Welcome to the wide, wonderful world of Angertainment, friends. This is what happens when you have two media ecosystems, one that gets up every morning looking for a fight and another one, the mainstream media, that bends over submissively to both the right-wing media and to its progenitor, the Father Of All Lies himself, Donald Trump. (Yes, I know Satan originally had that title but I’ll bet you he would gladly concede that in the lying department, the Horned One has been bested by the Orange One.)

This next bit is Trump’s latest lie. Before you look at it, know the truth: Trump did mention to Judge Juan Merchan in court today that May 17 was his son’s graduation. The judge did NOT refuse to let him off that day. The judge merely said that the issue would be revisited closer to that date, as the trial progressed, and a decision made at a later time. The judge did not say “no.” Trump is fabricating this so he can play Whiny Victim.

Now here’s where the dog whistle gets cranked up to air raid siren level. “We’ve got a lot of problems with this judge.” Ergo, who in MAGA will help out their Mango Messiah?

This is why this country is at each other’s throats:

  1. Trump is inconvenienced;
  2. He then makes up a gigantic lie about who’s to blame;
  3. The lie is picked up and amplified by Trump world;
  4. Right-wing media runs with the ball;
  5. Something that is total fiction gets forever memorialized as truth and legend in the Saga of Trump;
  6. Rinse and repeat.

Once again we have a child in a septuagenarian’s body running for president on the GOP ticket. Once again, lies trump the truth. Once again, the nation is torn asunder. Once again, the mainstream media underplays these corrosive episodes and then normalizes Trump because they don’t want to lose access to him in case he actually manages to get reelected.

And America keeps going down a few more notches in eyes of the world.

Expect all of this to get much worse. Trump hates being cooped up in that courtroom and compelled to show up on that schedule. He did not handle Day One well. He is not going to handle subsequent days any better. And you can rest assured that once the jury is picked and the testimony begins, that he will not be able to keep his mouth shut. Ergo, violations of the gag order.

This is MAGA. The “poorly educated” that Trump so “loves” don’t know how things work. So Trump and his spox lie to them and tell them that things are a different way from the way they really are. They gin up the anger and the rage continually. That way the MAGAs open their wallets — or march to Washington to hang Mike Pence, or whatever Trump cues them to do.

Trump is doing some heavy cuing of the MAGA lunatic fringe right now. He wants somebody to mess with the judge. He’s basically begging for that to happen. I trust that Judge Merchan and his family members, particularly his daughter, have had the good sense and foresight to hire protection.

It’s a tragedy that this is necessary. One of the worst tragedies I think I have ever seen in my life was the demonization of that fine man and world class epidemiologist, Anthony Fauci. The man has been transmogrified into a right-wing demon. Lies about him doing everything from “making billions of dollars” to “torturing dogs” have permeated the information eco system. Trump was the sixth United States president that Dr. Fauci served under. He served with honor and distinction. And he was made out to be a monster by an idiot child in an adult’s body, who managed to use his television persona and his inherited wealth as a means to get elected president of our country.

Improbable, yes. Insane? Absolutely. But that’s what happened and the GOP still can’t quit him. They’re on board for their third go round the maypole. And we’re all going around the maypole with him. We’re on this insane merry-go-round that will either eventually stop or maybe it will speed up and lift off its moorings and fly through space, like a UFO, until it crashes.

We don’t know. That’s part of the terror of the ride. We just hang on from day to day.


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  1. It’d be nice if someone were to remind Donald (or any of the junior liars he’s got covering for him) that he could be in the hospital on May 17th after suffering a major coronary so he wouldn’t be able to attend Barron’s graduation.

    Meanwhile, Melania’s sitting there–praying to whatever god is listening–that Donald won’t be able to attend Barron’s graduation. She won’t have to endure sitting by him AND she’ll still get paid (I’d think she’d be smart enough to have already negotiated the fee to spend a couple of hours in Donald’s presence).

    Then again, I doubt Trump even cares about Barron’s graduation. If he weren’t having to deal with the trial, he’d be on the campaign trail on May 17–probably halfway across the country from Barron’s school. (Or, more ironically, two blocks from wherever the graduation ceremony is going on.)

  2. The only one of his children he’s every shown affection for (mostly inappropriately) is Ivanka. Does he spend any time with Barron? I have never seen him holding, touching, kissing or even mentioning his grandchildren. If he can’t f*k it, eat it, con it out of money, he’s not interested.

  3. Whiny is what dingle berry does best. Pity there isn’t a job called whiny little bitch because THAT is a job he could do and do well.

  4. Most defendants listen to their lawyers, even if only lowly public defenders, and do.what they’re told: get a haircut and shave, wear a suit, try to look harmless, don’t glare at the jury and keep.your big, fat trap.shut.
    Don will wear the suit and makeup, but he is incapable of the last 3.


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