Right about now Walt Nauta is either wrestling Donald Trump for the telephone or trying to dodge ketchup bottles as he locks the phone in a cabinet where Trump can’t get it until he cools down. That’s my speculation of how latest developments in the hush money case are being received at Mar-a-Lago now. We’re going to be taking a stroll down memory lane, circa 2016, as the first Trump criminal trial unfolds in New York City.

There were a number of excuses for Donald Trump to explain why he felt the need to pay off Stormy Daniels. Chief among them was to make sure that Melania didn’t find out, but if you listen to this clip where Andrew Weissman goes into detail with Nicolle Wallace on what’s about to be revealed in the trial, you’ll see that that excuse doesn’t hold water. That is going to piss off Donald something fierce. It’s his only “moral” smokescreen and it just got blown to bits.

It’s also intriguing how Trump became the de facto assignment editor for the National Enquirer around about the time he became the same thing for Fox News. Remember Trump’s plea, “Ask Sean Hannity” that then turned into merchandising overnight? It’s more like Sean Hannity was asking Trump, “Is this headline okay, or do you have a better one?” We got the royal shaft in 2016 as a nation and now we’re about to find out play by play how it all occurred.

Television took over the 2016 campaign. It really is as simple as that. The 2016 campaign was a fake news/fake media extravaganza and Hillary was a sitting duck for it all. She campaigned on the issues while she was being undermined at every turn with Trump’s latest lies and/or coverups — not to mention the overt outrages that he got away with, the Hollywood Access pussygate debacle being foremost amongst those.

Trump understands television and media. That is his one skill. He’s an idiot savant of that realm. And so he turned into David Dennison, John Barron, all of his personas from years past and colored the 2016 election with it all.

Meanwhile, CNN and other networks were playing right into it with him, because Trump was an unknown commodity, he was great for ratings. He was a candidate, a clown, and an iconoclast, all rolled into one. As Lindsey Graham remarked, “He was P.T. Barnum, Jesse Helms and Ronald Reagan rolled into one.” (Apologies to Barnum and Reagan.)

It was some show. And so was the shit show that followed it, four interminable years of the country being mismanaged, sold out to Russia, and finally millions of Americans dying from COVID. And now here we are. Trump’s back up to bat in the same game, to see if he can once again score.

Enough is known now about Trump and his domination of the right-wing media that a lot of this is going to stick. Fox News did lose to Dominion to the tune of $787M. That’s a lot of money.

Tomorrow is a trial day. Poor Donald. He’s probably climbing the walls. He’s not used to this level of structured time. He needs to golf and nap. That’s all he’s up for right now. Be that as it may, he’s scheduled by his campaign team to go to North Carolina on Saturday so Lara can beat the drum and raise some much needed cash.

Where is Dr. Feelgood? Trumpty can’t do all this without help. As to the big picture in November, can Trump get elected again? All I can say is this is an old saying come to life: Fool me once, shame on you; Fool me twice, shame on me. If Trump fools America twice, then the shame is on us. May sound trite, definitely is tragic, but it’s true.

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  1. Any democracy that CHOOSES Trump to be president dishonors every service member who suffered and died to establish and maintain this democracy. The children deserve better than these hordes of morally bankrupt adults.

    • Agreed. I didn’t even leave my apartment until a few days after the 2016 election. I needed to get groceries and walked over to the WalMart next to my apt. complex where I bumped into the complex’s manager. Since she comes from a Marine family she wished me a “Belated Happy Birthday (as YOU know and understand Nov 19 is our high holy day) and despite all the people in line with us I blurted out “It didn’t mean a fucking thing in a country that could elect someone like Trump.” She (and everyone else) was startled but she gave me a sad smile.

      I haven’t changed my view. I can’t, knowing the people I’ve known in my life who’ve served and gave so much. My hope is that I still have lots of years left and that before I die our country will have redeemed itself enough I can again feel it was worthy of everyone who’s served. I’m sure you have similar feelings given your own service.

    • My father served in World War II as a bomber pilot. He was shot down over Germany in November 1943 and became a POW until The end of the European theater of war In 1945. While a POW he and six Other American POW signed a document saying that when they return to the United States, they would all volunteer to serve in the Pacific conflict. Who does that? Hero’s do that. I have nothing but respect for the military and the sacrifices they have made for this country. trump calls them POWs and war dead losers. A man who got out of the draft because daddy was able to pay off a doctor. trump is nothing but a total disgrace to this country and democracy. He deserves nothing less than being in jail for the rest of his life for his many crimes with absolutely no access to the internet or news organizations so he can’t spread more lies and fake conspiracy theories. Republicans are complicit in his crimes by Supporting this traitor.

      • LDC…it’s because of heros like your dad that we live with any freedom at all no matter how imperfect life is. Those are MEN who deserve all the respect and adulation our nation should be bestowing on them. I salute your father and you for remembering him and his brothers in arms.


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