Infantile Trump is ‘tired of Theresa May’s school mistress tone’: refuses to hold talks with her at G7


Theresa May was the first leader to visit Donald Trump when he was elected President but relations have since soured.  Soured so much that it is reported that he is refusing to speak with her at all at this weekends’ G7 summit in Canada.  Trump is fed up with May’s public disapproval of him and her ‘school mistress’ tone.  Despite claims that Trump is not an isolationist, he is certainly doing a good job of isolating America.

Trump is at odds with all six other countries in the group at the G7 summit  – the UK, Canada, Germany, France, Italy and Japan – over his protectionist tariffs on steel and aluminium imports, but his snubs to May seem to also be a little more personal.  The Washington Post reports that Trump sees May as too politically correct, while The Daily Telegraph says he is reportedly fed up with Mrs. May “because she always focuses on policy discussion rather than normal conversation” and calls him out publicly when she thinks he has stepped out of line.

A former White House official confirmed the frosty relationship between Trump and May by saying, “No offence, but she is basically a school mistress. I’m not sure anyone gets on well with her.”

When asked about Trump’s reported view of her before the summit in Quebec, The Daily Telegraph reports May said: “I just get on and make sure that I’m delivering. That’s the job of any politician.”

You mean complaining that someone – who is a politician – speaks with too much political correctness and that refusing to deliver on talks at a summit specifically devoted to talks is not the job of a politician?

Someone better tell Trump before he cuts America off completely from the rest of the world.


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