Ari Melber on MSNBC out with breaking news on a newly learned meeting between Michael Cohen and a Russian oligarch – Vekselberg – whose name we’ve heard before, that took place 11 days before the inauguration.

A firm linked to the Russian Oligarch, Vekselberg paid Michael Cohen $500,000 after the secret meeting with Cohen.

How this meeting had yet to his the press until today is a bit of a wonder, but demonstrates just how insidious the Russian influence, and brazenness ran within the entire Trump team. Indeed, the Howard Dean says that the RNC is close to an “obstruction of justice” charge (corporations or official organizations can be charged and liable for crimes) by hiring Cohen themselves.

Much more on this as it develops throughout the evening.

Addendum #1: As a guest on Melber’s show just noted, if all this is a witch hunt and hoax, initiated by a politically motivated spy, why all the lying? Why the need to carefully hide this meeting? It is impossible to move $500,000 with reporting it somewhere, somehow. How did this income escape notice? It had to be hidden carefully. If it is all a hoax, why the care in hiding this?

We know the answer.

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