RW Republican Says Trump Needs Head Of Freedom Caucus As COS To “Save” Trump From Department of Justice


Nothing like a little paranoia with your egg nog at end of the year celebrations. Right wing nut job Republican representative from Florida, Matt Gaetz, was on Fox News Monday morning telling host Bill Hemmer that Donald Trump needs a new chief of staff who will protect him from the Justice Department. Yes, you did just read that.

“Comey viewed the job of the FBI director as something very different than it’s called. He thought it was appropriate to become a political hack to influence the media, to create these leaks and perception around their activity and really we want an FBI that investigates the facts and then provides information to the Department of Justice,” said Matt Gaetz.

“We don’t want it to be an epicenter of political activity and now Comey is absolutely on the trail. You saw him yesterday. I think he will be very involved in the reelection campaign in 2020,” Gaetz went on.

“It’s one of the reasons I think President Trump needs to pick Mark Meadows to be chief of staff. He understands the facts and timeline and will make sure the White House is prepared to go toe-to-toe with a politically engaged James Comey.”

“Mark spends a lot of time at the White House already,” Gaetz added. “I think it would be pretty seamless, and it would be a big mistake to bring someone in as chief of staff who is a good manager but who hasn’t lived the timeline and the facts and the details the way Meadows has. He will be able to deploy countermeasures to protect the institution of the presidency against what I believe is a very illegitimate attack from the left and from elements of the FBI and the Department of Justice.”

Freedom Caucus head Mark Meadows used to burn the midnight oil with Steve Bannon prior to the March, 2017 health care repeal and replace, which didn’t go so well for the Republicans, as you may recall. Maybe Meadows has decided that he should take matters into his own hands and just go run the White House himself as Trump’s chief of staff, if he wants to get things done right. Bannon obviously couldn’t handle things, Priebus was a joke and look at what Kelly hath wrought — nada. One thing is for certain, Meadows as chief of staff would be no whackier an appointment than so many that have already come to fruition in this mis-administration.

What a Meadows appointment would prove, is this administration’s commitment to partisan politics and tribalism above all else. Invest in popcorn futures and stay tuned, things are going to get a whole lot stranger.

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  1. Maetz calling for obstruction of justice is illegal and he should and would be removed and charged under any previous administration (or at least threatened to be removed). And calling Republican Comey left wing is admitting to the world he is a White Supremacist GOP-Nazi – tantamount to calling everyone an extreme leftist who does not agree with Adolph Hitler’s goal of world domination through war, slavery and genocide. Comey has always been right wing and is has now called himself an Independent in his attempt to distance himself from previously kowtowing to the right wing interests. Part of it is his rationalizing guilt complex over tossing Hillary under the bus to please his right wing followers.


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