Michael Cohen Critical New Interview. *Updated


We are weary because we’ve heard that Cohen has “flipped” before.

Yet, today, he gave a surprisingly intense interview with Good Morning America, in which Donald Trump’s longtime fixer who once said he’d take a bullet for Trump, said that he puts “family and country” first — which is a slight alteration in priorities, given that bullets don’t care about families or countries.

Of course, that did it, the internet hit Warp 9 speculating that Trump’s personal lawyer may have already flipped on the president.

One real development did occur, as noted by Rawstory:

National security lawyer Bradley P. Moss, meanwhile, noted the most important aspects of the Cohen interview, including that he will no longer be sharing documents with the president’s legal team.

“Tick tock,” the lawyer wrote.

THAT will drive Trump and his lawyer’s crazy, because nothing drives Trump crazy like not knowing what information lays out there awaiting to trip him up. The move seems calculated to either get Trump to pay his legal fees or get a fast-tracked pardon, neither of which seems likely. The country likes Cohen even less than it likes Trump, and if Trump were to grant Cohen immunity, or even start paying legal fees, even the president’s advocates will have a hard time defending such an action.

A lot of words can be said about the new interview, but all would be speculation. So, I’ll let the great Rob Reiner take us out:

UPDATE: Having concentrated on this a little more, there’s not a defense lawyer in America who would allow Cohen to do the interview he did this morning, which tells us that Cohen is either without counsel right now – and is sending that signal to the WH, or he ignored the advice of his counsel bc he wants help from the WH that the lawyer knows not to count upon. Either way, shows a level of desperation that we sensed, but now know more about.


**** Twitter, damn we had a good weekend, dolphins, dogs, and trophy hunters that accidentally ended up someone’s trophy, oh, and lots of Trump analysis: @MiciakZoom

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