Call Your Bookie: Bets Are On That Rudy Giuliani Is Next In This Gong Show That Is The White House


That revolving door on the West Wing is moving so fast that Trump may have to throw his compatriot/consigliere Rudy Giuliani through the door, not just out it, and in the mood Trump is in, that may suit his purposes fine, as a matter of fact. In a case of irony personified, Giuliani has put Trump in the position of having to explain his faux pas’, when that was the very reason that Giuliani was brought on board, to be the ultimate fixer, “killer” Roy Cohn surrogate that Trump has been screaming for since he took office — and the more he screams, the more pathetic the candidates get — starting with Anthony Scaramucci, moving to John Kelly, briefly to Joseph diGenova, and now, finally, Trump is left with Rudy Giuliani. But not for long, the smart money says. Mediaite:

“The Giuliani thing is interesting,” [MSNBC Contributor and friend to Michael Cohen Donny] Deutsch said. “We forget how during the campaign, Giuliani was unhinged. I mean if you showed clips of him during the campaign, there was a reason he didn’t get hired for all the jobs that he wanted to.”

“I spoke with Michael Cohen yesterday, and his remark about Giuliani, was that he doesn’t know what he’s talking about,” Deutsch said. “He also said look, there are two people that know exactly what happened. And that’s myself and the president. And you’ll be hearing my side of the story.”

“And he was obviously very frustrated with what had come out yesterday,” Deutsch added.

Later on Morning Joe, law professor Jonathan Turley said Cohen’s comments about Giuliani are “chilling.”

“If I was counsel for the president, that indicates that they are now on separate scripts. And if they’re on separate scripts, they could be on separate tracks. Cohen at the end of the day is going to be a rational actor. If he doesn’t see much of a benefit of sticking with the Trump team he’s going to look elsewhere — and there’s only one place to look.”

Later on, Deutsch told Nicole Wallace:

“I predict that Giuliani will be out of here in two weeks. This is just the beginning of a continuing circus of stupidity and we’re going to watch it.”

Deutsch also went on about Trump’s management style, impulsively hiring and just as impulsively firing, although one would think that he would have learned by now. The Atlantic:

Giuliani’s wild ride is reminiscent of the short, sordid tenure of Anthony Scaramucci. The language is not quite so salty and the blow-ups not as Bay-sian, though the repercussions for the Trump presidency are probably deeper, in both legal and political terms. Both Giuliani and Scaramucci are New York City fixtures who came to Washington with a swagger, a pugilistic pose, and a lot of experience sparring on television with little or no consequence. Before he joined the president’s legal team, Giuliani making strange and likely false comments on cable wasn’t headline news; it was Wednesday. Both Giuliani and Scaramucci have learned that one’s statements get far more scrutiny, and are much harder to clean up, when you’re making them on behalf of the president of the United States.

They aren’t the only New Yorkers to be taken aback by being held to account for their words in the Trump administration. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, who cited his Big Appletude for not caring about astronomical phenomena—“being a New Yorker, I don’t have any interest in watching the eclipse”—had, of course, watched the eclipse, as photographic evidence proved. Larry Kudlow, who tried to patch over a dispute between the White House and UN Ambassador Nikki Haley as a product of mere confusion, found Haley brushing him back, saying, “I don’t get confused.”

As indiscrete Manhattan expats go, however, Kudlow and Mnuchin can’t hold a candle to Giuliani and Scaramucci. (Rudy and the Mooch would probably be happy to agree.) The stakes are particularly high for Giuliani, who has spent nearly two decades of his waning years frittering away the goodwill he won as “America’s Mayor” during 9/11 on fumbling presidential bids, praise for despots, and conspiracy theories.

Of all the weeks for this to happen it had to be this one. Last weekend the WHCD firestorm raged about whether a comedienne had been too harsh in calling out Sarah Huckabee Sanders for her unceasing lies. Now with Trump trying weakly to cover for Giuliani by ludicrously portraying him as a rookie and Giuliani issuing “clarifications” that only confuse the issue further, duplicity is a White House feature, nevermore to be confused with a bug. Washington couldn’t tell a lie, Nixon couldn’t tell the truth, and Trump, more than ever, either can’t tell the difference, or doesn’t even know that it matters.

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