Today was Day 10 of the Trump hush money trial and everything went wrong for poor Donald. Simply everything. The judge refused to read the sheaf of articles that Trump’s fluffer prints out for him daily and supplies him with. What’s comical is that Donald actually believes that his right-wing sycophants are arguing the law in such a manner that if the judge but knew about it he would 1. recuse himself, 2. declare a mistrial, 3. shit or go blind. That is sincerely how ridiculously ignorant Trump is to think that the ravings of Jonathan Turley or Alan Dershowitz are compelling to anybody other than their Fox News viewers.

So that was the background music today, so to speak. Trump attempting to get a fair shake. Then after court he erroneously announced that he fully intended to testify at trial (wrong) but that he was precluded from doing so by the gag order in place. (Also wrong.) But again, the Foxies will lap it up and that, he believes, hopes in any event, will be enough.

But a couple of other things happened today which cannot be so blithely swept under the rug. These are things that will live with Trump forever. First, there was an audio tape which was played for the jury. You can hit that link and it will take you to the New York Times version of the tape, which has some commentary spliced into it. This is Trump’s voice and as you can tell, even the sketch artist was able to capture Trump’s horror at this being introduced into evidence. Probably the best line in it was, “Only mobsters use cash.” Thank you, Michael Cohen.

And Michael Cohen was the author of yet another great moment today, which Donald Trump will never live down. That is the introduction (by Trump’s lawyer, Todd Blanche, who may indeed be on his way out the door) of the Vonshitzenpants statement. Two clips explain that.

I’m sure you remember when Cohen got it started and now you have seen it entered into the official court record. And this is the same day that Trump said he “wasn’t sleeping, I’m just resting my beautiful blue eyes.” We hope you get lots of beauty rest, God knows you need it.

It’s been quite the day for Trump with those two pieces. And make no mistake, he dug himself a real hole today when he said that he wasn’t able to testify. He most definitely is.

Well, I’m not allowed to testify. I’m under a gag order. I guess, right? I can’t even testify at all. No, we’re gonna be appealing the gag order. Answer that question. It’s a very easy question. The easiest question so far. But, uh, testify, because this judge, who’s totally conflicted, has me under an unconstitutional gag order.

Nobody’s ever had that before. And we don’t like it, and it’s not fair. Other people are allowed to do whatever they want to us, and I’m not allowed as a presidential candidate. The leading candidate, the Republican Party, who’s leading Biden by a lot, I’m not, uh, there’s never been any abuse like this before.

This conflicted judge ought to get out of this case. He shouldn’t be, he should not be having this case. He gives us nothing. It’s such a rigged court. So I’m not allowed to testify because of an unconstitutional gag order. We’re appealing the gag order. Let’s see what happens.

That’s a transcript of Trump’s words outside court in the afternoon. It’s assumed that when and if Trump appeals the decision of this court that he will argue that the judge was biased and that the gag order was unfair. Good luck with that.

What I find intriguing is that of the four criminal trials Trump is a defendant in, the hush money case was evaluated as being the least of the four. And perhaps that is still the case. But it is damaging nevertheless. All eyes are on this trial and so far the public has seen a few very interesting things:

  1. A pattern of Trump knowingly planning things that were illegal;
  2. His motivation being to save himself and the election, not family considerations;
  3. No family support. Eric Trump dropped by on Tuesday, did not return on Thursday. Who knows what that’s about?
  4. Trump’s obvious theatricality. When the trial began on the 15th, Trump was livid that he couldn’t attend Barron’s graduation (which was never the case.) Now he has permission to attend.

All these things add up and form a damning whole. Trump will meet with wealthy Republican donors in Palm Beach this weekend. I wonder what tale he will tell them about how everything will be simply fine and he’s a shoo in back to the White House?

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  1. He’s trying to find an excuse for not testifying, which is why he said the gag order prevented it at his presser. Apparently he looked over at Blanche for confirmation and Blanche nodded. Ben Meiselas thinks he may also be trying to set up a basis for appeal. Will trump fire Blanche and demand a mistrial based on inadequate legal representation?

    The only thing more enjoyable than watching a drowning man clutching at straws would be Habba in the courtroom throwing them to him.

    • Are con, xtian, magats so stupid as to believe any gag order, any at all, prevents a person from testifying on their own behalf? I try not to underestimate their stupidity but honestly this one I cannot wrap my head around.

  2. Jimmy Kimmel said it best, the Judge will pause the court proceedings so that Trump can attend Barron’s graduation. The bad news is, now Trump has to attend Barron’s graduation.
    Hopefully the auditorium won’t be freezing cold. Maybe we’ll get pictures of him falling asleep.

    • Barron is the only member of that crime family th a at I feel any sympathy for. He didn’t choose born a Trump. I hope he gets into a good college, keeps a low profile, gets a degree in STEM and becomes a career academic who takes a hugely liberal.stand on global warning. Daddy Dearest won’t live forever and he is entitled to split whatever’s of Dad’s estate with his 4 siblings, after Melania takes her cut if she doesn’t divorce him and take the prenuptial money and run. If she stays married till he croaks, under FL law she gets a choice between the amount he leaves her in the will or 30% of the estate excluding any real estate they own jointly (probably nothing).

  3. Nobody else would be under a gag order for one simple reason:

    They had enough brains NOT to verbally attack the judge, witnesses, lawyers, the Attorney General, (and their families).

    There was an old saying back when I played rugby “Unless you want an early shower, thou shalt not p*$$ off the referee” and that applies in this case

  4. Thanks to SCOTUS we have told our youth, “ if you commit a crime, you can get off by getting a lawyer and delay delay delay. Young people are watching this man get away with everything he has done including actual treason, and he continues his sick dance across America.


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