That’s right folks. New House Speaker Mike Johnson who says he’s got a plan but he doesn’t want to show it to anyone yet (channeling Trump?) gaveled the House into a three day recess. So he can be in Paris tonight to give a “bigly” speech at a kind of global RWNJ/Fascist gathering. And rub elbows with others from the U.S. (Kristi Noem and not her hubby but paramour Corey Lewandowski for example) and others who envision their own brands of fascism and/or right-wing batshiite crazy insanity.

According to Alternet quite the gang will be there in attendance at the Worldwide Freedom Initiative’s (WFI) conference. Oh those RWNJ types with their misleading names! Freedom? I don’t think that’s at all what they have in mind. Or maybe they’re confused:

In any case it will as I said be quite the gathering there with Johnson “representing” the U.S. In addition to the already mentioned Noem and Lewandowski there will be a spokeswoman from Moms For Liberty who as I wrote a couple of days ago suffered massive humiliation at the polls Tuesday. I wonder how many others can afford to join her to be among friendly (to bigoted fascists) faces. Oh, and an appearance by Devin Nunes is being teased and former Trump campaign manager David Bossie too. Well, that’s just the dregs from our own country.  The linked article notes it is after all an international affair:

Johnson will also be joined at the conference by various international far-right activists, including Brexit architect Nigel Farage, French politician Eric Zemmour — who has defended the Nazi Party’s French collaborators — and Balázs Orbán, who serves as political director to extremist Hungarian leader Viktor Orbán (no relation).

I haven’t gotten to the worst part which sadly is about Speaker Johnson. He’s the freaking Keynote Speaker at this despicable gathering! And, he’s not catching a red-eye back home. Oh hell no. He’s going to hang out for a couple more days. What’s dealing with an impending government shutdown right before the holidays which could well trigger a recession that will impact other countries too when he can mingle with his fellow religious fanatics who share his dreams of fascism?  We’ve got some impressive people on our side of the aisle and one of them summed it up perfectly:

“We are just 8 days away from a devastating government shutdown — and instead of working in a bipartisan way to keep the government open, Speaker Johnson sent Congress home early for the weekend,” tweeted Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D-Virginia). “This is completely unacceptable.”

I hope, or perhaps more accurately fantasize there’s a method to Johnson’s madness. Let’s face it, no matter what he’s probably going to meet the same fate as McCarthy. For a guy who’s bank account doesn’t carry a high enough balance to have triggered the reporting threshold on his required Financial Disclosures maybe he’s looking to parlay his “measured in Scaramuccis” Speakership into something lucrative. Lots of kids yet to put through college. In my fantasy he’ll come back and do what McCarthy did – cut a deal, in this case a CR that will take us past next year’s election and into Jan. 2025. With few poison pills, or more bluntly one Democrats can live with and enough that his fifty or so members in competitive districts can vote for. He’ll get axed like McCarthy did of course. But he’s making connections at his conference and he DOES have a legal background and some disgusting but solid credentials for pushing the kind of agenda the WFI wants.

That as I say is almost certainly fantasy. However, with the clock ticking down by the end of next week the govt. is going to shut down unless something gets worked out. And one of the most important people in getting something done has checked out for a three day trip to Paris. To keynote a conference of some of the worst “leaders” in the world.

Why this isn’t a leading topic on the news truly disgusts me this evening.

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  1. Their craven incompetence isn’t a bug, it’s a feature.

    They want to stop government working, so they can blame Democrats for not making it work, and ‘since it’s not working’, then sell off (give) the good bits to their billionaire backers to jack up the pricing and make more money.

    But I’m fairly sure they’re not fooling enough people to get away with it any more.

    • Utah already has our federal public lands legislatively ready to go should those lands be given to the states. If the states get ownership of BLM, N.F., N.P., Bu.Rec, etc. lands, Utah has a law on the books right now giving them the ability to sell those lands to private interests. Just imagine what that fucking koch asshole would do to Canyonlands N.P., Glacier, Black Hills N.F., etc.

      Should this happen I will head to the hills with my firearms, ammo, and everything I need to start taking out the thieving bastards. I doubt I will be the only Montanan to do this once we lose our access to fishing, hunting, camping…. And I think that if the ‘pubes steal our next election, and all evidence points to them doing this (trying to anyway), they will be taking our public lands, social security, medicare, and all the rest away from us. I would be surprised if they left us a pot to piss in.

  2. The freedom and liberty they speak of, is the freedom to hate and liberty to oppress whom they please. That’s the only freedom I see them promoting. Oh, and freedom from anyone else telling them what to do.

    • The freedom from having their “relijus liburty” infringed upon by preventing them from forcing theirs on the rest of us. To those of privilege, limits seem like persecution.

  3. Wasn’t this the same guy, or at least the same pol party, who were bitching about President Biden taking a walk on the beach with his wife? A walk that might have lasted, what, an hour maybe? WTF? Wasn’t that just a week or two ago?

    Hypocrites. And damned stupid ones at that.

  4. The last gasp at tripping the light fandango…
    Obscene wealth primes the political pumps and pundits. Why be a journalist or politician
    when you can just buy one? They do represent the human spectrum and you can always find the ones who’ll take funding over fortitude. WTF ever happened to “the golden rule”? When did treating people the way you would like to be treated yourself stop being a thing? are there that many people who really seek self harm…
    Be as golden as your favorite sunrise/sunset
    and we’ll not only hold but improve. I still believe people are basically good. That’s why social creatures tend to do what’s best for the entire community. That’s how we thrive.

  5. Just think of our military women & men not getting paid close to the holidays. Since the majority are young they have children to care for. Just how thoughtful of the Speaker for putting himself first. Maybe he’ll be hit by a rotten tomato. Paris crowds can be tough.

  6. They espouse freedom.”for me next but not for anyone who attends a church not like mine, doesn’t go to.any church, believes in a different religion, or isn’t a white straight Christian man.” Women have the be abused by a violent spouse, not get an education and not get a job. Children have the freedom beaten black and blue by their patents, be virgins (only the girls;boys will be boys) until marriage to.someone their father selects, and only learn biased history.


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