Ha! Ha! Trump Retweets Far Right Accounts, Twitter Keeps Suspending the Accounts


Prairie Justice on the electric internet tubes. This is as delicious as buttered bacon ice cream. (Okay, that would be disgusting, but parts of it sound good.)

Talk to us, Daily Beast:

Nearly 10 percent of the unverified accounts retweeted by President Trump since his inauguration are currently suspended from Twitter for various violations of the platform’s policies, ranging from hate speech to running fake sockpuppet accounts, a Daily Beast analysis has found.


“Sockpuppet” probably sounds as good to Trump as our ice cream that … oh, never mind.

Please, persist Beast:

The most recent occurrence was last week, when Twitter tapped the brakes on “LYNNTHO06607841” just hours after Trump retweeted the account’s proclamation that “DEMOCRATS ARE THE TRUE ENEMIES OF AMERICA!” Before it was boarded up, the account’s timeline was thick with all-caps conspiracy theories targeting prominent Democrats, including a recent tweet claiming Bill and Hillary Clinton “torture and sacrifice children” to get at “a drug that can only be found inside the human skull.”

Okay, that is most surely NOT funny.

One of the things for which I have a zero tolerance policy is declaring someone to be an “enemy” purely due to their political beliefs. We have more than enough information establishing that the true “nuts” among us, the ones that walk into public places and take the lives of innocents, have plenty of Right-Wing bent to them. Yet, that does not make all Right-Wingers, nor all Trump supporters, our “enemy.” It may make them all morons, but that is different than an enemy.

Talk like that is dangerous on many levels. For one, we have already seen that plenty of the “chan” folks need very little encouragement to be driven to rage. But even more important than those relatively isolated incidents, it causes a majority of conservatives to justify whatever they do, or believe, about Democrats. This is ruinous to any nation, especially this one.

This nation, a democratic republic, cannot survive without a mutual understanding that we are all in this together. One of the most insufferable aspects of the more “mainstream” liberal sites, especially the mothership, is the purification ritual requiring one to declare with laser-like focus, a loathing of ALL conservatives.

I cannot tolerate that and never will.

Now, that is not to say that you cannot pick an isolated incident, or isolated beliefs that are not universally abhorrent. If some president calls a certain area populated largely with minorities “rat infested,” and a Trumper supporter loves it? Yeah, they will definitely get my loathing. They are not so much my personal enemy as they are an enemy to civilization.

That covers plenty of conservatives, but not nearly all. Some down here (I live 50 miles from the waters of the Gulf, feel me?), some down here vote Republican on tax policy alone, some vote Republican because they have sincere beliefs regarding abortion. Their motivations do not ipso facto make them racist, abhorrent, people.

They simply disagree with me about some critical things.

I can deal with that. What I cannot deal with are people that see me as the “enemy” because I went to law school at Cal, or that I wear T-Shirts with an electoral map of the U.S. covered with the words; “I See Red People,” or see me as the enemy because I find science, including evolution and climate change, to be …well, “well-founded.”

So, as far as I am concerned? Twitter stepped up and did the right thing, particularly when seeing an account stating that fellow citizens are the “enemy.”

I only wish the Twitters could have done it before Trump re-tweeted them, it might have saved lives.

In case you’re wondering, the people that put others’ lives in danger? They absolutely are my enemy.

It is why I will not follow them in their need to purify themselves as the “true Americans.” I do not feel the need to lift myself up by stepping on someone’s shoulders.


Peace, y’all.

One last note. I came back here from sabbatical to help with this site’s rapid expansion. If you like what you read on the site, forward some stuff to 10 people, recommend it. Let us all grow together. Because I firmly believe we all need each other.



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    • After he loses 90 something million followers? Twitter was right to suspend unverified hateful accounts. But, like all tech giants with a monopoly (and tech is uniquely a monopoly friendly endeavor) they have very little when it comes to conscience. Additionally, they might lose support beyond Trump in the accusation that it is a political group, and only political.
      It won’t happen, which doesn’t mean it is not deserved. I am with you on that.

      • I don’t twitter, but I agree banning the president would be a dangerous precedent. It could be turned around real fast on liberal and left wing candidates.

    • That means everything to me. One never feels more naked that when one writes from the heart and sends it out to the universe. I love respectful disagreement, but the encouragement by people who appreciate my view and writing make it easier to want to work myself into the ground for those people. Again, thank you, and I hope you have the great day you deserve. You surely made my day.

      • Keep up the good work, Jason.
        Remember, one of the most powerful recruiters for our side is the arrant stupidity continually paraded by Dimwit Donny and his minions.

      • I feel like the old saying does not quite fit this Dotard in the WH ….

        “Dumber than a rock”, somehow, and this may be shocking to the mental midget himself if explained to him with large graphics flip charts, and the person demonstrating the, “Awful truth” to him holds a flyswatter to remind him to focus on the charts when he starts to wheeze, mumbling something about getting to his home of ill repute, Mar-a-Golf for more golf at our expense …

        His latest drivel keeps showing the intensity of his total lack of all things important, like sympathy, empathy, intelligence …. you name it, “He has none, just whatever Miller gives him to read … even THAT is a problem … keep slugging Jason … you’re doing good things here …


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