Kellyanne Embarrasses Herself and Trump, Again


Once again, Kellyanne Conway bravely set foot in a Fox News studio to face the blistering questions posed by Bill Hemmer. Hemmer threw the usual softball which Kellyanne promptly popped up into the stands behind her.

Asked about possible impeachment proceedings, one of the few remaining Trump loyalists offered her in-depth analysis:

“Complete nonsense,” she said when asked about the impeachment proceedings. “They need to get a messaging meeting and they need to read the constitution of the Democratic Party.”

“Complete nonsense?”

We’ll give her a pass. Her job is to do nothing but stand-up for Trump. We have bigger fish to deep-fry.

“They need a messaging meeting?”

Because “messaging” is what it is all about, to this administration. It is all a big reality show with “winners” and “losers” and “messaging” matters most. When has the truth ever ruined a good script? Her priority here is telling.

“They need to read the constitution of the Democratic party?”

Hey, she didn’t call it the “Democrat” party! Progress! Unfortunately, neither the Democratic nor Republican party has a “constitution,” only the states and the nation. So, reading the Democratic constitution isn’t necessarily going to inform anyone, other than a percentage of Trump voters who watch Fox News. (We hope it is a low percentage, but it is hard to tell.)

“And they’re wasting your money and your time trying to impeach a president where there are no high crimes and misdemeanors.”

Well, she is in pretty deep here. The entire reason for an impeachment proceeding is to determine the extent of “high crimes and misdemeanors.” Declaring them non-existent is simply … never mind, I suppose that is her job, too.

“Stop the nonsense of harassing and embarrassing this president and the people around him when you have no constitutional or legal basis to do so.”

Alright, toss aside the grammar, it’s a live interview and it’s relatively … whatever.

“Harassing and embarrassing this president …”

Kellyanne, the constitution actually presumes a certain level of “harassment” – also known as checks and balances – from the other branches, especially by Congress. Moreover, compared to the ceaseless “scandals” investigated by the Republican congress in investigating Bill Clinton and Barrack Obama, Trump has been granted a gift by the Democrats in not doing more.

“Embarrass” Trump? You could more easily embarrass a couch. My dog looks me side-eye when he knows he’s done something stupid. Trump has never made a mistake, ever. Ask him. Trump assured us he doesn’t need to ask God’s forgiveness on anything, remember?

“Embarrass” infers he cares at all what anyone anywhere thinks. The only people Trump wants to please are those who have him compromised financially. Everyone else can go to hell, quite literally.

“No constitutional or legal basis to do so.” At least we’re back in the right constitutional frame! Unfortunately, the House of Representatives happens to be the only group endowed with the power to impeach, and a significant number of people, perhaps half the country, believes it has a legitimate reason. Moreover, because Trump blocks any investigative attempt, claiming “executive privilege,” illegally blocks Congress’s right to examine his tax returns, and perhaps illegally suppresses a critical whistleblower complaint, it appears there is a whole lot that Trump et. al. do not want the country to know.

The framers of this country’s constitution wanted each branch to compete for power. They didn’t want any branch to have complete control over another. Should the Democrats impeach Trump, it would need to pass the Senate with a super-majority – another check on power – and that is the genius of it. But none of it works if one branch simply declares its greatness, goes on TV with a  “please to be fcking off now, message,” and calls itself “the winner.”

It really isn’t that hard. It really shouldn’t be hard for someone who has never made a mistake. Hand it all over, Kellyanne, embarrass the Democrats with Trump’s greatness. Show us all those legal tax returns demonstrating Trump’s amazing business prowess. Show us the properties owned and who pays what to use them. Show us the loans Trump has outstanding, who has paid them, including Deutsche Bank papers Trump sued to keep secret. Show it all, you have nothing to fear, you have already told us!

The way to embarrass the Democrats is to prove they are lying sniveling little ships caught in a political storm.

Otherwise, you look guilty as all hell, and that requires an inquiry. Sorry, Kellyanne, but a highly successful businessman would have looked at, and accepted, this entire “business” before even running. Running for president, while hiding everything about your personal and political life, is pretty embarrassing.

Sorry, but the Democrats had no role in that embarrassment.


By the way, Trump tweeted this morning that the DOJ should “protect” Justice Kavaugh from all these accusations coming out. Demonstrating yet again, Kellyanne isn’t the only one in this administration who hasn’t read the constitution.

Peace, y’all


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  1. Trump to Kellyanne, “Lie your ass off”, that’s what I do … works every time, just be careful, don’t you DARE tell the truth, it could knock both of us out of a job where I can be me, the best and most, AND, the kicker, I can play golf instead of being in that loser’s office, I love the smell of your perfume by the way, … anywhere, anytime I want, even if the world is collapsing all around us, the country pays big bucks so I can get to the golf course in time for my morning tee-off … it’s just wonderful, Kelly … keep up the good work, don’t forget to smile and tell me again how great I really am next time we meet … I’ve got to call Putin again, something about the way I’m supposed keep pushing his new agendas – he’s such a great friend, helps pay the bills on our golf courses and a little in my own pocket as well ….

    His disconnect with reality is killing this country, more every day … playing golf, (cheating at it as well), and his NOT giving that damn about the country as it is burning … does exactly as he is told by those that hate our country, he will blab the most secret info just to impress the Russian agents … lord help all those POC out there that need our help, (PR example) ….

    The whistleblower is just another example of our security challenge with the GOP sitting on hands … letting Trump/Barr run the circus …

  2. Maybe we need a law that requires passing a written test on the Constitution before the person can be nominated for office or file for election.

  3. And of course the media continues it’s inane both-siderism and their clear implication that ‘Hey, it’s politics, the other sides the same as us’.

  4. It’s becoming difficult to decide which of trump’s sycophants is the most despicable. There’s many who are scoring a “perfect 10″…. Conway, McConnell, Barr, Hannity, Graham, and lately, Lou Dobbs is coming up strong.

  5. Kellyanne is the personification of a rightwing bimbot that was plucked from the cloning fields before ripening. Have you even let a sour green apple sit around hoping it would become red and sweet? Even if aging brings a pink blush the fruit is still bitter, the texture is mealy and there is no nutritional benefit. Kellyanne became a raisin before she had any chance to be a grape. Wrinkled and tasteless with tiny gritty lumps of indigestible material that in a normal healthy environment could have been seeds, but with tRump’s toxic exudates have turned into lifeless sterile brittle blobs of crap.


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