Porn Star Pushes Back At Rudy Giuliani’s Sexism, Says ‘He Makes A Good Case’ For Lawyers Being Filth


Rudy Giuliani pushed out the bottom of the barrel in which he festers and hit a new low even for him when he maligned Stormy Daniels recently, saying “How can she be damaged? She has no reputation,” thereby cementing his reputation as misogynist and perpetrator of cultural oppression designed to keep women as second class citizens. Giuliani felt totally comfortable degrading Daniels based upon her profession and, predictably, her colleagues have pushed back. Daily Beast:

Riley Reyes, a performer and vice president of APAC (Adult Performers Advocacy Group), explains what it means to be a hired hand, in terms even Giuliani should understand: “All sorts of laborers sell their bodies in different ways. If you think a porn star is selling their body, but a coal miner or farmhand is not, your view of labor is obviously clouded by sex-negative thinking. He is wrong to say that porn stars don’t respect themselves. There is a great self-respect that comes from pursuing your career goals in spite of the stigma heaped on you by men like Giuliani.”

Adult star Brooklyn Chase calls Giuliani’s statements disappointing, saying: “I have sex for money, and maybe that doesn’t align with his values, but I have never judged an entire group of people as filth based off their occupation, and Giuliani certainly makes a case for that with lawyers and politicians, doesn’t he? I would love to see Mr. Giuliani thank someone like my husband for his service in war, tell him what a beautiful family he has, and then after that tell him his wife is a 2nd class citizen because I do porn.”

Kimmie KaBoom, the 2018 AVN Fan Award nominee, says she’s not surprised by Giuliani’s contempt for the adult industry and its entertainers: “We as adult entertainers just want to be treated equally as everyone else. We live our lives as an open book and most people are intimidated by that. It’s easy to ridicule something you can’t possibly understand. The adult industry is one of the largest industries of law-abiding, tax-paying, independent business owners.”

Also predictably, Michael Avenatti isn’t standing for this. He called out both Trump and Giuliani on their “hypocrisy [which is] unbelievable.”

Trump endorsed Giuliani’s statement and per usual his actions belie his words.

Donald Trump, is not only a porn consumer but has actually appeared in three softcore porn videos. On top of that, he’s admitted to watching Paris Hilton’s sex tape with Melania (despite Hilton being a close family friend) and allegedly offered to pay ex-Playboy Playmate Karen McDougal for sex. MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski even claimed that she knows someone who spoke to Trump about living at the White House, and they said: “Donald Trump’s biggest complaint was that he’s not allowed to watch porn in the White House.”

Rudy claims to be “old fashioned” and indeed he is. He resembles nothing so much as an escapee from a Victorian mental hospital. As usual, he has no idea what he’s talking about.  Porn is a part of the entertainment landscape, at least to the normal minded.

The US porn industry is a multi-billion-dollar industry, with some 600 porn movies made in Hollywood every year

It would be rather hypocritical to suggest people who watch porn are upstanding members of society, but people who star in it are disreputable.

As Ms Daniels own lawyer, Michael Avenatti, was quick to point out, “Mr Giuliani is an absolute pig for making those comments,” he told an interviewer.

Every time Rudy opens his mouth he inserts his foot. Most probably Trump would have replaced him already if he had any talent waiting on the bench. Many lawyers have spun in and out of the revolving doors of the West Wing and when the music stopped, voila, Rudy was the only one left. His off hand sexist denigration of Stormy Daniels might have flown in a different day and age but in this one it had the effect of a stone thrown into a hornet’s nest. Giuliani is an anachronism and if he had any street smarts he’d keep his mouth shut — but there’s no chance of that.

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