    The tanning spray booth
    Any unused Clorox filled hypodermic needles
    Any flag stained with drool or KFC grease
    Their sense of decency (typo there wasn’t any)


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