Jeff Sessions Just Resigned As Attorney General


Well, this didn’t take long. Midterm results are still coming in and we’re now well nigh into our first constitutional crisis, as Jeff Sessions resigns pursuant to Trump’s request. Mother  Jones:

Sessions’ decision had been widely expected, as Trump has long taken issue with Sessions’ decision to recuse himself from the Russia investigation after it was revealed that he had not been forthcoming about his own communications with Russian officials. Trump frequently aired his frustrations with Sessions on Twitter and in public appearances. In a stunning admission last July, Trump told the New York Times that he never would have appointed Sessions as attorney general if he had known he would eventually recuse himself from the ongoing Russia investigation.

Special counsel Robert Mueller is known to be looking into Sessions’ own meetings with Russians while he was a Trump campaign surrogate, and the role he played overseeing the campaign’s foreign policy and contacts.

Hang on tight. The midterms mark a line of demarcation in the Trump presidency and it’s going to get wild. Trump gave a batshit crazy presser this morning, combatative and tense, and this is some of the fallout.

And Don Jr. hasn’t even been indicted yet.

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