We may never know what sparked the midnight ride to Walter Reed. Some people say it was a mini-stroke, other people come up with various theories. But one thing we do know: some form of cognitive exam(s) was administered and this was apparently the intellectual high point of Donald Trump’s life. He was peacocking about a second test, besides, person, woman, man, all that at Mar-a-Lago this weekend.

This puts me in mind of an incident in the first grade. I decided to color a pig lavender and to give a cow chartreuse hooves. I loved it, but believe it or not, I got reprimanded by the teacher. Maybe I could have been the next Salvador Dali had my creative expression not been nipped in the bud. And maybe Donald Trump could have become a leading expert on wildlife, if only people had thought to give him cognitive tests earlier in life. Who knows what doors of perception Trump was capable of opening with the acute mental prowess which he so clearly possesses?

And he’s keeping tabs on his enemies, you will be happy to learn.

His is the intellect to achieve peace in the world. Yassah. Absolutely. Now this is the clip that shows up Trump’s true intellectual status more than anything. This is him reacting to Impeachment 1, the “perfect” phone call with President Zelensky.

A stable genius, to be sure. A great mind. And in all fairness, he is a notable character in one regard: You very seldom will find a 77-year-old with the emotional development of an 8-year-old and the mental development of a 10-year-old. That is fairly rare, but especially in political circles. However, amongst the uber rich, it is not that uncommon. This is what a lifetime of living off daddy’s dime and sitting on gold toilets produces.

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  1. so, someone (a physician) decided Trump needed another cognitive test huh? and a different one this time since we ALL know he had memorized the answers to that first one. huh.

  2. Trump has shown, time and again, NOTHING, that would make him qualified for another stint in our WH, he, in fact continues to show his weaknesses with sleeping in the middle of a court trying to pin him down for his past activities, shows his stupidity in ignoring court ordered GAG’s …

    He has become a non-vocal communicator, with bursts of gibberish and ancient rhetoric, he seems to be in a trance at times, while Biden is dealing with International unrest, wants to solve border problems, but stymied by the GOP on nearly everything he tries to do for you and I, Trump is a mere shadow of a man of power and is becoming a mental midget … this does NOT appear to be man in charge of the military and weapons of mass destruction …

    Much less, unlike Biden who has reduced unemployment, created jobs, and has People that actually know so much more on his Cabinet, and in the White House Staff …

    Trump’s daily routines, well documented, did not start until almost noon, had a bunch of useless, yes men and women around the table, which he required to tell him how well he was running things, before the regular’s meeting started …

    AND, B_T_W, Biden doe not smell like a boat load of dead fish, Auto-Fart Trump does …



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