Ten days out from D-Day. A couple of reminders.


We’re down to ten days out. Pretty much everybody with a soul, and ten functioning brain cells has been waiting 720 long, insult fueled, stupidity driven days for the chance to set this ship right. I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again, work like hell in this life, party in the next one. Time to bring this one home. That being said, there are a couple of encouraging things to look at, and may help to dispel some of the anxiety that we all feel when an impending uncertainty quickly approaches.

 For one thing, Trumpenstein is up to his old tricks again. Yep, he’s taking credit for shit that he has nothing at all to do with. Don’t be fooled. Glorious Bleater is taking credit for the surge in GOP enthusiasm following the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation fight. Bullshit. Granted, after the bitter fight, there was a surge in Republican enthusiasm, but after the obligatory two week “dead cat bounce,” the gap in the generic control of congress poll pretty much went right back up where it wasbefore the confirmation scuffle. Trump’s core supporters have the attention span of a week old puppy, and something as minor as a new “wet-n-wild” DVD is enough to distract them. Besides, as I said earlier, once you win, it’s hard to engender angst and anger over how the ref called the game.

Also, His Lowness is taking sole credit for ginning up GOP enthusiasm with his daily rallies. Where, oh where to even start with this one. First, GOP midterm voters are historically notorious slow starters. They seldom start to take a serious interest in the election until after Alabama has to play its first non blowout game. The enthusiasm gap was always going to close once the first out was recorded in the World Series, but the important thing is that there is still a 4 point enthusiasm edge to the Democrats, even at this late stage in the game, when early voting has already commenced. Also, look at the locations of Trump’s rallies, he’s only going places where there is no risk of the Trump Baby Blimp flying overhead to greet him. These are places that were going to go overwhelmingly for Trump regardless, and while they may help gin up a little support for statewide Senate totals, they won’t move the needle in the critical swing districts where the House battle will be decided.

now the cherry on top. Several key, critical states are reporting early voting totals that are not only shattering midterm voting records, they are rapidly approaching Presidential election year totals. Trump is taking ful credit for the enthusiasm for voting. In response to this, I can only say three little words. Bring. It. On! Even before Trumpelthinskin was elected, statistically there were more registered Democrats than Republicans. Since he befouled our body politic, that gap has only grown, the GOP has shrunk closer to his actual maniacal base. Mathematically, it is impossible for GOP turnout alone to provide the kind of spike in early voter turnout we’re witnessing. If we’re approaching general election year voter turnout in a midterm election, it is being driven by Democratic enthusiasm, not GOP enthusiasm. This is critical in the House districts where Hillary Clinton won, but are held by GOP incumbents. If you don’t believe me, ask yourself this one simple question. If Republican enthusiasm is so high, why is the GOP standing on its hind legs to suppress every vote it can find in critical states and races?Remember one simple thing. The last time that Trump ran for public office, he lost by three million fucking votes! The reason the GOP is in such a panic is that there is no electoral college to save them this time.

Here is a perfect example of the actual influence of Trump on an election. In Florida, the GOP candidate for Governor, Ron DeSantis, ran both his primary, as well as the general election campaign as Donald Trump’s personal roll of Charmin. He even cut a ridiculous commercial where he “built a wall” out of oversized blocks with his toddler, and read to his infant from “The Art of the Deal.” Florida is a state that Trump won comfortably in 2016, yet in the Florida Governor’s race, Democrat Andrew Gillum has DeSantis so far back in his rear view mirror that polling shows Gillum’s lead firmly outside of the margin of error.

Don’t be confused. Don’t be disheartened. Don’t be distracted. In ten days, we as a nation, will make the ultimate decision as to whether we take our democracy back, or water the seeds of destruction that Donald Trump has already sown. The wind is at our backs, now we just have to hoist the spinnaker. Bring it home.


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