When your enemy is talking his way into a fight, SHUT UP!

I swear to God, the GOP, especially the GOP House could f*ck up a one car funeral. They have literally nothing to campaign on going into the general election, and they’ve spent the last 18 months holding a series of sham committee hearings so embarrassing they finally cut them out. Their grand master plan? Hold more sham hearings on a subject they know less about than any of the other ones. I wonder how that one will turn out.

For the last two weeks, the #2 news story, behind the Traitor Tot trial has been the college protests over the Israeli atrocities in Gaza. And as I wrote recently, if Biden and the Democrats don’t watch their collective asses, the Israel-HAMAS war could easily turn into President Biden’s political Vietnam. Biden’s poll numbers are dropping with the 18-29 crowd causing the staid Bernie Sanders to issue a public warning to the President, and some of the university and police tactics in ending the protests are stirring memories of 1968.

And with the GOP having nothing to run on, the GOP, especially the mental midgets like Lauren Boebert in the House think they’ve finally found their cause celebre to ride over the finish line in November. A handful of them are showing up on college campuses, trying to decry the rising tide of anti Semitism on college campuses, and the violence of the protesters. Conveniently ignoring the fact that other than the protest at UCLA, there have been almost no violent confrontations, even when the police were involved.

Here’s the real problem. The GOP doesn’t get these protests, and not just the physical acts themselves, but the basic concept of peaceful protests. And they never have, going all the way back to 1968. Under Nixon, and forever going forward, the GOP has been the law and order party, the ones supporting the cops out there cracking unarmed protester heads. Yes, the Vietnam wart cost the Democrats in 1968, but the kids didn’t vote for Nixon, they simply didn’t vote for a terrible Democratic candidate. Meanwhile older white Americans disgusted by the long haired hippies showed up in hordes to vote for Nixon.

Here’s what the GOP just can’t seem to comprehend. The Democrats have a big tent party, and these kinds of thing happen when you’re trying to please everybody. But the simple fact is that this is not a political advantage for the GOP, what it is is a political disadvantage for the Democrats.  And no matter what the GOP does, it will be solved by the Democrats. These are not people who are not going to vote for the GOP no matter what. Question is, will they vote for the Democrats.

Biden is doing what he can. He has come out in support of free speech and peaceful protest, but against violence, vandalism and threatening speech. But the simple fact is that the Democrats have the edge here. Simply because they get the goals and activities of the college protesters. Hell, they’ve been activating peaceful college unrest since the Civil Rights era. They have historically had the protesters backs, and at least know how to talk to and reason with them.

The GOP doesn’t know what the f*ck they’re talking about when it comes to college protests, and never had. Their attitude has always been lock the ungrateful little bastards up! And now they’re going to hold another endless series of sham congressional hearings on the increase of anti Semitism on college campuses. Conveniently ignoring the fact that the reason for the college protests is the Israeli war crimes in Gaza, and not anti Semitism, on college campuses or elsewhere. And the kids won’t even give them the time of day.

But it does give the Democrats an opening. What’s the old saying? The Squeaky wheel gets oiled. And these stupid GOP committees are going to squeak like the door in a horror movie. And while the Democrats are mending bridges with the 18-29 year old base reminding them of Biden’s record investment in climate change and green energy, his support for abortion rights, and his ever continuing efforts to trim student loan debt, the Democrats can point out that the GOP presidential candidate wants to support states monitoring women’s menstrual cycles, build WWII style internment camps to deport 11 million undocumented immigrants, roll back pollution rules, and use the Insurrection Act to turn federal army troops with loaded weapons loose on peaceful protesters like themselves.

The GOP just doesn’t understand that US colleges and universities are by their nature the home of critical free thought, and peaceful debate and protest. This lame bullsh*t isn’t going to impress college students, especially when you remind them of their walkouts in support of the students anti gun movement, and Trump’s desire to use the National Guard on peaceful BLM protesters. Simple hint for the GOP. If you don’t have a dog in the fight, don’t bet.

I thank you for the privilege of your time.

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  1. I don’t support either side……the IDF and government learned genocide from the masters, and they learned it quite well……but still genocide is a war crime just as it was in the 1930s and 40s.

    Hamas is a terrorist organization…..murdering or kidnapping innocent non-combatants like women, children and the elderly……a repulsive and cowardly act.

    My sympathies lie with the peaceful citizens of Israel and Palestine, who only want to be left unmolested by the above mentioned entities.

    I do not dislike Jews or Arabs……..I just refuse to support war criminals or terrorists.

