Melania Invites Fox News Host Fired Over ‘Dick Pics’ To Speak At Be Best Event


Tuesday was the first anniversary of Melania Trump’s “Be Best” initiative, aimed at helping children avoid opioids, online bullying, and overall well being. It was also the first anniversary of Donald Trump’s “zero-tolerance” family separation policy, which resulted in thousands of children being separated from their parents at the southern border and put in cages. To say that there is some cognitive dissonance in the Trump family with respect to children, not to mention bullying, is putting it mildly.

That wasn’t the only aspect of the Be Best gathering that raised a few eyebrows. Former Fox News host Eric Bolling was there to speak. Bolling’s son died from an accidental overdose of drugs, so arguably Bolling was a qualified speaker — except for the fact that he was discharged at Fox News for being a cyber bully, who harassed female co-workers with pictures of his genitalia. So a known cyber bully was asked to speak at an event dedicated to the eradication of cyber bullying? If I was Robby the Robot, my circuits would be frying right now.

Bolling was also there to give good sound bite. Melania has achieved royal status, like Lady Di, at least to listen to Bolling. The Guardian:

In a heartfelt speech, Bolling praised “Lady M’s” effort to raise awareness of the opioid epidemic by speaking at events around the country.

“You’ve helped lift the stigma, which will lift countless lives going forward,” he said. “When the history books are written, there should be a special chapter reserved for our first lady.”

He added: “Many first ladies have focused on making American life better and they have, but you, First Lady Melania Trump, have gone one step further and saved lives … The most important and accomplished first lady in American history. Full stop.”

“The most important and accomplished first lady in American history. Full stop.” Sounds like Sean Spicer’s “largest inauguration audience in history. Period.” doesn’t it? Okay. So everybody from Dolly Madison to Eleanor Roosevelt has now dropped a peg. And Jackie Kennedy, who never ran second to anybody in her life, is now second to Melania. Right. Jackie Kennedy was fluent in Spanish, French and Italian and spoke these languages publicly and often. She was educated at the Sorbonne, and famously translated French for husband Jack and then-French president Charles de Gaulle, shortly before Kennedy was killed. Melania ostensibly is also fluent in French, Italian and German, in addition to English and her native Slovenian. Has she ever spoken in any of these languages, to any world leaders, ever? I daresay it would have been a great selling point with the likes of Emmanuel Macron, Angela Merkel and the Pope, just to name a few. Anybody ever see this? No, and you won’t, because it’s a lie, like everything else in Trumpworld.

Here’s a little more cognitive dissonance:

“While in Africa, I felt it was important that people throughout the continent and world understand that the United States cares,” she said.

The president’s lack of interest in African nations, which he once reportedly referred to as “shithole countries”, has been widely noted.

John Kelly remarked about Jarvanka that they were “playing government.” Melania comes out now and again to play First Lady, then disappears back into the shadows. And Trump’s efforts at playing a United States president are woefully inadequate and hopefully short lived. Won’t it be nice to see a real first family back in the White House and this amateur cast sent back to the community theater of Hell — or wherever they came from?

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    • Oh, that’s not surprising. It’s not like she is high profile, busting it doing good works. The only reason she came out at all Tuesday was because it was the year’s anniversary of her Be Best initiative, and she had to do/say something.

      Actually, it’s best if she doesn’t do anything, because it will only be botched, like everything else in that administration. It’s just a shame that this playacting has to go on, like she really cares about this initiative, and it’s really going somewhere.

        • She was obviously desperate for a speaker. Bolling did lose a child to drugs, and that is a tragedy, granted. But unfortunately, his cyber bullying of female coworkers, pretty much is a disqualifier for a cyber bullying event. One thing this proves: Melania’s initiative is way too broad. Cyber bullying is one issue, the opioid epidemic is a huge, separate issue, and “general well being?” Like what, brushing between meals? She needs to refocus this initiative of hers.

          It’s a lot like Jared being Secretary of Everything. It flat out doesn’t work.

          • I would be happy if she just stayed out of the public eye and stopped pretending that she gives a crap about anything.

          • As stated, if it wasn’t the year’s anniversary of Be Best, she would have not come out. Her hand was forced by the calendar, the way I see it. And it’s pretty obvious she did not find it easy to fill the speaking roster with a lot of inspiring speakers on the subject.

            Don’t get me wrong, Bolling, if he didn’t send the dick pics, would have been fine to come and speak on opioids. But with the dic pics, it threw the entire event into a weird light. I’m amazed it went forward, to be honest — but nothing should amaze me with these people.

          • I am sorry his son died. I have empathy for him concerning that. His predatory behavior is a separate issue, melania chose unwisely. As usual.

          • My point, exactly. The press isn’t getting too much on his case, because they have empathy too, but it is some bizarre optics.

            I don’t know how Melania came to pick cyber bullying as a platform. I’ve wondered about that a lot and never gotten any kind of satisfactory answer.

          • She doesn’t seem to understand much, she is a disaster as first lady. She and her stupid husband are a perfect match. Vapid buffoons with zero morality.

          • Aw shucks, I apologize for being a meanie. Sorry Melania! You are actually a wonderful, caring, kind human being.

  1. “Melania ostensibly is also fluent in French, Italian and German, in addition to English and her native Slovenian.”

    If stringing enough words together to barely form a coherent sentence is considered being fluent in a language then I can claim to be fluent in English, German, Spanish, Russian, French, Klingon and enough Wookie to get my face slapped in that bar on Tatoonie.

    BTW……The finger painted “BE BEST” sign is a nice touch though and really speaks to the effort being put into this “initiative”.

    • It’s clearly bullshit. If she spoke even ONE of those languages fluently, it would be made a huge talking point. People on Fox would speak of her sophistication and intelligence and the Jackie comparisons would be flying.

      I’ll bet you she can’t speak French as well as I can, and I speak schoolgirl French. Well, a bit more than that, I’m not talking restaurant French, I’m talking simple conversation with verbs mostly in present tense. I can’t conjugate most verbs. When I did a semester abroad, I didn’t care about sounding like a cavewoman, I just wanted to communicate. But “fluent” is something else altogether — I have never claimed to be fluent in French and am blown away that she does.

  2. If this whole airport spy novel ends with Melania being the mastermind puppeteer behind it all, I will openly admit I didn’t see it coming.

    Seriously, though, I’m conflicted by her. She seems trapped in a horrible situation. But she also seems like a pretty horrible person. So what level of empathy is owed someone who is level four horrible who is being abused by level ten horrible? I’m not sure. What horrible life’s these people lead.

    • Perversely, she got what she wanted. She wanted to be photographed all the time, people admiring her. She is photographed all the time and some people admire her, but there’s the rest of us who see in her a ghost of a First Lady. Every other first lady before her pitched in and rose to the occasion. She goes through the motions of a photo op now and again. Yet, she calls herself, “the most bullied person on the world.” Yes, Melania, the American people, and the people of the world are supposed to love you because you look good and do nothing. That’s not how it works in politics, not at the presidential level. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.


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