Senator Jeff Merkley Seeks Injunction To Block Kavanaugh Vote


Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR) is seeking an injunction to stop the vote on the Kavanaugh confirmation, citing that the Senate’s right to advice and consent has been obstructed. Politico:

Merkley’s bid for an injunction hinges on the Senate’s constitutional duty to provide advice and consent on nominees and charges that he’s been prevented from fulfilling that due to the withholding of records on Kavanaugh’s past service in the George W. Bush administration.

“The events of the past ten days have only underscored how critical it is that the Senate conduct a careful and comprehensive review of a nominee before giving its consent,” Merkley told POLITICO in a statement.

“The unprecedented obstruction of the Senate’s advice and consent obligation is an assault on the separation of powers and a violation of the Constitution. The President and Mitch McConnell want to ram through this nomination come hell or high water, without real advice or informed consent by the Senate, but that’s just not how our Constitution works.”

Apparently this is the only way to get a fair hearing on the matter, because Mitch McConnell is going to shove this nominee down everybody’s throat whether they like it or not and Trump is claiming that the evidence mounting against Kavanaugh is a “con job.”


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