  2. “The GOP doesn’t get these protests, and not just the physical acts themselves, but the basic concept of peaceful protests. And they never have, going all the way back to 1968. Under Nixon, and forever going forward, the GOP has been the law and order party, the ones supporting the cops out there cracking unarmed protester heads. Yes, the Vietnam wart cost the Democrats in 1968, but the kids didn’t vote for Nixon, they simply didn’t vote for a terrible Democratic candidate. Meanwhile older white Americans disgusted by the long haired hippies showed up in hordes to vote for Nixon.”

    Murf, I think you’re forgetting that the “kids” COULDN’T vote. Most of the protestors were in the 18-25 range but only those OVER 21 could vote in 1968. The politicians didn’t care about the 18-21 group (and, then ironically, Nixon got an equal share of that age group’s vote in 1972, even those most pundits–and party leaders on both sides–assumed they would vote overwhelmingly for the Democrats).

  3. President Biden is between a rock and a hard place and not supporting Israel which at this moment equates Israel to Bibi, would lose him the election. There are millions of us Jews in this country and should he decide to back away from Israel we will stay home. He will not win the election without us. We don’t like what Bibi is doing but we loathe hamas-you do the math.

    Now, Bibi KNOWS this. He is taking his time finishing this f*cking thing just so Israel is in the minds of those who are against what he is doing. He can count votes a whole lot better than any con, xtian, pube-he knows President Biden can lose the election over this thing. Bibi WANTS that. Bibi, for whatever dumb-ass reason, wants trump not realizing that trump is not a stable leader (well, not a leader at all) who will for the most asinine reason turn against allies. When a trump administration comes into power again the xtian theocracy follows. When a theocracy is installed in this country it is game over for Jews. See, con xtians only want Jews to be in Israel and more to the point they believe only a certain amount of Jews fulfills some asininity from their new testament jeebus book. They do not like Jews and when this country becomes a theocracy any support to Israel will be, at best, minimal. Since Jews will NOT become xtian even that minimal support will evaporate.

    Is there any answer to this that won’t cause President Biden to lose too many votes to win in November? I can’t see one. There is no win here or in Israel. Support President Biden and Bibi continues to get rid of hamas. Don’t support him and the u.s. becomes the united states of the xtian taliban. It’s a lose/lose situation. Bibi knows this but stupidly thinks a u.s. theocratic state will continue to support Israel and he could not be more wrong. I used to live in the south-I heard the sewage from evang mouths almost daily and their “support” for Jews has the depth of a puddle of spit.

    None of this helps President Biden so I’d say our nation is well and truly f*cked. None of this helps Bibi either so he too is f*cked–there is that silver lining I guess.

    • You’ve presented a dilemma for sure!
      “There are millions of us Jews in this country and should he decide to back away from Israel we will stay home”
      Really? You’re willing to live the rest of your life under the wannabe dictator? (Palestinian Americans are also making the same threat)
      Clearly you’re *not* since you also wrote: “When a trump administration comes into power again the xtian theocracy follows. When a theocracy is installed in this country it is game over for Jews”
      You (and, if you’re speaking for *all* Jews, all Jews) are in the same difficult position Biden’s in. So are Palestinian Americans.

      Am I alone in believing that hating Netanyahu’s actions DOES NOT EQUAL anti-semitism?Supporting Palestinians DOES NOT EQUAL supporting Hamas? Humans need support wherever they are – especially if their governments are committed to genocide!

      Is it not possible to detest what a nation’s leader is doing without condemning an entire population or culture?

      All Palestinians are not Hamas and all Jews are not Netanyahu.

      All Americans do not love Trump (or Biden or Santos or Sanders) Although it’s true – we truly are a nation of stupid! There were those who stopped drinking Corona beer during the Corona virus outbreak, after all. And we’ve clearly learned nothing from the internment of Japanese Americans during WWll and every humanitarian ill that preceded.

      Please don’t stay home. (that’s how we got the criminal in chief in the first place)

    • “When a trump administration comes into power again the xtian theocracy follows. When a theocracy is installed in this country it is game over for Jews. See, con xtians only want Jews to be in Israel and more to the point they believe only a certain amount of Jews fulfills some asininity from their new testament jeebus book.”
      You actually think Netanyahu cares about any of this? Hint: he doesn’t.

      “They do not like Jews and when this country becomes a theocracy any support to Israel will be, at best, minimal.”
      Right, the xian maniacs don’t like Jews, and very few Jews like Netanyahu, so when this country becomes a theocracy these maniacs will support Netanyahu even more than they do now, because there will be nothing to stop them.


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