Wingnut Pastor Claims ‘God Is Burning Down California’ For Being Pro-Gay


These hell fire and brimstone preachers sure love to blame catastrophes upon God. Wingnut Tony Perkins, head of the rabidly anti-LGBT Family Research Council blamed God for Hurricane Joaquin, which He sent in retaliation for the Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage, according to Perkins, and now Kevin Swanson, a pastor “broadcasting out of his basement on the eastern plains of Colorado” has declared that the Almighty is burning down California for being in the forefront of legitimizing the sin of homosexuality. Right Wing Watch:

“If you look at the history of California, they have been at the forefront of this,” he said. “The first gay pride march occurred in San Francisco in 1970 and then San Francisco legitimized homosexuality in 1972. In 1982, Laguna Beach, California, elected the first openly homosexual mayor in United States history. In 1999, California adopted a domestic partnership law; I believe it was one of the first in the nation to do that.”

“In 2005,” Swanson continued, “California state legislators became the first in the nation to pass a same-sex marriage law … In 2008, the California Supreme Court then struck down Prop 22 in regard to marriage cases, and Prop 8 also was struck down later on that year, I believe. In 2011, California became the first state to mandate homosexual indoctrination for K-8 students and then, in 2012, California became the first state to sign a ban on therapy that was attempting to convert homosexuals into non-homosexuals. And then, in 2017, the California state schools implemented the homosexual indoctrination program … and that was the kickoff for the biggest fires that California has ever seen in its history.”

“So God is burning down California in 2017 and 2018 after about 25 years of leading the pack to legitimize the sin of homosexuality in that state,” Swanson declared.

This guy really has it for California. He broadcast in October, 2017 that California had the “Worst Floods, Worst Fires, Worst Governments” and also the worst schools.

California is leading the nation in just about every form of deviant legislation, and the homosexualization of the schools. As Harvey Milk is introduced to fourth graders this year in California, we ask why California parents are so appreciative of this pedophile. The answer is obvious in that American schools have been embracing Walt Whitman as “the greatest American poet” for one hundred years.

Swanson himself proudly boasts of homeschooling himself and now homeschooling his five children and they’re not getting exposed to Whitman, Oscar Wilde, Gertrude Stein, none of them, you can bet that.

Meanwhile, daytime highs and nighttime lows have been ten degrees above normal in California and sane people know that that’s a result of climate change and not the wrath of God. Jerry Brown has asked for a major disaster declaration across a handful of counties to free up more federal relief resources, and even Kevin McCarthy and other Republicans have joined in the request. It’s pathetic that there is even a scintilla of delay from Trump, but then I look at the response to Puerto Rico, and count my many blessings.

People and animals are dead, homes have been destroyed and some putz several states away is thumping his Bible and ranting about how this suffering is justified. The inhumanity of the evangelicals is eclipsed only by their stupidity.




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